Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Hockey Anyone??? - Another FREE Silhouette cutting file for YOU!

I had a friend ask me to make a card for her nephew who is a big hockey fan so I put my thinker on to make a custom card for him.  I always like to include a person’s name on a card if I am able because I think, and especially for kids - though I get great feedback from adults too, that it makes one feel really special.  It shows that someone thought just of YOU when they picked out or asked for a custom card. 

Here is what I came up with:



Cutting file - Hockey Card by Barb Derksen (ya, me *grin*)


designer paper - wood print (not sure who this was by, t’was a scrap.

Stamps: chevron - American Crafts Collection - Jared

               Happy Birthday - Studio G

Embossing powder



gelly-roll marker - clear star


I’ll explain how I made this card and give you a few options on how you can achieve the same thing.  This is a 4.25 x 5.5 inch card (1/2 sheet letter size cardstock)  I cut the background gray designer paper, glued it town.  I cut the woodgrain cardstock using my Silhouette Cameo. Now if you don’t have any woodgrain paper or you are doing a mass of these, you might consider buying some Contact vinyl (in your local hardware or dollar store - the stuff you line your cupboards with) It comes in a nice woodgrain.  So you cover some plain cardstock with that then cut it on your Silhouette machine using the cardstock setting.  (3 on the blade setting) 


Once you have it cut out then you take a white ribbon and wrap it around the stick.  Glue this to your card.

Stamp the Happy Birthday and the chevrons onto your card, emboss. 


Next, cut your puck.  You may choose to use vinyl stuck to cardstock again (which I did) or you might just use black cardstock and you might choose to emboss that cardstock… or not.  Glue the pieces together.  I provide two different size ovals for the top - you can experiment as to which works best.   If you are going to personalize it this is a good time, I used a nice shiny silver vinyl for this. I drew a little Gelly Roller Clear Star pen, though a gel pen in silver would do the trick too. 


Enjoy this FREE cutting file for your personal use and please won’t you PINterest me, Tweet me or Facebook me as a way of thanks? 

Holidays in your HEART!


Graphic: courtesy Graphics Fairy


Just a little thought for the day -

As you are preparing for the holidays … as its a busy time and its easy to become overwhelmed, even irritated or annoyed - STOP for a moment and consider the very thing that’s affecting you.  I’m suggesting you take that very thing and think!

It may be interpreted as something very very small in the BIG picture.  For example, if I found out something I ordered for a gift was unavailable or late, I could be upset, but if I turn that around I might be so thankful I can afford to order something.  Or, if I should be faced with too many invitations out with family and friends over the holidays… why, I should be ashamed, for what a JOY to have friends and family to do special things with. 

This is a little reminder to live in the moment - don’t let anything snatch away the gladness of being just where you are, right now

Remember, there is always someone worse off than you. 

James 1:26-27

The Message (MSG)

Anyone who sets himself up as “religious” by talking a good game is self-deceived. This kind of religion is hot air and only hot air. Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world.

Don’t allow your perception to be skewed.  Safeguard your heart and remember that its far better to give than receive.  If you find yourself becoming a little ‘brittle’ in all the kafuffle … DO SOMETHING NICE for someone.  Do something ridiculously generous.  Totally random.  You won’t believe just how liberating that is, and it is guaranteed to get your holiday heart back on track. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm not able to download the hockey stick file. Do you have it in a jpeg or png file that you'd be able to send to me?


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