Monday, December 30, 2013

FREE football .studio Cutting File

I am rushing rushing to bring you at least one more free cutting file this year.  I had made another custom card for a friend and she requested it be a football theme.  So voila!  This file is sized to fit nicely on a landscape quarter-fold card (5 1/2 x 4 1/4 inch) 



Football Cutting File - Barb Derksen

Cardstock - white, brown

shoelace or white ribbon or twine

Embossing Folder - Cuttlebug (optional)


I cut the football pieces on my Silhouette Cameo.  I glued them on at the areas you see in the picture.  Once it was dried completely I ran the football through this pebbly look Cuttlebug embossing folder.  Next, I threaded some cord through the holes.  I used this football as an element to make this card a “wobbler” (click to read a past post on wobblers) but you might simply have it secured and stand out by using foam tape to raise it up over the card.  I hope you enjoy this file for your personal use projects. 


Will you consider PINteresting my post, facebooking or twittering me please?  Thank you huge!




Let go of the old,

Reach out for the new,

For the past is cold,

And the future is due;


Each year holds memories,

Some happy - some sad,

We must treasure the good,

Let go of the bad;


Make the most of each day,

At work and at play,

For the old year is history,

The future - a mystery


~ Phyllis Ellison



As another year comes to a close I want to encourage you.  Think big picture.  Live in “real-time”.  Life is such a precious gift and is where we work out our unique purpose and plan God intended for us.  Trust in this. 

You might think your days and ways “ordinary” but God often does extraordinary works through the most ordinary of persons.  Don’t self-doubt, for we can easily get stuck in the inertia of this.

Do good things.  Be love in action, there is never a shortage of ways you can make a positive impact wherever you are. It takes so very little.  A kind deed, a helping hand, a random act, a phone call, a letter, be a shoulder, an ear. The  more action you have of doing good, the less time you dwell on your own problems - and seriously, some will simply fade away.  In light of the needs of others we often realize how truly blessed our lives are.  Perspective is good for the heart and soul.

Listen twice as much as you talk.  Turn off your cellphone when you’re with people if at all possible.  Notice details.  Put yourself second to the person you are with.  Love others with all your heart and it will come back to you.  Pure love is irresistible.

Let go of the past.  Burn it, crush it.  It is not recyclable and there are no “do-overs”.  The past is for learning.  What worked, what didn’t.  You learned your tongue can get you in trouble.  You learned your tongue also could build someone up.  Your tongue betrayed you, and it also made a good difference in other situations.  Take all the regrets and turn them into “what not to do’s”.  Practice.  It takes practice and…

Embrace your imperfection.  You were created to be imperfect.  Don’t waste even one of your numbered days trying to become perfect - it will never happen.  Do your best, then rest.  Imperfection keeps us humble.  Imperfection teaches us.  Even the one who created us allowed His son to be born into an imperfect human body so that we know He knows each and every thing we go through. 

Extend grace, peace and love to others.  Love them without reservation.  If you don’t understand someone, at least respect them.  When you respect someone else’s point of view you allow yourself to consider new things - ways you may not have considered.  Remember, its so easy to look into someone else’s life and make assumptions. Care enough to check them out.

True changes of heart can only be inspired through love.

Don’t expect others to do the footwork for you - as my friend Kayla puts it BE the change!  Your example can inspire!  

And though this post is geared in the thought of a coming New Year, remember, God’s grace is new each and every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23) so its never too late to start a “New Year”.  We will all fall, but we keep getting up!

Thank you so much for visiting my blog over the years and for taking a moment out of your busy life to leave me comments etc.  YOU have had a positive impact on me. 


  1. Thank you so much for the football...might have to give it a try .
    Barb I want to thank you for the encouragement the love and the sharing ...praying the very best for you and your man this 2014.
    Chat to you soon .


  2. Happy New Year Mrs. M ... good post!


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