Thursday, July 19, 2012

My Latest Greeting Card - Mojo Monday Challenge #250

I decided to jump in on the fun and create a card for Mojo Monday.  I’ve missed a few lately and though this was a complex sketch I discovered I really was “up for the challenge” Here’s this week’s sketch:


And here is how I interpreted it (with a few liberties I took with changing the shapes of some of the elements)



Designer Paper - by Sarah Milne

Stamps - Studio G



I actually pulled this crochet flower off a pair of jeans I’d bought at the thrift store for 50 cents.  They had pretty flowers like this in several places but the jeans looked a bit juvenile on me so I picked the flowers off and they make perfect accents.  I have another project for the jean material!  I added this gem in the center to finish the card off. 

Won’t you come join the Mojo Monday challenge too?

In case you arrive here and can only view this post, you may want to visit yesterday’s post to catch that latest freebie and a super simple and delicious recipe for “Cherry Pops”

(psssst - a new freebie coming up in the next day or two!)


  1. Good morning again Barb:)
    What a COOL idea to pull the crocheted flower off of a pair of jeans. Love the way you re-purpose found items.:)LOVE your card too. I's been a while since I saw a Monday Mojo card from you...but hasn't been as long for you as it has for me.:)I have a lot on my plate right now..KWIM?
    Gonna check out your recipe tab now.Love that idea too.:)

    Enjoy your day my friend!!


  2. Hello Barb, I just had to pop in to say this is a beautiful card. The way you laid it all out and embellished it with that lovely crocheted flower makes it eye delicious.


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