Thursday, July 26, 2012

Merry Monday Challenge

I had a wonderful day (I could also use the words blissful, fabulous, exciting, groovy, moving, joyful, sweet and on and on) yesterday visiting family and craft shopping.  Ok, family definitely makes the top of the list, craft shopping second, but mix the two and hola hola you pretty much put duct tape on my mouth and nail my feet to the ground!  Had a nice lunch with my sister, our daughter and my brother and my sister in law!

We shopped at a couple of stores in Kelowna, Ever After and then Memories and More.  Both stores are impressive and each offer something slightly different.  I bought many necessary supplies and a few new items to try out but I have to admit the one thing that was really satisfying was finding the square strip to fit my Fiskars Rotary cutter at Ever After.  My last one was over used and warped and I was unable to get a nice clean and straight cut.  At Ever After I happened to ask if there were strips for sale and not only did she have a strip, she actually has some cut custom and special out of graphite!  Turns out the Fiskars rotary cutter is her favourite but she had been unhappy with the strips as well.  She wound up experimenting with different materials until she hit on the graphite.  Its wonderful, I’m noticing a total difference already.  Good functional supplies are the bedrock of good card making!

As I always toss some Festive themed papers in my basket (because last year I didn’t buy nearly enough and its not like our small town has any place to run out to at the last moment) I was eager to play with a Christmassy theme.  Nina suggested we try our hand at a Merry Monday Card.

I chose:

Here’s my (oh so FUN!) take:


I used:

Designer Paper:  Dots and Stripes by Echo Park

Stamps:               Stamps of Life - Owls to owls2love

Elements:             Hat - I cut this freehand

                             wHO - I designed these in my Silhouette SD software and used the sketch pens to draw the wordart out. 

                              Pearls - Crystal Stickers



The fluff for the hat trim is a cleverness from Nina who pulled the end off a QTip and stretched it out.


I love the little popped out eyes! 

Hey, what are YOU doing this week - still time to get in on the Merry Monday Challenge fun!

Last minute note: 

Visit KELLY!

I just visited Krafting Kelly’s blog site and she has a FREE .studio file to make your own paper CD cases!  Gotta love this, especially nice it will fit on my Silhouette SD as well as the Cameo - thanks Kelly!

Blogger Labels: Merry,Challenge,words,duct,daughter,stores,Kelowna,Memories,Both,items,Fiskars,Rotary,cutter,strips,sale,custom,difference,bedrock,card,Festive,papers,basket,moment,Christmassy,theme,Nina,Here,Designer,Paper,Echo,Park,Life,Owls,Elements,freehand,Silhouette,Pearls,Crystal,QTip,Last,Visit,FREE,studio,cases,Gotta,Cameo,feet,Stripes,Stickers,hola,sister,graphite


  1. If this isn't the cutest card, Barb! I'm so glad you shared it with us at Merry Monday! Thanks too for visiting my blog and leaving the sweet comment. There'll be a new sketch on Merry Monday next week. I hope you join us again.

  2. it was an awesome time glad we all could get together. Love the card maybe I should try Merry Monday ...thank you girls for some hints and time loved it.

    Have a great day ....


  3. Aww..Barb! So happy to read about your time with family.Shopping at craft stores and then crafting with them is a true highlight of your time with them I am sure.:)
    I LOVE your card and I too love the popped up eyes.:)What a clever idea from Nina about the QTip!! Thanks for sharing.:)
    Thanks for the link to Kelly's to get the cutting file. We can ALL prolly use the CD covers.:)


  4. Such cute cards! I'd love to get my Christmas cards done now and cross that off my holiday to-do list, but knowing me I'll save it until mid-December as usual. :) Thanks for linking my CD case!

  5. You've created such a cute Christmas card - thanks for sharing it with us at Merry Monday!

  6. Your card is fantastic Barb, the owl is so cute. I love your creative ideas, and I am so happy that you joined us for Merry Monday this week. The family visit was the best and craft shopping together always makes my day. Hugs.


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