Monday, June 11, 2012


My Gramma and her sister Margaret (my Godmother) used to make the sweetest clown dolls.  Sadly, both Gramma and Aunt Margaret live on through their little creations.  I have a small doll made by Gramma, actually one of her “Red Riding Hood” dolls but somehow I missed having a clown doll.  Probably gave it away at some point, you know how that happens.  There’s a nice photo of some of Gramma’s dolls on my sister in law Judy’s blog which you can check out (click on the word Judy) 

I was at the flea market with my mother in law a few weeks ago and stumbled across this little orphan:


I’m pretty sure this is one made by Aunt Margaret because the wool “hair” does not go all the way across the forehead - Gramma’s usually did. 


My but the face on this poor little clown!  I suppose it’s the same theory which goes with a good book - the more worn the more loved and interesting it must have been.  These dolls are not the sort one sits on the dresser and simply looks at.  These dolls were built with leatherette material shoes with elastic loops and the hands had mitts with velcro inviting children to wrap the arms around their necks and slip the shoes over thier own and DANCE! 

Gramma and Auntie were well ahead of their time, they would have been huge on Etsy.

Anyways, I could not help but rescue this doll, without even knowing if the stains could come out of the face.  I put her in the washing machine with some OXI CLEAN (no they did not pay me to say this) which my sister Nina had recommended to me for other stain issues. 


She came out all clean and happy…


And has a place of honour on a chair and just waiting for a little people visitor to enjoy and bring fond memories of my Gramma and Aunt Margaret. 

A little inspiration for the day:


Be hopeful, friend, when clouds are dark and days are gloomy, dreary,

Be hopeful even when the heart is sick and sad and weary.

Be hopeful when it seems your plans are all opposed and thwarted;

Go not upon life’s battlefield despondent and fainthearted.

And, friends, be hopeful of yourself.  Do bygone follies haunt you?

Forget them and begin afresh.  And let no hindrance daunt you.

Though unimportant your career may seem as you begin it,

Press on, for victory’s ahead.  Be hopeful, friend, and win it.

~ Strickland Gillian


  1. What a neat story! I can't believe you found your aunt's doll. And it cleaned up so beautifully. That's amazing!

    Love the poem! Hope you are doing well my friend!

  2. I should take picture of my little dolls, I think I have about 6. Large and small, I danced for hrs with my dolls and sadly the elastic bottoms are a little stretched. I don't have any from Aunt M, but all from Gram. I too have a Riding Hood and I think Goldielocks and the tree bears. Ahh the memories. So glad that Oxy Clean work well for you :).

  3. what a sweet found ...yes the dolls my sit in the front room to ...memories. Thanks for sharing ...hope your visit was relaxing and awesome. Have a great week.


  4. Wow! How loverly that you were able to make this rescue! What great seamstresses - so very creative. It runs in the family!

  5. Good morning Barb.:)
    I can just imagine you getting all excited with your new doll.How FUN to find something that brings back such pleasant memories!!LOVE your description of it.:)
    Your cleaning job worked wonders!! I need to get me some of that Oxi Clean.:)Thanks for sharing that info with me!
    I LOVE the poem you chose.Thanks for sharing ...we can all use encouragement.:)

    One of my favorite verses these days is ...Romans 8:25
    But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.

    Have a FANTASTIC day my friend!!



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