Thursday, June 14, 2012

Great Grad Cards - a FREE .studio cut file for YOU!

My husband is an instructor (for some reason he prefers this title rather than “teacher”) and so I’m always asked to make some graduation cards for his students.  Its an especial time at because it is an adult learning situation and many of the students are … grandparents!  Really! 

I find myself wanting to make a completely unique card when requested - and that nice for YOU because I love to give my files away.  Here are the three cards I made and a tutorial on how to make the tassel for the Grad hat and I’ll link to the download for the zipped folder of .studio files as well.  (I’ll also put a copy under the .studio TAB up top of the blog so you can always come retrieve or re-download should you lose them!)


Grad Hat Card 1_Barb Derksen

I created this first card to be “letter” envelope size so that I would be sure to have an envelope ready.  I don’t recall the designer paper for this one, you could almost get away using a piece of foolscap?  The butterfly and flourish stamp is from Inkadinkadoo.  


Grad Hat Card 3_Barb Derksen

I have been admiring some super simple cards lately and decided to try one for myself.


Grad Hat Card 2_Barb Derksen

I added a little diploma roll onto this one, it would be so easy to make! 


Here is the tutorial for how to make the hat:










Grad Hat Card 3_Barb Derksen



(word art and dated hat file included)

I would love to see what you make using my files - why not leave a comment here or email me (email address is in my terms of use in the zipped folder)

♥  ♥  ♥

I’ll end with a few photos I’ve taken and a few beautiful words:


Never lose and opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting - a wayside sacrament.  Welcome it in every fair face, in every fair sky, in every flower, and thank God for it as a cup of blessing.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


There are two worlds; the world that we can measure with line and rule, and the world that we feel with our hearts and imagination.

~Leigh Hunt



We are living in a world of beauty but how few of us open our eyes to see it!  What a different place this would be if our senses were trained to see and hear!  We are the heirs of wonderful treasures from the past: treasures of literature and of the arts.  They are ours for the asking - all our own to have and to enjoy, if only we desire them enough.

~Lorado Taft


  1. The photos are stunning sis, you have an eye for beauty. Love all your grad cards, the recipients will be so pleased.

  2. Thank you Barbara, this year we don't have any graduates but this is a nice file to have on hand. Again, you have been so generous to not only share the cutting files but, a terrific tutorial as well.

    God bless you

  3. wow love the grad cards ...I am going to have try that tassle lesson out. Love your photos ...thank you for sharing.

    and lots of Love

  4. Whenever I need a shot of nature or your sharing spirit I love to visit your blog and see what you have been up to. There is always something that makes me smile.

  5. Love your pictures and love the grad hat with the tutorial! Too bad I don't know any graduates at the moment--I'm not quite in that zone right now--but I'll save it for the right occasion. :)

  6. Good morning Barb.:)
    WOW..I can't believe how much you have accomplished since I was here last.:) I LOVE your cards!!! So COOOL!!

    Your pics are GORGEOUS!!! Hope you get your sunglasses back.;)

    THANK YOU sooo much for sharing your cutting designs with me.I too like to have a pic and instructions to go along with the files.You make it so much easier for us by putting the tuts in with the file.:)


  7. This is just what I needed! I am attending at grade 8 graduation this evening and wanted to make a card for the special graduate that I will be celebrating.

    Thank you for so generously sharing your cutting file!

    Much appreciation :)

  8. What a cute graduation hat and so kind of you to share. Thank you!


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