Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Word Art Wednesday #17


Hi everyone and thanks for visiting me and for taking part in our Word Art Wednesday Scripture challenge.  My month as guest designer here has been absolutely amazing though I confess I’ve felt a bit “stretched” because I’m also going to school, fully involved with my church (http://osoyooschurch.ca) - helping host Sunday fellowship luncheons and hosting children’s church… honestly, sometimes at the very same time.  I look at that as kind of when Mom was cooking a meal but helping me with homework.  Sometimes us women have invisible extra sets of arms to go with those eyes in the backs of our heads right?  We do what needs to be done and somehow the Lord enables us.  I look back and go “HOW did I do that??? “  Well, the Lord is how! 

I also, to top it all off, am helping open a new store in our town.  It is called Indie Lulu Living and its going to be amaaaazing, thats all that I can say.  Here are some snippets you might see when you come on Saturday for our opening:







Ahhh - I’m going to leave the rest to tempt you.  You’ll just have to come see - or wait until I post more photos after our opening. 

So, onto this week’s card.  We were given Psalm 9:1-2 and it is such an encouraging Psalm because it causes me to know that EVERY good thing comes from the Lord. 

I will not be able to add much here as it’s late - I just returned from a birthday party and I still have the store opening  with many requests on my time.  Can you please pray for me and for my friend’s who have worked very hard to put this together?  Thanks so much, I am so grateful I can count on your prayers. 



Believe it or not, this “designer paper” is really a wallpaper sample.  I bought some sheets of it while shopping with my sister in law Judy when she came to visit.  I split it with her.  I think it makes a fabulous masculine looking card and its nicely textured.  The stamp in the corner of the word art is a Studio G.

Thank you to Word Art Wednesday for asking me to be Guest Designer for February, I really appreciated the time with you “behind the scenes”  You are all a talented and lovely bunch.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Toot-Tooting, Krafting Kelly created using my Sketch Pen design & a FREE design for YOU!


I “fibbed” to Kelly - told her I would blog yesterday which turned out to be impossible.  Ah well, better late than never in this instance.  I’ve been absolutely itching to post but I’m helping open up a store (really!!) and that takes a lot of time and effort.  The new store is Indie-Lulu Living and we’re bringing in new items every day - everything from high end urban design furniture to luxurious Turkish towels (no nap) all the way to vintage, jewellery  and hand craft.  Osoyoos has never seen the like.  Stay tuned!

Now, I’m so excited to show you what Kelly (over at Finding Time to Create) made using my Silhouette Sketch Pen Illustration files.  You can get these files she used here on my blog - just look under the Free Silhouette Studio files tab, up top above this blog post.  Scroll down and you will find them. 

Here is what Kelly made:

Isn’t this TOO SWEET for words?  I am absolutely in awe!  I love the colors she chose and the box is such a clever idea.  I can’t wait to make some of these myself.  Thank you Kelly! 

Kelly has more information and links for the download for the box as well so GO VISIT!

After seeing her gorgeous creations I had an immediate hankering to make another custom card and chose to design another cut and sketch file for YOU!

I received an order for a custom card (a husband for his wife and he’s given me free-range to design whatever I wished - no specific occasion - just a card that says he’s thinking of her)  I saw a card design like this recently for Valentines only it had a series of hearts and one of them was colored.  I chose the circles and put a flower to represent the “color my world” part. 

This file is for an additional face to affix to your card base (separate from your actual card base)


Really, you could use so many different things to represent the “color” item - could be a heart, flower, bright button, sticker, rainbow etc.  I cannot provide the flower cut because I bought it from the Silhouette Store and just put a hole in the middle of each, affixed it together with a brad and topped it off with a gem.  




I created the word art (its not so easy designing words, trust me) in my Silhouette Designer Edition software and I used a silver sketch pen to have my machine “draw” it for me.  You can purchase the sketch pens here. I confess mine had sat in a drawer for quite a while but now I’m thinking and thinking and THINKING of more projects.  Can someone give me a few more hours in my day please?

I have created the files for YOU to make your own card - the face is cut extra and then the backing area behind the circle cuts. I also created a set of wording that you can just cut out if you don’t want to sketch the sentiment.   If you’re new to cutting and sketching in the same design its a bit tricky but once you’ve done it a time or two you’ll catch on.  I don’t even know if I do it correctly but I wind up doing some “deleting” of parts of the file and then using the undo, switching the blade to the pen when I need sketching done.  One day when I have the time (buahahahaha!) I will even make a tutorial…

I hope you enjoy and, like Kelly, show and tell to me what your cards look like?  I’d love to feature you here to inspire others!   This card is a standard 5.5 x 4.25 size.  I used black cardstock.  Simple, tasteful and really makes a point. 

I will place a set of this card under the tab for Studio files up top of this post so you can always find it in the future should you (like me) lose your copy due to a computer crash or something.  Please do not directly share my files, have friends come to directly download.  This increases traffic to my blog which does not earn me money but makes me happy (specially when I get comment love) 

I just want to leave off with an encouragement for you.  In my busy days I’m finding contentment - really.  I know it sounds strange but its true.  I spend some quiet time as I wake up and I give my big fat “to do” list to the Lord and then I rest in this knowing I will not get everything on my list done but I can be assured I get done what needs to be done.  I found the following quote which sums it up:


Banish the future;

live only for the hour and its allotted work.

Think not of the amount to be accomplished,

the difficulties to be overcome,

but set earnestly at the little task at your elbow,

letting that be sufficient for the day;

for surely our plain duty is

“not to see what lies dimly at a distance,

but to do what lies clearly at hand.”


~ William Osler

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Word Art Wednesday #16


How are you this week?  I mean how ARE you?  Because I care.  Whenever I post do you know that I pray for YOU

I especially appreciate this week’s scripture challenge for Word Art Wednesday #16 because it is a reminder to me that God desires my complete one on one attention.  He desires time alone with ME - and He wants me to want to have time alone with Him! 

And often, I don’t get that. 

And it does not take much to get my mind be distracted by the most inane little things and things that really, in the BIG picture mean little or nothing.

And I allow my mind to be busied with other things, things that take me further away from Him.

I allow my eyes to be caught up with things that are bright or that move, or are colourful or have interesting textures or patterns.

My nose is attached to my stomach and causes me to be hungry - when my hunger should be for the word of the Lord.

And my ears are enticed by sounds and though mostly I find it a song unto Him I also get carried away on waves of other “catchy” but empty music too - and I’m not even really enjoying that either. 

And I do a whole lot of other “stuff” that makes me realize that on the whole I have a tremendously hard time just sitting still.  And yet…

He commands us to:


Because HE knows.  He knows all about me. He knew when He created me - that I would find it hard to sit still.  And He knows that I know that when I digest this command and try and try until I can sit still that it’s definitely something that shows my love for Him.  Because its so hard for me to do.  It shows how much I need Him, that I’ll work to get to this “alone” place with Him.

Because its only in this “alone” place that we can have an intimate and meaningful conversation.  Its the setting for the kind of conversation where you wind up thinking “wow - I know this person SO much more” Its the sort where you have full eye-contact and ear-contact and you’re reading each other and being “in sync” with each other. 

God knows we need Him but he gives us free will.  Question is - are you willing to work hard at pushing the world out of the way and having this conversation with Him?  Don’t you want to show Him that you care THIS MUCH?

Be still. 

(its so totally worth it)



Glittery Paper - ehhhhh… I kind of lost the name of this one too. 

Stamps - Lost and Found Two by My Mind’s Eye

I designed this cut using my Silhouette SD 


Thanks so much for visiting my blog - I hope you’ll enjoy all the lovely cards from our other team members and guest this week. 

Mojo Monday 229


I managed to squeak in a Mojo this week which was a semi-miracle.  I’m enjoying time with my Sister in Law Judy and so we built a few challenge cards together. 


I was not feeling inspired or energetic to cut and piece all five of these sections so I “cheated” an got my Silhouette SD to do it for me, using this pretty vine cut I purchased at the Silhouette store. 


Oh DEAR - I had set aside the strip of info on this lovely paper however it tossed itself in the trash somewhere along the line.  It was double sided, with the beautiful brown with teal and lemon flowers and then the bold lemon and white gingham on the other - so it was easy to just layer upon layer.  The stamp is a Kolette Hall & using Versafine ink. 

I cut an extra blossom out of the paper and embossed with shimmer and then added a tactile effect using glossy accents. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Word Art Wednesday Challenge # 15


WAW Challenge 15 - Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp unto my feet

and a light for my path.

Know those times when the electricity goes out?  Awful dark all of a sudden, isn’t it?  If you’ve not set aside emergency supplies like flashlights or candles and if its one of those almost starless nights you can easily become disoriented right in your own home.  Routes you nocturnally travel suddenly become frustrating and you feel very vulnerable to getting lost or even injuring yourself. 

And you think - why didn’t I stock up on emergency supplies.  Because really, its not ever a question of IF the power goes out, rather its WHEN

It’s the same with God’s word.  Without the wisdom and comfort of being securely rooted in His word we are rather blind.  When we steep ourselves in His lessons we never have to fear we will be left at the mercy of the world.  When we  soak up His teaching we can have comfort and confidence that our faith journey will be illuminated and will give divine direction to our minds and hearts. 

Our knowledge of our Father’s words allow us to change the ‘scary’ dark into a ‘comforting’ dark - like when you were small and darkness had power to be either the ultimate good or ultimate evil.  Our Lord allows us to prepare ahead by storing His precious word within our hearts and heads - in the very darkest times of our lives these very words become their brightest in our lives and see us through to better times. 


When nothing whereon to lean remains,

When strongholds crumble to dust;

When nothing is sure but that God still reigns,

That is just the time to trust.


Tis better to walk by faith than sight,

In this path of yours and mine;

And the pitch black night, when there’s no outer light

Is the time for faith to shine.


I’m delighted to be joining you mid-month during my stint as Guest Designer for Word Art Wednesday.  Here is my creative  take on today’s scripture, Psalm 119:105




designer paper - Downtown Collection “Pebbles”

flower cut - .studio file which came with my Silhouette SD 

frame cut for word art - .studio file, my own creation


I love double-sided paper.  I liked the dark/bright contrast of this paper though I confess freely I had not idea where I was going when I began.  Sometimes, as in this case, I simply take a paper that pleases my eye and I lay bits upon it to see what “works”  In this instance the citrusy bold thick yellow ribbon harmonized with the narrower orange so I kept it going by sewing the ribbon into a flower like element.  I was just given this sweet heart shaped button as a gift and it was the perfect last note to my card.

This card will be available at The Feathered Frog Osoyoos, on Friday!  Quick Quick before it’s gone…

Thanks for joining us for Word Art Wednesday.  Grab a coffee, cruise the rest of our design team’s lovely creations and then… join in with your own card - please! 

May God bless you this week!

Pssst - my friend KimB has a SALE going on for her so soft and pretty kit

I know personally how difficult it is to find that “just right” little boy kit.  There are loads of CT takes on this sweet kit and some freebies too! 

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Word Art Wednesday/Stampin' Sisters in Christ Valentine's Blog Hop


Welcome to the Word Art Wednesday/Stampin' Sisters in Christ Valentine's Blog Hop. 

If you arrived here from Tabitha’s blog, you're in the right place, but if you found me by chance, please go back and start at  Word Art Wednesday.  We are celebrating LOVE......God's love.  All you need to do is visit each stop on the Blog Hop and leave a comment on each blog to be eligible for the Grand Prize from Stampin' Up. 




I truly enjoy the “fluffy” worldly Valentines day we celebrate - heavens, any date that celebrates LOVE is so welcome, but there is a LOVE, a love that is deeper, more profound than anything we ever experience and that is a love that was borne out of the the sacrifice upon the cross which was made for us. 

This is the love that steps in when the world crushes us and puts us out in the cold, leaves us alone, takes from us - this love is waiting right there to put His arms of love around you. 

I constantly hear the question “Why does He allow bad things to happen to us?”  It’s because we live in a fallen world.  He never promised things won’t happen, that’s life in our broken world.  No, He never promised us we will not suffer at times, but He did promise He will be here to comfort and guide us when we allow Him in. 

I don’t know what you might be struggling with today but I’m praying as I post that you allow yourself to accept the greatest gift in life - the gift of God’s pure love.

I hope you enjoy the Vintage Image or Fun Froggy Cut I've made for you as prizes for stopping by but don’t forget to visit all the blogs to be eligible to win the big Stampin’ Up prize. 

My Vintage Image is in PNG format so will work for all your projects as it has a transparent background. 



click on the flower graphic to be taken to Ge.tt

where you can download the FULL sized image!

You may use the Vintage image as you wish!




click on card picture above to be taken to Ge.tt to download zipped folder

My Frog file is for PERSONAL Non-Commercial use only.

Designer Paper - Junkitz Essentials Paper Z


My Froggy is my very own design, made specially for use with the Silhouette SD or Cameo.  I was coveting this little feller but ah when love pierces one’s heart it does funny things so I’ve decided to allow him to hop into YOUR life too!   He’s a sweet addition to a greeting card but can also perch on his own to cheer you up at work atop your computer monitor or even a “hoppy” addition to a child’s lunch bag.  I’d be delighted to see how you use him. 

Both of these files will be archived in the TABS sections up top of my blog so you are able to come and visit any time should you misplace these. 

When you've left your comment here, Miesje is next on the Hop, and I know she has something lovely for you to see.  We hope you enjoy the Blog Hop, and we'd love to have you visit  Word Art Wednesday regularly.  Thanks for stopping by, and have a blessed day!

We will announce the Grand Prize winner on our Word Art Wednesday  blog the afternoon of Tuesday, February 14.

Make sure your last stop should be at Stampin’ Sisters in Christ where you will tell us you finished the entire blog hop. 

Word Art Wednesday


Karen L


Karen C




Barbara (Me - you are HERE in the list, continue on until you’ve coverd each place!)






Last Stop - Stampin' Sisters in Christ

Word Art Wednesday Challenge #14


Good Morning everyone … or should that be GOD morning? 

Whenever I start my day off without delving into the word it does not take me too long before I feel like all the colour has been sucked out of my world.  My faith has become as much a part of me as breathing and my soul calls out to be “fed” each day.  Because I can feel His presence within when I surrender my day, therefore I know my Redeemer indeed does live!

I’d like to share this encouraging thought with you today, in case you missed out or are just needing to hear something positive.


O brother man, fold to thy heart thy brother;

Where pity dwells, the peace of God is there;

To worship rightly is to love each other,

Each smile a hymn, each kindly deed a prayer.

~ John Greenleaf Whittier


I’m delighted to be Guest Designer for Word Art Wednesday for the month of February.  I’ve not had much opportunity to get to know each of our team but I must say I’ve been whelmed with all the warmth from everyone.  Thanks so much for asking me to join you.

Here is my take on this week’s challenge scripture -

Word Art Wednesday Challenge #14



Paper - Youth Faith by Recollections

everything else - bits and bobs either gifted to me or purchased at a thrift store! 


Thanks for stopping by and be sure to come visit tomorrow to take part in a fun Valentines BLOG HOP! 

Monday, February 06, 2012

COOL! (pun intended) as my Ice Photos are published on a way popular website!


I am tickled to say I’ve been “published” twice in one week.  First I am featured on the cover of Okanagan Sun  publication for this month and then I found out that some of my chillin’ ice photos (just check back a week or so or use the SEARCH box top left on this blog and enter the word ice and it should bring up all my posts with ice in it!)  are featured on Dark Roast Blend.  I am always amazed at what I find at DRB – I’m sure when you visit you will be amazed too.  Avi collects the most unique links, videos, pictures etc from all over the web and I feel quite incredulous to be included! (this is my second time!) 

This time it was the photos of ice with the “furry little feet” which got my photos featured.  I’ve been on the lake since then so stay tuned.  Same lake but the ice is new every morning! 

Ha – who could know? 

Stay tuned, some really pretty cards coming, a blog hop and perhaps even a photo of our anniversary!

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

On the COVER of Okanagan Sun Magazine and also Guest Designer for Word Art Wednesday ~ Whew!


Wow – this is a BIG day in my little world! 

I was interviewed for the Okanagan Sun Newspaper here in the beautiful Okanagan Valley and its officially published today!  I’m beyond excited.  My friend Mavis also has a “toot” in here too which makes me happy as she and my sister Nina were key to the beginning of my carding creating.  They really gave me the push to get me started. 

I’d like to thank Brian (Editor) and Andrea who “wrote me up” – I’m so grateful and humbled.  I’d like to thank all of my customers who began buying my cards and support them now at The Feathered Frog (sweetest funky soap shop) on Main Street Osoyoos who now carries my line.  Shirley is always at the Feathered Frog and is happy to help you with a card selection.  I’ve created custom cut packaging and specialty boxes decorated to fit her products (like the cutest cupcake soap inside a bejeweled paper keepsake box)  PERFECT place to shop for your Valentine *wink*

Look for my product to also be “snapped up” by a new store opening soon in town (more news on this later this month!)

Click the cover graphic below to be taken to the newspaper article.  Click on it there and you can read it in it’s entirety. 




In my cover photo I’m wearing a pretty hand felted scarf I made with my friend Marie last week – but that’s another whole post. 

And the second bit of exciting news is that I’m a Guest Designer for Word Art Wednesday for all of February.  This is my first time ever to be a Guest Designer and I’m totally flattered.  This week’s scripture is Nehimiah 8:10 “The joy of the Lord is my strength” and isn’t this the truth?  I can do all things through Him! 

Here is my take on this week’s challenge (I made two trying to choose….)

I’ll go for the subtler look:




Unfortunately, this paper had no identification on it at all, though I do recall buying it at Memory Crafts in Kelowna recently.  The frame around the text is a font called Calligraphic Frames which I downloaded from DaFont.com  The fonts used in the word art I believe are Calibri and English.  The yellow flower is one I hand tatted.  Leaves are sheer ribbon trimmed and crimped.  Not sure of the taupe colored flowers as they were a gift.  Random ribbon. 

I’ll look forward to my creations all this month and hope you’ll join in with all of the talented and encouraging hosts at Word Art Wednesday.  Don’t forget to stop by and comment on who you are able – I know first hand how much comment-love can be a special touch in someone’s day!

Happy Creating! Rainbow


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