I “fibbed” to Kelly - told her I would blog yesterday which turned out to be impossible. Ah well, better late than never in this instance. I’ve been absolutely itching to post but I’m helping open up a store (really!!) and that takes a lot of time and effort. The new store is Indie-Lulu Living and we’re bringing in new items every day - everything from high end urban design furniture to luxurious Turkish towels (no nap) all the way to vintage, jewellery and hand craft. Osoyoos has never seen the like. Stay tuned!
Now, I’m so excited to show you what Kelly (over at Finding Time to Create) made using my Silhouette Sketch Pen Illustration files. You can get these files she used here on my blog - just look under the Free Silhouette Studio files tab, up top above this blog post. Scroll down and you will find them.
Here is what Kelly made:

Isn’t this TOO SWEET for words? I am absolutely in awe! I love the colors she chose and the box is such a clever idea. I can’t wait to make some of these myself. Thank you Kelly!
Kelly has more information and links for the download for the box as well so GO VISIT!
After seeing her gorgeous creations I had an immediate hankering to make another custom card and chose to design another cut and sketch file for YOU!
I received an order for a custom card (a husband for his wife and he’s given me free-range to design whatever I wished - no specific occasion - just a card that says he’s thinking of her) I saw a card design like this recently for Valentines only it had a series of hearts and one of them was colored. I chose the circles and put a flower to represent the “color my world” part.
This file is for an additional face to affix to your card base (separate from your actual card base)

Really, you could use so many different things to represent the “color” item - could be a heart, flower, bright button, sticker, rainbow etc. I cannot provide the flower cut because I bought it from the Silhouette Store and just put a hole in the middle of each, affixed it together with a brad and topped it off with a gem.

I created the word art (its not so easy designing words, trust me) in my Silhouette Designer Edition software and I used a silver sketch pen to have my machine “draw” it for me. You can purchase the sketch pens here. I confess mine had sat in a drawer for quite a while but now I’m thinking and thinking and THINKING of more projects. Can someone give me a few more hours in my day please?
I have created the files for YOU to make your own card - the face is cut extra and then the backing area behind the circle cuts. I also created a set of wording that you can just cut out if you don’t want to sketch the sentiment. If you’re new to cutting and sketching in the same design its a bit tricky but once you’ve done it a time or two you’ll catch on. I don’t even know if I do it correctly but I wind up doing some “deleting” of parts of the file and then using the undo, switching the blade to the pen when I need sketching done. One day when I have the time (buahahahaha!) I will even make a tutorial…
I hope you enjoy and, like Kelly, show and tell to me what your cards look like? I’d love to feature you here to inspire others! This card is a standard 5.5 x 4.25 size. I used black cardstock. Simple, tasteful and really makes a point.
I will place a set of this card under the tab for Studio files up top of this post so you can always find it in the future should you (like me) lose your copy due to a computer crash or something. Please do not directly share my files, have friends come to directly download. This increases traffic to my blog which does not earn me money but makes me happy (specially when I get comment love)
I just want to leave off with an encouragement for you. In my busy days I’m finding contentment - really. I know it sounds strange but its true. I spend some quiet time as I wake up and I give my big fat “to do” list to the Lord and then I rest in this knowing I will not get everything on my list done but I can be assured I get done what needs to be done. I found the following quote which sums it up:
Banish the future;
live only for the hour and its allotted work.
Think not of the amount to be accomplished,
the difficulties to be overcome,
but set earnestly at the little task at your elbow,
letting that be sufficient for the day;
for surely our plain duty is
“not to see what lies dimly at a distance,
but to do what lies clearly at hand.”
~ William Osler