Monday, March 21, 2011

Mojo on the Move!

Mojo Mondays are always a fun time because several of my family and friends join in but today is especially so because I get to be mojo-ing side by side with my sister!  Oh Joy! 

And my take on today's sketch:

Shhhh - don't tell Mom
(she does not use a computer so I'm safe unless you say!)

Credits:   Paper - Bo Bunny.  

This is my second attempt at making a rolled paper flower and I think I rather like it.   Hope you're having fun mojo-ing or something equally fun to make Monday's less mundane. 


  1. Beautiful card Barb, it was extra special to be crafting with you. I love the flower, you have mastered it.

  2. Good evening Barb:)
    Oh..I LOVE your flower!!!I have been thinking of trying one myself..but haven't gotten up the nerve just yet.LOL What a COOL take on the sketch too!!
    How FUN..spending time with your sister!! Those are precious moments...I I won't keep you any longer.:)

    Huge hugs and LOTS of love,

  3. Great job Aunty Barb!! Turned out beautiful!!!

  4. awesome looking card ..awesome that you and Nina got to shop and create together. have agreat time and give her a hug from us.


  5. Beautiful colors very springy. Nice flower
    Good job on the challenge.


  6. I am so sorry i thought i had left you a comment on Monday...opps!

    Your card is absolutely beautiful!
    I love you flower....are you going to share your secret??? please please please...teach me how to make them.
    Nice to hear you got to Mojo with Nina!
    Hope you are having a wonderful trip.

    Lots of love


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