Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My very LATE Mojo Monday card

I had some very welcome time off during my Mr's spring break from the school where he instructs (and I'm a student) and we packed up Seb (our VW Vanagon) and headed over to Vancouver Island to visit my sister Nina.  This was our first visit to her house in years and years and it was a wonderful time together and it went all too fast.  Oh what fun we had, mucking about in her her cozy crafting room and zooming around to the craft stores, eating too much, watching movies, walking and all the other sisterly things we do.  Of course it zipped by in a blink.  No photos, sorry - my sister is camera shy and I did not want to inflict my lens upon her and mar just being together.  Oh, and she's given me a blog award too, but I will get to that next blog post!

Then it was over to my inlaws for a few days and now home again.  Home sweet home, but lots of chores waiting and a never ending list of things to do. 

Because there were some items on the to do list that HAD to be accomplished I'm behind on my mojo but managed to finally get it done.  Here is this week's sketch:

And here's my take on it:

supplies: I'm not sure of the company names for the chipboard figurines, nor the flowers nor the cardstock but I can tell you the "baby girl" stamp and the pin stamp on the ribbon (I copied that idea from my neice Samantha) are both from the Fiskars "Sweet Pea" stamp set.  I embossed the "baby girl" stamp using some Liquid Glass embossing powder I bought at Stampers when I visited my Sister.  

I was SO happy that a friend had a baby recently and so I was able to finally make a pretty baby card, something I've been dying to do for a while.  

Now I know there are some other very busy "Mojo-ers" out there including Nina, Judy, Samantha and in particular Valinda who has been going CRAZY making paper flowers ever since I showed her how to find tutorials on making them.  She has surpassed me by far and has made a real garden of them. 

On another note, I was in Penticton on Monday with my Mr. and we stopped at our favorite sweet tooth stop in the world... Accent Chocolates.  We've tasted a lot of chocolate and while some places come close in the "looking good" category, nothing compares to the taste of AC's chocolate. 

Our favorite bon-bons

Honest to goodness these are the most amazing tasting truffles - they taste like a silky warm creamsicle.
I had taken a photo of the monster huge chocolate bunny (5 lb and $250)  but confess I deleted it off the camera by accident.  But this giant egg comes close, in weight, not sure of price:

And these are a couple of their other smaller, hollow eggs:

Are'nt they just beautiful - chocolate art!

I also want to mention that I've just updated the blog for my church (Osoyoos Christian Centre) and I've posted another fun FREE Scripture wallpaper for you to download!  Go to "The Gallery" tab and click, once there you can choose the perfect size for your desktop.  Send your friends to the blog and let me know if you would like to subscribe to our weekly newsletter so you'll know when there's a new graphic.

Click the photo to be taken to the OCC Women's blog!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Outting With Dad

Yesterday my Mr took his Mom out for a coffee and treat so I went with my Dad in Law. I chose to visit a local Eco dairy which we often drive by when we head to Tim Horton's.

It was pretty interesting (for sure in the aromas dept). They do have some new innovations which make the barn a clean place.

The cows got all lickey on me so I did not get a good photo.

I liked a big brush thing on a roller, kind of like a car wash roller and the cows rub up against it and get a good scratch.

The milking was all done by a machine which employs the same technology as the Canada Arm which is used in space. Cool, but not sure if it would be cost effective for the a stage farmer.

Moms cooking up a small turkey for dinner, my sis in law and girls are here. Life is GOOD.

-- Post From My iPhone

Friday, March 25, 2011

More Cards on the Move

These two cards were made from the supplies I have along with me - I know what I will include in my suitcase next time!

I drew a little stencil of the bird and used scissors to cut it out.

For lack of a stamp pad to make the leaves I cut a leaf shape out of puffy double sided tape and used that! The glitter by the birds mouth will be melted into an embossing when I get home.

This simple card used up a clever flower my sister Nina has made and did not find a use for. The addition of a flower brad in the middle and a scalloped circle behind and it becomes a focal point.

I'm so glad I salvaged this, now I need to learn to make one myself!

-- Post From My iPhone

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Can too! Cards on the Move

When one does not travel with a paper cutter, other essential we can still find a way to satisfy our crafty side...

Samatha asked about these paper flowers, just type in "rolled paper flowers" on YouTube and you will be growing your own garden in no time!

I have been awarded with a blogging award by my sweet sis - will post on that when I have life beyond my iPhone.

-- Post From My iPhone

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Coconut Cream Dream

Ooooh! My Mother in law loves me in pie. Not only did she make my fave, coconut cream, but she gave me the biggest piece of all. Or am I dreaming? In case it's a dream DO NOT pinch me...

-- Post From My iPhone

Monday, March 21, 2011

Mojo on the Move!

Mojo Mondays are always a fun time because several of my family and friends join in but today is especially so because I get to be mojo-ing side by side with my sister!  Oh Joy! 

And my take on today's sketch:

Shhhh - don't tell Mom
(she does not use a computer so I'm safe unless you say!)

Credits:   Paper - Bo Bunny.  

This is my second attempt at making a rolled paper flower and I think I rather like it.   Hope you're having fun mojo-ing or something equally fun to make Monday's less mundane. 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Mojo Monday, Contest on JanMary's Blog, Free Kit from Shirley and a Delicious Recipe!

Mojo Monday rooooolllls around once again, sure as the sun rises and though I could not possibly see how I could afford the time... well - I'm addicted for sure. 

And my take:

All the supplies which went into this card are varied and various.  The pretty lace was a gift from Judy and most other items from Nina.  The one thing I DO know for certain is the shiny gold and purple paper in the mid of the rectangle and then repeated behind the circle element with the scalloped edge - are cut from a Purdy's chocolate box.  I loved the color and could not bear to toss them in the recycle.  Oh yes, the stamps are Fiskars "Just Between Friends" - I bought these and stored them inside a scrapbook album and only found them on the weekend, figured I'd better use them.  Lots of nice texture happening on the card.

Now, enough about me - I have a couple of things to share here.  My friend JanMary has a little contest going on.  JanMary is Irish and so this is an annual St. Patricks contest each year.  Why don't you see if some of the "luck of the Irish" will rub off on you! 

Click the link above to head over to Ireland and join in JanMary's celebration - send your friends!

And I'd also like to welcome my friend Shirley back to designing world.  Its been a difficult time for Shirley of late but she's overcoming and pushing aside all the "yick" that life is dishing up for her and she's even managed to work up a pretty FREE spring kit for all of us.  Big HUGS Shirley - Here's a preview -

Click HERE to be taken to Shirley's! 
(look down a few posts)

Shirley I had hoped to create a layout or two with your kit but fact is I simply won't have time (frowning) but thanks so much for it - its lovely!

Last but not least, my Mr. informed me there is a pot-luck luncheon at the school tomorrow so I put my thinker on about what to make (I'm under some deadlines)  Well, this will not be a hit with him at all for he despises "devil egg" type recipes (he says there is a good reason they call them "devil"  But I love them!  He's working hard to take of a few pounds so who should I be to tempt him?  Thus my new recipe.   I wanted to put my own twist on an old recipe so, after thinking about what flavours I'd like to marry together I came up with:

Barb's Mediterranean Stuffed Eggs

12 eggs - hard boiled
1 small tin canned salmon
5 tbsp mayo
2 tbsp green pesto
sprinkle oregano, basil, parsley
sundried tomatoes for garnish

Hard boil and cool the eggs.  Peel and slice in 1/2.  Place whites hole side up on platter.  Put yolks in a large dish.  Mash yolks with mayo, pesto and spices.  Drain salmon and pick through to remove any skin or bones.  Mash with yolks mixture.  Once its all fluffy, heap onto of egg white halves.  Garnish with strips of sundried tomatoes. 

Makes 24. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

New Products, My Friend Janice's Bloggy Anniversary Giveaway Contest, A Free Element!

Things have been piling up for me so I thought I'd better get blogging here!  The first item on my list are two new products which I've got up in the Scrapbook-Elements Store.   The first one is my contribution to a "project" of sorts which most of the designers from the store team up to do.  This is a UBI - meaning U Build It.  We each go with the theme, which happens to be Vintage Fleamarket and then we all submit paper or element packs in that theme with a color scheme in common.  I must say all the entries are lovely.  The best part - all these items are priced at $1 or $2 and so you can mix and match for just a few dollars to build a custom kit for yourself. 

This is my little contribution - you can visit the store link HERE and check out all the other wonderful pieces to this kit! 

And next, I have "launched" these unique and fun elements - my Balloon Festival elements set.  These will be perfect to lift your favorite craft projects or digital layouts "up, up and AWAY!" 

You can find these "uplifting" elements by clicking HERE.

And so that you could see how these balloons could be used in a project I created a card with one on it.  (I printed one off). 

Wordart and background bracket: Making Memories - Clear Creations
Balloon Festival: Barb Derksen

 And I want to tell you what I've been up to thats been keeping me so busy.  I've been developing our women's church blog site, adding all sorts of new features and pages and you may want to check it out.  I'd LOVE it if you would even leave a comment if you are so inclined!  Besides the regular great and inspiring content I've been creating some FREE scripture wallpapers for your computer and this is the latest:

These wallpapers are available on the OCC Women's Blog site, click HERE, click on the GALLERY tab at the top and you will find this and other wallpapers.  Please, send your friends, recommend us on facebook, twitter etc!  And while you are there, if you love music and would like to check out a fresh and amazing new talent you will want to click on the MUSIC tab and listen to Pheonix sing "You Raise Me Up" - lets let this young man know what you think of his voice!  

My friend Janice, who I introduced a while ago, is a photographer and she has now has had 1,000 pageviews and she wants to celebrate by giving away a gift!  I'm not going to ruin her surprise - you just scoot on over to her blog and check it out.  Click HERE!  Congrats Janice!  

Finally, last but not least I thought since it has been a while since I gave anything away I'd best leave you with a little reward for your time here.  It's a little crown element, I used the element a few posts ago on a "Queen for a Day" card so I cut extracted it for YOU! 

Personal Use
PNG format 300 dpi

Monday, March 07, 2011

Mojo - A Miracle I Made It!

Honestly, can't figure out how I managed to do a Mojo today - I have never worked so hard in all my life. So this card did not employ a ton of techniques other than cutting and pasting. 

I was pretty intimidated when I checked out this week's sketch but just "got at it" and this is what I pulled off, another bright and wild one.

I warned you!  (I see you covering your eyes...) 

I really don't know the names of any of the supplies other than the stamp which is from Inkadinkadoo and the ink which is from Crystal Pigment Ink from Rubber Stampede. 

So, thats my attempt. 

I will be blogging in the next couple of days - I have a new product in the shop at SBE so stay tuned here for a preview! 

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