Friday, November 20, 2009

Sharing, Sharing! - FREE Recipe, CD and Scrapbooking Elements

mustn't complain

Life is BUSY! Good busy. Would not have it any other way. Thanks for all you who keep reminding me to post. Without your reminders I'd just hole up here all winter like a hibernating type of animal. I'll jump right into my post.

Last week I enjoyed a luncheon with my church family and I decided to make two easy recipes. They are both ones which can be prepared the day ahead and then cooked on the day OF your event. Real COMFORT food for a chilly or wet day.

Barb's Easy Slow Cooker French Onion Soup

Warning! NOT a diet recipe though you are welcome to give it your own healthy makeover.





About a cup.





Just enough to 'enhance' the flavour - this is in place of 1/4 cup white wine. I think I used about 1/4 cup apple juice and 1 tbsp vinegar. Add it bits and keep tasting - you'll KNOW when its right/

Cook for 6 hours!

Ok - from this point its your choice. At home I put some in a heat proof bowl, add a toasted crust of light bread (french - or 1/2 kaiser bun) Top with a slice of Havarti and toss the works under the broiler till the cheese is nice and melty. Obviously its so delicious I did not wait around to take a picture of this.


And the crowd pleasing and time saving recipe is Oven Grilled Cheese. I was thinking - how can I speed up the two sandwich per pan sort - well, by doing it in the oven. Its like this: Preheat oven to 450. Butter 9 slices of bread, lay them butter side down on a foil lined cookie sheet. Add a cheese slice ontop of each, top with another slice of bread. Butter all the tops. Put in oven, bake 6-8 mins on each side till golden brown.


Keep some opinions to yourself. Say what you please of others, but never repeat what you hear said of them to themselves. If you have nothing to offer of yourself, laugh with the witty, assent to the wise; they will not think the worse of you for it. Listen to information on subjects you are unaquainted with, instead of always striving to lead the conversation to some favourite one of your own. By the last method you will shine, but not improve. I am ashamed myself ever to open my lips on any question I have not written upon.

~ William Hazlitt


I was thinking the other day as I was baking, what things I would keep of my Gramma's had I had the choice in it. Other than the beautiful woodpecker toothpick holder, which my lovely friend Shirley sent me a ways back (I treasure it each day, Shirley - it sits right above my kitchen sink) - the other items I'd have wanted of Gramma's are:


Knitting Needles

Sewing Machine

Pin Cushion

Wooden Spoon


Her Reading Glasses

Cookie Cutters

garden spade

These are the things which make me think of her most. I think of HER whenever I use these things of my own at home.

What would YOU have kept had you had a choice?


I am going on a REAL DATE tonight with my husband - I'm very excited about this - saw these gals on our local TV station.


Fullscreen capture 16112009 13157 PM

click on picture to visit Kristi's Site!

With Christmas a short time away its time we are all in preparation. What better way than to begin to prepare our HEARTS first - then all will flow from this? If your thoughts are turning to the real meaning of Christmas you can find inspiration in the music of Christian Music Artist Kristi Northrup - she's giving her CD album away for FREE (option to donate to some great missions if you feel led to do so) Why not get into the GIVING early by passing Kristi's website to a friend who needs a lift? Help spread THE WORD!


I am still planning on making some more Brass Plate words in the future - still have to find time to take photos (using Mr.'s camera as my flash is broken) In the meantime I've been experimenting with some nice swirls and created you this Overlay/Embellishment set - hope you enjoy! They are provided as a FULL PSD file, or smashed down into both a nice 12 x 12 overlay - one with/one without emboss. Download is BIG.

PuhLeese don't share this yourself - at least have your friends come download for themselves. Click on the preview photo to get :) Won't you send me a snap of how YOU use these pretties so I can "TOOT" you here?



  1. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Cooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 20 Nov [LA 04:38pm, NY 07:38pm] - 21 Nov [UK 12:38am, OZ 11:38am] ).

  2. so pretty. thanx a bunch!! and thanx for the great recipes!

  3. Thank you for these gorgeous swirls! Love your recipes - hope you have a fun date tonight!

  4. i can hardly wait to try that Onion soup recipe, as i have missed just that from Chicago eatery called Pantera (they would put the soup in a scooped out bowl of bread..YUM!!) Thank you for the FUN swirls too!!
    HUGS!! i am soooooooooooooooooooo HAPPY to know the toothpick holder is LOVED!! :)
    i don't get around blogland, as much as i use to since using hubby's computer but it is always so nice to visit you! Have a WONDERFUL evening!!

  5. Can't wait to see these because they look so lovely. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Thank you so much !
    So pretty !!!

  7. Looking forward to using these on some Christmas layouts. Thanks

  8. very pretty. a must have. the soup sounds yummy. will try it also. thanks so much for your post!!!

  9. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 9 post on Nov. 21, 2009. Thanks again.

  10. wow ..that soup sounds so good ..and on a rain day like todaay it would be yummie. Thanks for the swirl page freebie ...girl you are so talented...thanks for sharing.

    Hope to chat to you tonight ...

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Good Afternoon Barb:)
    Yes..I did make it to your blog.LOL
    Your french onion making my mouth water..mmmm...looks so yummy and I bet your kitchen smelled so good!!:)I are sooo talented!
    Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful swirls with me.How sweet!


  13. AWESOME!!!!!!!!
    TY so very much Barb!!!!!!

    HUGE HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!


Your comments are a blessing to me!

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