Thursday, November 12, 2009

Rememberance Day - Visiting a "Land Army Girl"

click to play my interview with Eileen

I had the pleasure to spend Rememberance Day (Wednesday, November 11th here in Canada) with my dear friend Eileen. To be honest, I had no idea at the time she was a Veteran. I was so thankful to have visited at this exact time for had I not she may have not realized it was even Rememberance Day at all! After she shared her story we made sure she pinned her medal on her sweater and sent her down to the lunchroom at the home where she lives. I mentioned the medal to the care-aides so they might query her on her story.

If you would like to know more about the Women's Land Army, you can click HERE.


  1. Good morning Barb:)
    This is SOOO COOL! Thank you for letting us hear her story.It's amazing!:)It takes so many different "dedicated" men and women to keep the freedom we hold so dear! Thank you!
    LOVE your accent too!hehe

    Have a FANTASTIC weekend,my friend!

    Love and hugs,

  2. wow Barb what a neat thing to get to do and for Eileen to share with you her story.
    Ya spammers hey ...thanks for the heads up on it. I was so happy to spend time with you the other night ..well have a great weekend and give that man of yours a big hug from all of us here ya SIL



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