Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Happy Anniversary - Belated Birthday and Who's Running This Show?


Dave and his NETI-fish!

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to our brother Dave and our Sister in Law Neti! And belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Neti - was a few days ago. Sigh sigh. And a belated HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to KimB too (I so SUCK at being on time for events lately!!)

A Gift

You have a gift that’s sweet
And rare.
It’s just that you’re a perfect pair.

The years go by
With no regret
Because you are a perfect set.

What matter if this thought is sappy?
So long as both of you are happy.

Happy Anniversary!

by Denise Rodgers

And you ARE a perfect set. From the moment Dave and Neti "Met on the Net" they connected in almost every single way. Though Neti was a City Gurl and Dave was a Country Boy they found they had so much in common and it was not long before their long distance relationship flourished to the point where (GASP!) our forever bachelor brother Dave chose Neti to be THE ONE to share his life with - and they married! It must be love for Neti to marry into this weird and wonderful family LOL!

Among their many shared joys are travelling, camping and - you got it, FISHING!

My Sister in Law Judy and I enjoyed a visit together recently and we decided to create some fun to honour them - so we made these post cards combining the best of both worlds for them. Click on Judy's Blog photo below to see the complementary card to this one! *grin* (She may post later than me so keep peekin' if you don't see her pic posted yet)

Fullscreen capture 07102009 100651 AM

And my Sister Nina made a beautiful Autumn themed card for their anniversary as well - I'm assuming its the one she posted on September 25th (OOPS - haha, Neti saw it BEFORE hand) Neti said you're right - the blog photo does not do it justice in all its pretty shimmery glory! Click on the image below to see all the other pretty cards my Sis has created!

Fullscreen capture 07102009 103115 AM

I have much, much MUCH more to write but have other obligations which I have to fulfill first.


Each day I wake up with a "to do" list and a PLAN but each day has turned out to be something entirely different. I will try to post tomorrow to catch everything up. I have lovely pictures from my visit with Judy to share. Sigh Sigh...

PS - This is what is happening with me I believe coz I ain't getting NUTHIN done what was on MY list!

In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps. (Proverbs 16:9 NIV)

Remember... your steps are ordered by God, so obey the orders even if they seem to conflict with your plans.

Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails. (Proverbs 19:21 NIV)

Remember To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1). Your plan may be ok but the season may not have arrived yet, so be patient because ultimately “it is the Lord’s purpose” not yours that prevails.


  1. awesome ..we got them up ...sure did love my visit can't wait for the next one ...soon I hope

    all my love SIL


  2. Aunty Barb yours and ma's cards are pretty cute to Uncle Dave and Neti...good job ladies.
    Again incase you didnt receive my email....thank you so much for Ethans mug and thank you so much for helping mom with his picture. Glad you to could have such a wonderful visit....i know mom needed it.

  3. Amen! Happy Anniversary and Birthday to your loved ones. I am sure they are special people.

    Take care my friend!

  4. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY and bdays to ALL!!:)
    Sounds like everyone is having a busy time lately.Including me!!:)
    I checked in several times for a post from you..and finally was rewarded from my efforts!hehe
    You are right..and another verse...James 4:

    14Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.

    15For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that.

    Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding.In ALL thy ways acknowledge him and HE shall direct your path.

    You were bought with a don't belong to yourself..

    I will stop there.LOL

    LOVE and HUGS!!



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