Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Visit With My SIL!

I'm such a BAD blogger lately. Its funny how it goes, sometimes you can't find a thing to blog about of interest and other times life is so rich and full and BUSY that there's simply no time to blog, thus creating and overabundance of bloggable materials.

Such has been the case for me and I keep telling myself "I'll blog tomorrow... " but then my tomorrows are as busy as ever. I've been meaning to journal about my last visit with my (SIL) Sister in Law, Judy. (this is THREE Sister in Law visits in one summer! Woo Hoo!)

Judy's visits with me are always a whirlwind of activity because we share a love of all things digital + scrapbooking and so we use the time for her to pick my brain and learn new things. She's so much more talented than she ever gives herself credit for - which is quickly apparent if one visits her blog - just click on the picture below to do that.

Fullscreen capture 07102009 100651 AM

At any rate we fit a LOT into our visit. We managed to go shopping, thrift shopping, dining out and all sorts of fun activities.


This is our friend Alison (left) with Judy (right) at the viewpoint just south of Penticton.


And here's me and Judy! We did a zoom-zoom trip into town where we tore up the stores and thrift stores and then tucked into a buffet Chinese dinner. I don't think we could have felt like posing afterward so its a good thing we took our pics before.

While Judy visited we also did our rounds to get some fresh tomatoes and also an always profitable and entertaining drop in to the local packing house to get apples.


When we drove into the packing house parking lot we could not resist the pull of the brilliant golden hues of these brushes against the rich reds of the apple bins.

Then it was up the other side of the valley to the viewpoint and vista at Anarchist Mountain.


And finally, my favorite photo of all -


Thank you for an awesome visit, Judy - it was the nicest visit we've ever had and I enjoyed my time with you completely. You are very special to me and I love you dearly.


I am starting some courses at the Learning Centre and a Bible Study with the women from my church on Tuesdays and slating Wednesdays to be my 'creative day' (won't be answering the phone or nuthin!) ... well what I'm trying to tell you is that if you don't see as much of me its because I am trying to get organized and ahead and blogging seems to be a luxury. Don't give up on me - one of the courses I'll be taking is Adobe Illustrator so I'm hoping some of my lessons turn out to be some items I can use for giveaway! Thanks for still coming to visit me even though I've not been able to visit all of YOU!


  1. Barb..my SIL ..my friend ..I enjoyed are time ..are fun ..and just being and hanging out...God Bless me when He joined us ...as SIL, Friends. Tell Miles Thanks for everything...love you guys

  2. Good Morning Barb:)
    I LOVE your pics! What a wonderful time you two had!I agree with Betty..your weather looks beautiful!Love the scenery!
    Jim had to reformat my hard drive again.I think I picked up a virus..cause it only messed up my windows system and didn't destroy the drive.Jim had to reinstall windows and reformat the drive cause everything he tried to do to fix it..didn't work.:( I am back up and running but now comes the time to reinstall everything AGAIN!!LOL
    I know what you mean about life taking time away from the blog.That seems to be happening to a lot of us these days.:) Enjoy your life,my friend! Jesus said..I am come that you might have life and have it more abundantly! He wants us to enjoy the gift he has given us and it sounds like you are doing just that!:)
    I can't wait to see the things you have learned on your new course you are taking.Maybe you can give a few pointers now and then as you go?hint hint!LOL I know..beggars can't be choosers but even little morsels would be deeply appreciated.:)
    Missing you!

    Love and hugs,

  3. Just hoping some day that will be me there sharing time with you :)

  4. Sounds like you are having a full, fun life. Good luck with the classes. They do so much for helping us use our brains and you classes sound lovely.

    No need to apologize about being a "bad blogger", I'm sure I'm up there with you in that department.

    I'll stop by and read how you are doing with your classes whenever you post.


Your comments are a blessing to me!

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