Sunday, February 24, 2008

She's 10 years old. She lives in Guatemala in a home with a dirt floor, wood walls and probably a sheet metal roof. Her diet most likely consists of corn, beans, vegetables and beef. No McDonalds... thats probably not a bad thing though. I wonder if she's ever had an ice cream?

Half of the adults in her community are unemployed but some work on plantations and earn the equivalent of $65 per month. Her community needs teachers, scholastic resources and recreational programs.

The small amount of money we send a month ($35 dollars) allows the staff of the student center in her community provide her with Bible teaching, retreats, camps, Vacation Bible School, medical checkups, antiparasite treatment, hygiene classes, recreational activities, and academic support.

Pretty amazing. I'm dedicated to sharing and promoting Brenda's story this month in the hopes someone out there will be inspired to sponsor a child as well. If you are visiting my blog for the first time, the link for the bloggers for Compassion - who recently took a trip to Uganda to visit the children is located on the right hand side of my blog... just click at the bottom of it where it says READ. VERY moving stuff, and you too, have the power to make this happen for some child who needs your help very much.

So, today's giveaways are for Brenda. If you would like to learn more about sponsoring a child through Compassion then just click HERE to find out how.

Some days are like that.

I could not resist this little cartoon from Dave Walker's site - he has some very amusing cartoons for your blog too. You can find his site by clicking HERE.

Do you find this too - some days its SO easy to blog, ideas and thoughts just fly from your fingers, then other days I feel dry as a soda cracker. Well, I took out a ton of magazines from the library (we can have 99 books out at one go, and I push the envelope on that sometimes...) So I 'biked' on the recumbent bike for an hour the other day and compiled the following links for you. I hope you enjoy, or find them of use. I will be back in a few days with another set (got to have a good sweat to work for them!)

If you live in Canada, and you wear contact lenses then you might want to trip over to COMPLETE COMFORT to download a FREE lenswear safety guide. They’ve also generously added a downloadable coupon for $2.00 off your next purchase. Just click HERE.

If you have a grade 12 child, or know of one, and live in Western Canada then you might want to check out Re/Max of Western Canada’s Quest for Excellence Bursary Program. Although there is only a short time left to submit an application (cut off date is March 7th) its still might be worth it for the chance to win one of 24 $500.00 dollar bursaries. In order to qualify, the student must demonstrate their passion and dedication by writing a short essay on one of five chosen topics. To find out more just click HERE.

Ever since I read Camy Tang’s book Sushi for One, I’ve had a great hunger for Asian food. So if you like it as much as I do, you will want to scurry over to the Real Asian Made Simple website, where you can find all sorts of yummy recipes and ideas. While you’re there you can send a virtual fortune cookie or enter a contest for a trip to Thailand! (good for Canada and USA) Just click HERE.

And if you are feeling like doing some fun, crafty things for Easter, you might want to head over to Martha Stewart and sign up for her Living Easter Workshop – its FREE. Just click HERE to register.


  1. Some great links - and wonderful download. Thanks.

    I am looking forward to hearing more about our new sponsored child, Fiona, from Uganda.

  2. Morning!!!! I'm attempting to play catch up today after a rather hectic week....just wanted to pop in and quickly say Hi!!! (That 'lil bug is hilarious!!!)

  3. Morning Barb!!!!
    TY so very much for these AWESOME overlay's!!!!!!
    TY for all the great info too!!!!!!

  4. Good Morning Barb:)
    Beautiful overlay!! Thank you so much for sharing it with me.:)
    Thanks for stopping by again.I LOVE your visits.:) I will have to remember to take the camera with me the next time I go to the breakfast buffet.:) Got to take pics of Jim's shop too ..when he finishes it:)
    Thank you so much for the links to the terrific sites you find.:)You are filling up my 'favorites' on IE.LOL
    Well..Mom just came on to chat with me.:) Gotta go!


  5. i LOVE the overlays and thank you for sharing them!! also, thank you for all the links, fun checking them out :D
    i LOVE the cartoon too! lol it's the way i feel ALOT lol
    Big HUGS!! Have a BEAUTIFUL day!!

  6. Barb, I just had sushi today.. infact I had sushi Yee Sang, which only available during Chinese New Year... Later I will blog about it to tempt you :p

    Oh, I still can't get any site to mail Sushi for One to Malaysia. But hopefully I can find it at Borders this weekend ;)

  7. Thanks for the overlays and the cartoon was so funny but so true.

  8. awesome layouts Barb...and thanks for all the sites. Yes it is awesome when you see what a difference you can make ...going to try that Matha Stewart Site ..hehehe

  9. Doh- blogger is being evil to me today!

    Not sure if that last comment went thru...

    Wanted to say thanks for sharing the info about Compassion. We are passionate for our little guy we sponsor as well!

    Hoping for a visit maybe this week - will let you know what days look good!

    HUGS - hope you're out enjoying this gorgeous day!

  10. Wow Barbara, Beautiful Overlays!!! THANK YOU!!! Blessings, Shawna

  11. Evening Barb!
    Just a fast trip in to say Hi and to see what's new.:)

    Take care!!



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