Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I hope you can find a use for this sweet little cupid. My friend Darlene who attends the Learning Centre asked her daughter Brianne for permission for me to morph her sweet baby girl into a cupid, and now I am sharing with you!

The rose will cease to blow,

The eagle turn to a dove,

The stream will cease to flow,

Ere I will cease to love.

The sun will cease to shine,

The world will cease to move,

The stars their light to resign,

Ere I will cease to love.

From a mid-nineteenth century valentine.

The violet loves a sunny bank,

The cowslip loves the lea,

Scarlett creeper loves the elm,

But I love – thee.

From Proposal by Bayard Taylor

And Song of Solomon is always SO amazing:

Song of Solomon 1:

1 Solomon's Song of Songs.

2 Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth—
for your love is more delightful than wine.

3 Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes;
your name is like perfume poured out.
No wonder the maidens love you!

I wish all of you a highly romantic and lovely Valentines day!

I have been all over the place this week – never a dull moment. I even created a new recipe to share, but forgot to take pictures of it – so will have to do that next time. Lets just tell you it involved rice wraps, which I've never used before – and they are tricky little things.

February brings the rain,

Thaws the frozen lake again.

The weather has been just ick, ick – though the sun did manage to shine a bit this afternoon. I've been watching a hawk the past few days. It seems he has a favorite telephone pole to 'dine' on, and he always seems to have something to eat. I was surprized to be able to get a clear enough photo to share, as he was very far away.

I've been making Valentines Day plans for my sweetie, so I don't have a lot to journal. Since I'm not a wealth of information today – I'll just leave you with a helpful link. Its called Magatopia, and its a site where you can read popular magazines online. Enjoy. - Just click HERE to be transported!


  1. Mrs Miles (Barb) could you please send me your e-mail address I would like to ask you a question about your Rope Tent, my e-mail address is,

    Thank you


  2. I know you will be busy tomorrow sis just to let you know ..I love and appreciate all that you do for me and all the ladies who scrapbook..also could you say Happy Valenine day to Olivia for me ....

  3. Hi my name is Rosa and I like your blog, thanks for the sweet valentine, i have use it today in a bragbook for my hubby, I was wondering maybe you don't care if we share it with people that like Quick pages, LOL, my e.mail address is and my web site
    thanks for sharing and waiting for your response, love Rosa

  4. I do agree with you on the Book of Solomons. There're lots of beautiful verses to be inspired on every event, every mood... Thanks for sharing the lovely photos of your place as I do not experience Winter my part of the world...

  5. I am going to try and comment here, I've never done this. I would like to say first off that I am new to digiscraping ... I am learning lots. Second, I would like to say that it is wonderful to meet yet another sister in Christ! We do serve an awesome God and knowing that you are a sister it helps me to feel like we know each other.
    God bless you,


Your comments are a blessing to me!

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