Monday, January 21, 2008

Hello and Happy Day! My friend OLIVIA has ANOTHER SET OF LOVE COUPONS up and ready to be downloaded over at the Sophia Sarducci Shoppe blog... just click HERE to be transported! Be sure to check out her awesome new kits and loads of other new products for Monday Madness in the Shoppe!

1 comment:

  1. Morning Mrs Miles! Your comment today on my blog CRACKED me up! Mocking someone with cooties....good thing I love you to death and you are Canadian...LMAO!!

    BTW, I have Hot-Pockets stuffed in my mittens...not the pizza kind either.....keeps my hands soooo toasty! LOL

    As soon as Julie came home from swimming I sniffed her little head and soaked up the smell of chlorine....I can hardly wait to open the pool now....LOL

    Have a great day darlin'!!!!


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