Oh that Olivia! We're still into the sparkles - so we're sharing, sharing, after all we both were exposed to Sesame Street in our lives (Or was that Mr. Rogers?) Either way, we love to share. We figured since we gave you the INSIDE of the hearts we might as well give you the outsides.
Miles and I visited our friend Patricia yesterday in the hospital. Patricia is a friend and student at the school... and she's dying of cancer. Before Christmas break at school she had asked me if I would come install some software for her on her computer. After Christmas she now knows she has only a short time left to live... its that sudden and that progressed. She's our age. PLEASE uphold our friend and her family in your prayers. We spent a precious afternoon with her yesterday, as she spoke with candor and we shared a few tears, laughter and a prayer. Really brings home that any day could be our last...

Ooooh-lala! Our lake is frozen.

Some unusual frost formations on the surface!
The weather has continued to be phenomenal and cold and we've gotten out skating a few more times... in fact, we skated all the way to town - several kilometers each way! Its funny, but its almost faster than driving - guess the direct route cuts off a lot of time.

Beautiful reflections - almost mirrorlike!

God's fingerprint?
Would I could see the beauty of the flowers
Whose sweet perfume pervades the summer air,
The grass so soft beneath my faltering footseps,
That thing called light I'm told is everywhere.
Then I could see the trees in Autumn glory,
The little birds that flutter to and fro;
The colours of the rainbow, sunset glowing;
The changing seasons as they come and go.
But I am blind and cannot see such beauty,
No moon or stars illumine my long night,
No dawn of day or sunrise in the morning
Can share with me the wonder of the light.
Yet I am glad, when each new dawn comes breaking,
To feel the morning air, the sun's caress,
To touch the gentle softness of a rosebud,
And breathe the fragrance of its loveliness.
The scent of rain upon a country footpath,
Soft music and a voice that sweetly sings,
God's hand in mine as He so gently leads me -
I need not eyes for all these wonderous things.
Our friend Angie shared the following picture of Country Computer talk - which I thought was funny - I think if you click on it you can see it larger.

I am a British Columbian.... What it means to be A British Columbian
We love it here and wouldn't change it for anything.
1. You know the provincial flower (Mildew)
2. You feel guilty throwing aluminum cans or paper in the trash.
3. You use the statement "sunny break" and know what it means.
4. You know more than 10 ways to order coffee.
5. You know more people who own boats than air conditioners.
6. You feel overdressed wearing a suit to a nice restaurant.
7. You stand on a deserted corner in the rain waiting for the "Walk" signal.
8. You consider that if it has no snow, it is not a real mountain.
9. You can taste the difference between Starbucks, Esquires, and Tim Horton's.
10. You know the difference between Chinook, Coho, and Sockeye salmon.
11. You know how to pronounce Squamish, Osoyoos, Nanaimo and Tsawwassen.
12. You consider swimming an indoor sport.
13. You can tell the difference between Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean and Thai food.
14. In winter, you go to work in the dark and come home in the dark while only working eight-hour days.
15. You never go camping without waterproof matches and a poncho.
16. You are not fazed by "Today's forecast: showers followed by rain, "and" Tomorrow's forecast: rain followed by showers."
17. You cannot wait for a day with "showers and sunny breaks".
18. You have no concept of humidity without precipitation.
19. You know that Dawson Creek is a town, not a TV show.
20. You can point to at least two ski mountains, even if you cannot see through the cloud cover.
21. You notice "the mountain is out" when it is a pretty day and you can actually see it.
22. You put on your shorts when the temperature gets above 5, but still wear your hiking boots and parka.
23. You switch to your sandals when it gets about 10, but keep your socks on
24. You have actually used your mountain bike on a mountain.
25. You think people who use umbrellas are either wimps or tourists.
26. You recognize the background shots in your favourite movies & TV shows.
27. You buy new sunglasses every year, because you can't find the old ones after such a long time.
28. You measure distance in hours.
29. You often switch from "heat" to "a/c" in your car in the same day.
30. You use a down comforter in the summer.
31. You carry jumper cables in your car and your wife knows how to use them.
32. You design your kid's Halloween costume to fit under a raincoat.
33. You know all the important seasons: Almost Winter, Winter, Still Raining (Spring), Road Construction (Summer) & Raining Again (Fall).
34. You actually understand these jokes and forward them to all your friends in British Columbia or those who used to live here!