Sunday, January 29, 2006


Tonight our inspiration was to choose three people we could invite to our next birthday if we wished...dead or alive. This is my journalling:

I would choose:
1. My dearest husband - he comes first beforeanything in my world.
2. My brother George who passed away before I had a chance to say goodbye.
3. Margaret Visser - an author who completely fascinates me with her books on the history of food and manners. She would be so interesting to speak with.
PS: of course I could NEVER narrow it down to three.... ha ha!


It's our Dez's birthday - and her boyfriend Adrian brought her up to see really, we got the birthday present.

We had a wonderful little impromptu celebration.


Friday, January 27, 2006


The creative juices continue to flow! It is birthday time over at where I host all of my scrapbook pages. Ok, so sometimes it is practically my second home, I admit it. You can check out my entire gallery at any time by searching out my username lalalime.

This layout is of a sweet young friend of ours - a lovely girl who's bubbly and happy manner lights up the day like a 120 watt bulb. Could sure use some light like that on a day like this. Our little valley is socked right in and it appears it will be so for a while yet. Miles will be out in the wicked moistness this morning filming - yes talented instructor (does not like the 'teacher' label) cum film star is directing and starring in a small production with the local Desert Center demonstrating the wonder of our arid pocket desert in the winter. I, on the other hand shall stay snuggled up to my nice warm computer for the day, playing with some of the software I've been drooling over.

We took in dinner last night at the China Palace in boasts the 'best buffet in town' - if that is the case its pretty sad for the city. It was ok. Mostly deep fried stuff with only two vegetable dishes thrown in. Not much on decor either. Did we have a waitress? I don't think so unless you count it as the fella who seated us. All in all, save your money and use it to have the best Dim Sum in the universe, right here in Osoyoos at the O'delights bakery.

You all have a wonderful weekend if I have not posted here before its over!

Thursday, January 26, 2006


This is the latest layout to add to our memory album.
This layout is a two-pager, meaning it would print out 2 pages at 12 x 12 inches.
Journalling reads: When we began to plan our summer vacation for 2000, we pored over maps trying to decide where would be the most interesting places to explore. As soon as my eye hit the name 'Thermopolis' I was hooked. To me, any town with a name that sounds like it was invented by Dr. Seuss got my vote! Further, it boasted the Largest Mineral Hotsprings. This exciting place is home to several hotsprings and everyone is welcome to use the state bathhouse for free. The story goes that the hotsprings were once owned by the indians, and they deeded them back to the state with a promise that the public always be invited to enjoy at no cost. Besides the state bathhouse there are several commercial ones. There is a giant stalagmite that has been artificially grown over a hundred years, and colorful algae beds to dazzle the eye. The town has beautifully groomed parks and flowers as well. We have returned to Thermpolois and will do so again in the future.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


January is blah in the sense there is nothing 'big' to look forward to. Maybe I should consider moving my birthday up to January? Instead, I take joy in the small things. One of the very nicest things of all, was my dear friend Janice bringing her mom over to meet me. Ruth is a bright, interesting and engaging person and I enjoyed her company. I also thank her for sharing her daughter! We all three had a wonderful day together playing with the computer painting program. Ruth ended up creating a lovely picture which she emailed off to herself.

We had a quick and fun visit with Barry, Judy and Melissa from Thursday evening to Friday Evening. It was a crash course in all our computer interests with a big meal and a sleep thrown in.

The other fun I've had is playing with a miniature muffin maker. We had been given it some time ago, but this was the first attempt with it. I the first batch I made some spicy pepperoni ones with roasted pine nuts. The recipe gave some variations, but did not call to cut back on the sugar so I didn't - big mistake. However, the next batch I made was a sorta hawaain recipe...pineapple, coconut, the works...they were terrific! So thats how I've been bringing sunshine in!


Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Just a short post today! I 'scrapped' with my sister last night and we both created a successful layout page...and thats quite a doing, really. Um, you really do have to be a scrapbooker to fully appreciate the feeling. Enjoy!

Monday, January 16, 2006


Bet this title gets your attention!

Actually, I am talking about scrapping as in scrapbooking - with family. I am so proud of both my sister-in-law Judy and my sister Nina for both taking up the digital challenge of scrapbooking. I can't think of much more fun (other than time with Miles, of course) than spending time online 'scrapping with my sisters. I just love to see what creations they make and to watch them grow as they learn the power of Photoshop. Its wonderful to have hobbies to share. The first page you see above, is our sweet niece Rachel.

We awoke to snow this morning. Nothing unusual about that other than we have been experiencing rain for several weeks. We just may have a winter after all. Unfortunately, as I was just out to the mailbox, the snow is just barely better than frozen rain, and I think it will detiorate into it before the day is through.

We had a lovely dinner out at friends last night and even learned a new card game. Anyone heard of sequence, by chance?

You all have a wonderful week, I will keep posting my newest layouts or LO's as they call them in scrapland.

Thursday, January 05, 2006


Meet Barry, our brother.

Barry is, first of all, OLDER than us. Ha ha! Therefore Barry has great wisdom. He's fun - always quick with a joke and a smile. He's talented, an avid fisherman who has lured in more than his share (though always within the legal limit, that we know about anyways) of all kinds of fish, including bass from our local lake.

He loves to build with wood - he has a shop he disappears into often and exits with beautiful creations of hope-chests, cupboards and even kaleidoscopes! He's a self taught mechanic and spends time fixing not only his own vehicles, but with his generous heart, often is found working on other peoples auto problems.

Barry is learning to work with video at this time as well. What can't this man do?

We are proud to call Barry our brother! Since I obviously have not forgotten how to draw, with all the busy-ness of the past hectic months, I have created this pencil sketch to honour you Barry!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Sorry to any of you who may have been checkin' my blog and checkin' it twice - I was too busy living to blog over the holidays! However, this does make for loads of new 'fodder' for y'all to chew on.

Firstly, we spent Christmas at the coast with our family. We left here as soon as school let out and the first night we stayed at Mom and Dads, stowing all our gear. Somehow, I can never get away with less than 50lbs of luggage it seems, for these short trips. How is it that I take less than that in the van with us for the entire summer?

Miles swept me away to two blissful days at Harrison Hot Springs so we could connect before we rejoined the madding crowds. It was a romantic respite and we took full advantage of all the luxuries offered. We may make this a tradition!

After returning to our folks place, our dear sister Nina spent a day with us, coming over from Victoria. Can you imagine it has been seven years since our last visit? We laughed, cried, scrapped (digitally only!) shopped, and went out to lunch. It was pure happiness. This has to happen more often! I love ya Sis! :)

Our sister Michelle and her beautiful girls came the day before Christmas - children always complete perfect picture of Christmas. They are a delight to us!

Another BIG EXCITEMENT of the holiday though, was giving our Mom and Dad their present. We hired a bagpiper to come and play for them on Christmas Eve. It all came off without a hitch and they were really impressed.

We took in Boxing Day sales at several stores, and now I'm cured of shopping for a bit...

We arrived home on the 27th and have been working hard to restore normalcy back into our life. Several trips to the gym are chipping away at all that good food Mom fed us! Miles is learning new programs for his web design and I am going underground for the next few days to soak up some Adobe GoLive so I will be able to assist him by changing and uploading content.

For New Years I was blessed by my dearest husband with some stunning oriental dinnerware. We cooked up several Eastern dishes, preparing them ahead in the morning. I decorated the house in an elegant oriental theme and we both dressed up in our finest for dinner. Later that evening, we walked to Hayne's Point Provincial Park and Miles set off fireworks (just for ME!) at midnight to bring in the New Year.

I hope you all have a good start on 2006 and I look forward to sharing what God has in store for us too!

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