I’m just a “sucker” for simple and bright card and I am on a real kick for using vinyl lately so I decided to try out a simple design I had in mind.
I am the queen of frugal, (because I choose to stay at home and try to live out my dream to create, create and create but it does not make me rich by any means) When I make it to “real” high end craft stores I can often but drool over some supplies I’d like to have but accept that within my budget its not going to happen. Out of this is born so many of my greatest ideas and designs.

One of the wonderful things I felt attracted to in the stores were the Elizabeth Craft Designs Peel off Stickers. They are fun and wonderful and I totally think they are worth the asking price. I have bought a few packages when my Mr. came with me and he said I should treat myself.
They are wonderful to stick and fill with ultra fine glitter or even just paint or ink. But there are two limitations I found (besides the price for me) The first thing is they are all sort of the same size - so here’s me who likes to custom tailor almost everything…
and the other thing is there are only so many designs (which are very nice, indeed) but again, I’m a rebel and I like a huuuuuge variety and I like to size it to fit whatever project want to do.
So… I have been playing around with vinyl!
Designer Paper - I used a Colorbok Specialty Paper Pack - Bright
Watercolour paper - Arches 140 lb
Vinyl - black
Ribbon - random

Lillipop Card
4.25 x 5.5 inch
Ok, so I’m telling you right off the bat my card is not warped, my photo of the card is warped… and I’d given the card away in the meantime. But you get the picture (pun intended)
I designed this simple vinyl cut, and I use a high quality watercolour paper to transfer it onto - 140 lb arches in this case. I cut the vinyl image, then I “weed” out the bits I don’t need and I use Contact Paper (the clear kind you can line shelves in your kitchen with) to transfer the image to the arches paper.
You must work delicately but you definitely get a pretty fine image! I save (and have friends save) old credit cards or gift cards that have been used up and use them to smooth my vinyl over the paper. First I position it over the paper where I think I would like it and then I fix one end down and slooooooowwwwly stick it down to the paper, all the time smooshing it in a straight path with the long side of the credit card. After you have done it a few times and you gain confidence it becomes easier.

Once you have the vinyl outline stuck on then you can paint. Now, once again I must stress that your finished product is only as good as the materials you use - and so in this case, though you will pay a healthy price for both arches paper (though it cuts down into many MANY projects) and a good set of watercolours or watercolour pencils - I believe these are essential. The colors are so brilliant!
I like to use an aqua brush, it means you don’t have to constantly rinse brushes out etc. I simply swipe mine on a rag in between colors.
I began painting in the middle and worked out, changing colors and blending them together into a little bit of an overlap to achieve a rainbow effect.

The finishing touch is a pretty pink bow, a perfect touch for a sweet little girl.
You might also (which I will be showing in an upcoming tutorial, use fine scissors and trim around your lollipop - turning it into an element which you could then “pop” up with foam tape. I have created this file to be sized for a standard 4.25 x 5.5 card, if you were to make “elements” from this file the vinyl might get pretty tiny to work with. You may have to experiment.
I sincerely hope you enjoy this project. I’d love to see what YOU make and feature your project here on my blog 
(personal use unless you seek permission from me for any commercial use)