Friday, May 11, 2012

Our Beautiful Desert and a FREE Wild Rose Cut and PNG file for YOU!


Desert May _Barb Derksen

Its so beautiful out this time of the year here - everything so lush!  This is antelope brush in bloom.  I wish I could send smell through this blog, with this and the sagebrush and lilacs in blossom its a banquet for all the senses. 



This is one of the critters which you might find at the Desert Center locally.  I love to take my camera  with me whenever my Mr & I go for a walk and to me that’s 90% of being a “good photographer” - thing is you can’t take that amazing shot if you don’t have the camera along, right?  This beetle is too funny, when it feels threatened it sticks its butt up in the air and I think I’ve heard it “hiss”  As it was early evening when we saw this ferocious insect it looked twice as scary to itself because the sun behind made it cast an extra long shadow. 

Well, since I had such a warm fuzzy greeting to my first post in a long time to the Silhouette forum I vowed I would make a cut for giveaway so I’ve done just this.  Here’s a card I made using my cut.  I created this card for a friend for her Mother in Law to be:



I made this Wild Rose cut for YOU - I’ve saved it every which way.  I saved it as a full SVG, then PNG’s and finally .studio files for your Silhouette SD  or Cameo.  I split the flower and leaves up for a few files and I even made a simple outline for them too so you can use the outline like I did and then cut your designer paper to be a “filler” for each. 



I did not include this round part or scallop because the circle is easy to make, the scallop came from the Silhouette SD store.  I typed the greeting in my Studio software and then had my machine sketch it using the pens in a pretty orange to co-ordinate with the other elements on this card.

So you can download the zipped folder for the Wild Rose Cuts etc by clicking the following link.  These are for your personal use.  I am pretty generous to give permission for you to use these files for commercial use though you must email me and make your request and also credit me.


And of course I’d ♥ to see how you use my files - just email me and I’ll feature your creation here. 

I’ll leave you with a few comical photos -

kitten in a mug

My girl assures me she DOES have a perfectly wonderful water dish for her kitty but…


Ewwww - *smirk*

Eating next to a 3 year old is interesting.  His jelly snack went plup! into the ketchup and got eaten with gusto.  Hmmm.

I’ll leave you with this poem I came across which might be wonderful for a birthday card sentiment.


Let me grow lovely, growing old -

So many fine things do;

Laces and ivory, and gold,

And silks need not be new;

And there is healing in old trees,

Old streets a glamour hold;

Why may not I, as well as these,

Grow lovely, growing old?

- Karle Wilson Baker



  1. Me again.:) Catching up!! Love your desert pic and especially the big butt beetle.hehe

    I LOVE your card too. How pretty and frilly:) Thank you so much for sharing these cutting files too.:)Oh..and your poem!!!
    Kitten in a mug.LOL We have to be careful around Christy's cat. She thinks our mugs etc are hers and she LOVES sweet tea.LOL I don't want to know how many times she must have gotten into our cups while our back was turned.:/ Sometimes ignorance is bliss.hehe


  2. thanks for sharing the your mother day's card ...that machine and your talent Have a great Mother's you lots.


  3. Barb, thank you for sharing such a lovely cutting file. The cards you made with it are gorgeous!

  4. Beautiful card, Barb! Thank you for the lovely rose file. I'm much better at collecting files than making things with them, but I'll let you know when I do use it. ;)


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