Saturday, May 05, 2012

May May Bring Mushrooms?


Equation for Spring:

May + Moist + Mulch = Moss + MUSHROOMS! 

May 2012 Moss

Moss and Mulch

May 2012 Shaggy Mane

Shaggy Manes

May 2012 Morel

a MIGHTY Morel!

If you’ve not experienced these “wild” mushrooms before you’re truly missing out.  I remember thinking how gross they were when I was a child - my father was an avid mushroom hunter at the first signs in spring and fall, bringing home great feeds.  I recall him making pancakes of the big Shaggy Manes.  I also recall equating the look of morels as to brains… uh, I think this may have had some influence on my immature tastebuds. 

I found these specimens just yesterday and now I know where they reside I hope to have a great feast of them in the coming days.  Even better with asparagus growing roadside.  I sauté both together for a delectable dish.  

I recently came across a local Okanagan Food magazine which funny enough just featured an entire article on Morel mushrooms - this is a galluptious editorial and I’m thinking of subscribing after my sneak peek inside - check it out SAVOUR magazine.

I’ve been creating some new products for the newest coolest shop in Osoyoos BC, Indie Lulu Living.  With Mother’s Day coming fast I wanted to be able to bring something completely unique.  This is what I came up with:


I’m calling these Preserves Posies!


Living in the heart of the Okanagan Valley - in other words the heart of the finest fruit and produce in British Columbia makes this area huge for people to make gifts of their favourite preserves.  Oh yes, we’ve all done the fabric and ribbon decorating of jars however I wanted to find a new way to bring an elegant touch to your gourmet giving. 


Each package contains one jar topper and a matching label.  Your preserves will be the hit of the party!

I had to create new, tweak or modify some of my Silhouette Studio files for these custom items.  ♥ my Silhouette SD - aspiring to the Cameo one day in the future.


I’ve also included instructions in case you would like to give the gift of the Preserve Posie along with your own preserves!  A nice feature is the flower disc for the top is able to be used over and over again. 

As you can see, this product is manufactured exclusively for Indie Lulu Living, Osoyoos. 

I’ve a nice selection of handmade Mother’s Day Cards for you at both Indie Lulu Living and the Feathered Frog Soap Shop - come grab one before they are gone!

Thanks for visiting here and I’ll leave  you with some encouraging thoughts for your day:

No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the horizon of the spirit.  Helen Keller

When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.  Harriet Beecher Stowe

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.  Anais Nin

In our life there is a single color, as on an artist’s palette, which provides the meaning of life and art.  It is the color of love.  Marc Chagall

Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.  Thomas A. Edison

If only we’d stop trying to be happy, we could have a pretty good time.  Edith Wharton


  1. The preserves are beautiful, You did an amazing job with the labels. Thanks for sharing

  2. A lovely way to dress up one's gifted preserves! Very nice.

    No mushroom up here yet ... at least none that I've seen!

  3. Oh sweet sister, you have me drooling at the thought of sauteed mushrooms. I don't remember mushroom pancakes but blended with a little butter, salt and pepper we were in heaven. I am so jealous that you have these out your door. Love love your little Preserves Posies, what a cute idea.

  4. Good morning Barb.:)

    What a COOL idea with your jar posies and matching labels ! :) You always come up with such neat ideas!!!

    I love mushrooms too! It's sooo cool that you can have free access to them!:).

    Have a wonderful day!!:)


  5. you are always thinking and creating ...way to go. Have a great day.


  6. Oh, such pretty jar toppers! I'll have to remember these next time I make something like this in a about 3-4 years. Ha ha!

    Enjoy your mushrooms! I'll just be content to look at your beautiful photographs. No thanks for me on eating them. :)


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