Wednesday, August 05, 2009

A Mish-Mash

I've planned my post several times in my head, but then some gets added, some subtracted. Like my brain, it's going to be a mish-mash today.

Here's some MASH - I made some homemade Pesto last night in my Magic Bullet. The Pesto I made with crisp, fresh basil leaves (from my dear friend Amalia's garden), pine nuts and extra virgin olive oil and a single clove of fresh garlic - and pepper (I'm a pepper-a-holic) I will add parmesan cheese onto whatever dish I make so won't add it into this mixture. As you can see, making it at home lends a deep, rich colour and texture. This stuff keeps VERY well in the fridge!


The Magic Bullet was a gift from my Mother in Law. I'd put a bug in her ear a while back that I'd love to find one. She's my buyer for all things for the household as she has a lot more yard-sale potential than I do. She lives in a city, I a smaller community. She found one in almost new condition for $10. Woo-hoo, loving it! She also found me a hand mixer for $2 as my old one had burnt out.


So, I've been whipping up iced coffees and smoothies in my Bullet. Have YOU a bullet? What are your favorite recipes? Unfortunately mine was missing the official recipe book. And drying apricots as we've been given a batch of very ripe ones.


And dealing with the smoke in the area. There are fires burning all over British Columbia. The nearest to us currently burning is about about 1 - 2 hours north.


I took this photo yesterday at the viewpoint just outside Penticton (1 hour north of us) If you lived here you would know that what we SHOULD be seeing is the blue blue lake and the airport at the end! The Snowbird airplanes (famous Canadian Air Team) are supposed to be performing today and tomorrow but I'm wondering if they will be able to in this smoke! Please pray for all the people who are being evacuated due to the fires, and the firefighters who put their lives on the line to keep us all safe! You can learn more about the fires in our area by visiting

Well, I have a TON more I could write about but I will draw a line here so I can get attack some chores on my to-do list and also save some content for my upcoming posts.

One of these chores today was cleaning the bathroom. I'll share a time-saver with you. If you are experiencing a heat-wave as we are, when you come out of the bath... DON'T dry off! Grab a clean dry rag and wipe down all the faucets and tub. Give your bathroom a good once over with the dry cloth for most things works great. The mirrors come shiny without any detergent! You can use cleaners on the areas that require it (toilet) if you feel inclined to do so. Set the waste basket outside the bathroom for emptying. Give a quick wipe to the floors with your cloth after rinsing on the way out. By the time YOU dry off (naturally) your bathroom will be sparkling and you won't have to set aside a time in your week to do this. Children can be trained to wipe the faucets and mirrors at least - thus your bathroom will be mostly clean when you have company drop in unexpectedly, plus it teaches them to clean up after theirselves - skills they need to learn when they go to live on their own and don't have a mom picking up after them.

And now, a word for a few friend's who have "happnin's" on their blogs:

JanMary has a contest going on and besides enjoying her always interesting blog content, you might win a prize. I won't do a 'spoiler' here - you g'wan over and check it for yourself! Just click on JanMary's blog image:

Fullscreen capture 05082009 105915 AM

AmyW has some wonderful new products for sale - and a FREE sweet add on for downloa as well. Click on her blog image to visit!

Fullscreen capture 05082009 110313 AM

And KimB has been celebrating again - sheesh, I'm too old for that sort of entertaining - LOL! She's also featuring loads of new product - CU items which are a must have! Also with links to some FREE QP'S and a download of her own as well. Click the graphic to go!

Fullscreen capture 05082009 114020 AM

And last - but certainly not least, my own little gift for you. I made these sheep a while ago and I THINK I have not posted them before. At any rate here they are again, for your personal use. They measure about 6 inches - 300 dpi in png format. Click the preview to download.



  1. these aren't baaaad! (they're cute) thanx a bunch!!

  2. These are just too cute--thank you! :)

  3. I would love a magic Bullet. Have only seen them on TV but never tried one.............
    Thanks for this lovely posting....

    see this

  4. oh my god... we do not have such huge fires here in Germany and I`m keeping my fingers crossed that you and your family won't be affected by them! I could imagine how freightened one is....
    I will definitely browse through the recipes you have on your site, the Pesto sounds really good and I have tons of basil in my garden *gg*

    Thanks a lot for these cuuuuute sheep!

    Greetings from Germany,

  5. ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!
    TY so very much for this little cutie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    HUGE HUGS & SAFTEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. My daughter has a magic bullet and is quite happy with it. I might get one someday or maybe put it on my Christmas list. I hope the fires get under control quickly and the smoke goes away. Your lake is beautiful and to have that view obstructed by all that smoke would be terrible. (Also, I'll keep the evacuees and the firefighters in my prayers.) Thanks also for the sheep. They are adorable!

  7. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Cat(s)/Dog(s)/Bear/Bird/Butterfly/Any other Animal Theme post on Aug. 06, 2009. Thanks again.

  8. this is the first time i have heard of the bullet! always FUN learning of new things! :D
    thank you so much for ALL that you shared! LOVE the sheep! hehe
    Have a TERRIFIC day!

  9. Found your blog and wonderful sheep freebie on DigiFree. Thanks for sharing these cuties

  10. Laura from USAAugust 06, 2009

    Love the sheep! My daughter was just in Scotland and saw a sheepdog demonstration.... this is perfect; I'll send a layout if I ever get to it. Thanks!

  11. Thanks for the cute little sheep!

  12. Dear Barb

    Just a quick note to thank you for the gift I got in the mail are truly a beautiful person ..inside and out.
    Your kindness and thoughtfulness has always touched me. I will send you an email this weekend, this summer has been quite busy..
    Again thank makes me smile and think you!!
    Love Maggie.

  13. Now I can count them before I go to sleep! :D Thank you!

  14. Wheeeeeeeeeeee- soooo cool to be reading here again- lol
    I don't have a bullet but do have a *smoothy, cocktail* mixer that I LOVE-lol
    dont do many smoothies ( Nathan makes milkshakes and fruit shakes in it)- I do the cocktail thingy - but never have a recipe and add as I think will taste good- BWAHAHA
    Yeah- we've had some strange ones and some really GOOD ones- mmmmmmm, I think I need to dust it off again- but it usually only comes out in summer when we *live outside*.

    Had a good giggle at you on the floor - hahaha-Ok more than a giggle ;-PP

    Thanks for all the plugs my friend, and I hope you are caught up on all your chores.
    Sending huge hugs

  15. Thank you for your sheep, they are great. Have you tried melon in your magic bullet, very tasty


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