Saturday, July 18, 2009

Photos from the road

These are for you Angie - tried to send you an email but the program failed. I'm praying for your requests.

-- Post From My iPhone


  1. Oh wow! What incredible pictures. It looks like you guys are having a great time. You deserve it!

  2. Glad you are having a wonderful time Barb xx
    your pictures are delightful to see!

  3. Good Morning Barb:)
    LOVE your pics!! What fun!!:)I bet you won't want to come back home.LOL
    We had a few days in the Smoky Mnts.It sure was nice to get away and do something different for a change.:)
    I won't ask if you are enjoying yourselves.I can tell from the pics that you are.:)

    Love and hugs,
    Valinda...p.s.Miss you!!

  4. Great pics. Looks like you are having fun, fun, fun! Nice to see you are still alive. Amazing what you can do with that iPod!!!

  5. LOL- love the last photo! Looks like you are having a blast and you so deserve it!
    AWESOME pics GF!

    Sending you huge hugs

  6. awesome pictures ...looks like you and Miles are relaxing ...and having fun. Missing you.



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