Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I am SO EXCITED. My friend Gina has been hiding her talent in the closet! Who knew? I have always known she has a 'designing eye' - I'm sure she will attest to that for if I've said it ONCE I've said it a BAZILLION times, and now you all get to see too! Each time I told her about having 'the eye' she would {virtually} "pshaw" me and deny any ability to design. Ah, but beneath that oh so calm surface a seed was being nurtured. Tomorrow - October 1st, Gina is opening her own ETSY store. Ok, I don't really know how it all works, but she will have all the information on her blog.

I wanted to be sure to get the word out so that you're PREPARED. Hold that Latte! Hold that new hat, purse, what-have-you and save your bucks for something refreshing, original, chic, sexy and ... handmade by the talented hands of Gina. Just click HERE to be informed of all the details.

I'm so way proud of you, Gina!

I created this overlay to celebrate, to share with YOU. I call it Etsy-ish cuz its cute and cool at the same time. Free to use for whatever purpose you'd like, just please credit me!

Monday, September 29, 2008

YAY! It's Kim's 19th wedding anniversary {September 30th} Gracious, that's truly inspirational. I can understand why though when I consider that the very same qualities which make a 'solid' marriage are the very same ones of which friendships are made of. First of all, your spouse should be your very best friend. Then the list begins with the qualities which you and the Mr. should have in common. Kindness, Faithfulness, Trust, Generosity and it goes on.

Some folks think that marriage is a 50/50 deal, but its not, really. It should be 100/100. Its not so much about meeting your spouse 1/2 way, its about giving 100% no matter what you get in return {unless its an unhealthy situation} Its all about giving before worrying about what you're not getting.

I hope you're snugged up someplace away from it all, Kim with your sweetie and don't get to read this till sometime in the future. I believe Kim got whisked away to a romantic surprise location by her man - but g'wan and leave her some good wishes at her blog to come home to! Just click HERE.

Kim, I had the durndest time finding a photo of you and your husband, so I had to mash two different photos of you together, then work some magic... just in case you wonder where in heavens I came up with this one.

Now HERE'S a happy couple we all know!

You may notice the new BLINKIE on my blog today, its thanks to my dear friend Shirley. This is the second one she's made for me, and I'm simply tickled PINK! Thank you, Shirley, I'll have to go back and find my Olivia one when I get organized. {hugs}

To celebrate Kim's anniversary, I've created this high-quality image for you. The bride and groom on their own stand about 6 inches high, so the ones with hearts are bigger, obviously. These will be great to 'punch out' using your favorite paper.

Olivia Dorazio's I PROMISE element set
fine for personal, commercial and sfh

I heard this song on the radio today. My mom and dad used to listen to it. Now that I think of it, most of the songs they listened to were sad. They only listened to Country, which tended to be sad tales of woe. Someone leaving someone. Someone following someone as they move from place to place seeking the gold/success they never attain. Someone seeing someone's ex-wife with someone else. Stuff like that. Perhaps thats why I shudder when I hear the words 'country+music' these days. Still, it is like they're sitting right there at the kitchen table when I hear this song. Do you have a song that reminds you of your folks?

Friday, September 26, 2008

credits: Nikki McGilberry Color Challange Kit

Here's a snap of me peeking over the edge of my gift from my Sister In Law, Judy. It was like having a second birthday, as I did not open it until she came to visit which was a week after my 'official' birthday. It took me practically an hour to unwrap each item - one for each of my 50 years! It was filled with some very practical items, some decadent, some tasty and some pure fun. How thoughtful Judy. - the best present was having you here for a visit. Loads of love to you! Judy has more photos of our visit posted, just click HERE.

Happy Anniversary to our Nephew and Niece Shawn and Mindi today!

Here are some photos of my brother Dave and Sister In Law Neti, on a recent fishing trip. Now THESE are fish! I can't imagine Neti used to be a 'city girl' - guess you never dreamed you would be doing this? Ah well, you caught the BIG one when you got our Dave. {hugs to both of you}

These photos were taken at St. Mary's Reservoir, Alberta. Looks like a good place to visit! Thanks for sharing your photos Bro and SIL!

My SIL Judy has another slideshow of Dave and Neti's previous vacation {must see photos!} - you can find them HERE. {September 14th blog entry}

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I'm still canning. I have some layouts and photos and other 'stuff' to share soon. Probably some sort of a nice freebie too, if I can get it together.

Mom said this morning, as we were chatting about when Mr. Miles was little and they lived on the farm, that

"We had 5 long rows of corn. Mr. Miles used to go out and find the very first ripe cobs of corn. As the kids left home, the rows got wider."

I thought this was a poignant way to measure the loss of the children as they left home.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Today's post will be short and sweet as I'm enjoying a visit with my Mother and Father in Law and I intend to fully enjoy just hanging out with them! I'm still trying to digest my heart-warming visit with my Sister In Law Judy. We fit so much into a two day visit that my head is still spinning. From yard saling {yes, we bought far too much LOL!} to baking bread to digital designing. I sure enjoyed our time together Judy! Love you and hope you made it home safe and sound.

Just a reminder that today is the launch of my new kit - Fall Frolic, named by my friend Gina. By the way, you will want to be checking out Gina's blog to see the DARLING hand crafted items she's been making. Can you say CHIC? She's got the designers eye and has begun creating some very cool items. She's going to be launching at Etsy any day now and I know there will be a queue at her store door! To visit Gina, just click HERE.

And another Toot goes for my friend KimB for her AMAZING Grab Bag deal {photo previous post} If you don't have it, you need it. Simple as that. I have used some of Kim's fabulous CU items in this kit {from some of her earlier CU items} and I'll be the first to attest to the ease of use and super high quality. Her items make designing a snap. Just click HERE.

Just click HERE to visit the Sophia Sarducci Shop to purchase my Fall Frolic Kit -
today's the BEST day as its Monday Madness, so you'll save 20%!

And heres a special little something for you for visiting today! I've left lots of 'white space' for you to fill with your journaling etc. I'd love your feedback to find out what makes a GOOD quick page?

Olivia Dorazio's Fall Frolic Quick Page No. 2


Saturday, September 20, 2008

Just a quick 'lil postie today as I'm off yard saling with my Sister In Law Judy, who's here for a visit!

And, before I proceed, I just want to mention you will KICK yourself if you don't RUN over to KimB's and snag her gigondo grab bag deal. Its CU, (aka = makes designing life simpler). Its a limited time. Don't say I didn't tell ya! Click HERE.

And, Announcing a new kit from me, too. Olivia Dorzio's Fall Frolic will be unleashed EXCLUSIVELY at the Sophia Sarducci shop on Monday, which is also Monday Madness ( saving yourself 20 % ) so you'll want to be there bright and early while you drink your Monday Morning java! Click HERE to get there first thing!

And last but not least, here's a full 12 x 12 Free QP for you, created using my new Fall Frolic Kit. I hope you enjoy!

Friday, September 19, 2008

If you have not been over to KimB's blog yet, you better.
She's got Grab Bag madness,
probably something to do with her 19th wedding anniversary coming.

She's practically GIVING it all away.
Well, there IS a giveaway, but the rest comes close.

(paper shredded everywhere here)
You are a silly nilly if you don't grab her bags!

Just click HERE.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The birth of a GOOD home made Deli Sandwich -
(I'm learning to make Artisan Bread in my own oven)

my own sundried tomatoes, basil from our garden

There you are, Mr. Miles. No need to buy at the bakery any more!

and yes, Nina, I'll share the recipe - soon.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I'm too overwhelmed to even BEGIN to post here today. Let me just say, this was the BEST birthday ever. I've created a slideshow to say thanks. Once loaded, you just "click" on the slideshow to advance to the next slide. I hope you enjoy. To open the presentation, just click on the photo above. And THANKS, humbly!

I'll be back in a day or so with something for YOU!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Happy Birthday My Beautiful Wife

I have hacked this blog to bring a special announcement: Barbara's birthday is today and she has joined the "50" club. This picture was taken a couple of weeks ago (and I know she may be a bit embarrassed to have such a voluptious picture on her blog but the camera doesn't lie). Doesn't she look great? But even more importantly than her outward adournment, she is as you readers surely know, beautiful inside. I am so proud of her, she is such a perfect wife and a great inspiration as a christian woman that I know these next 50 years of hers will only bring great blessings upon all those who cross her path. (I wonder if she will be scrapbooking when she is 100?)

Please wish Barb a happy 50th birthday!

Love... your DH

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Who can resist a smile or a flower? I created this simple graphic simply to help you lift the corners of your mouth today instead of letting gravity drag them downwards! I was inspired by the sentiment on my calendar I recently read - I hope it encourages you.

Through a happy springtime
And a summer filled with love,
May we walk into the autumn
With our thoughts on God above.

A cheerful heart is good medicine,
but a downcast spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 17:22

Today value the beauty of the changing season.
No matter the time of year there is evidence that God is near.


Mom and Dad's Wedding

~A Day to Remember~

This photo is not to celebrate the anniversary of my parent's wedding, its to celebrate the memory of my Mom. This has to be the happiest photo I've ever seen of each of these important people in my life, my Gramma, Dad and my Mom. Mom is just beaming here - there were so many hard times in our childhood, financially and otherwise, but Mom stepped into our lives (wound up with 8 kids to look after!) and stood in there for it all. For a lot of my life I never really appreciated all she did for us - its only in introspect I see how she denied herself for us, time after time. As the saying goes, life is lived forward and understood backwards.

Today is the anniversary of my Mom's passing. My Dad loved her passionately and she returned his love. She stood in to be my Mom through countless moves around the province, from mining town to mining town. Often having to take two vehicles/airplanes at a time to accommodate our whole entourage. She went out to work to make sure we had food on the table and gifts under the tree each year. I wish I would have taken the time to know her better while I had the opportunity.

Things were often not perfect in our home, but I do know, now as a grown woman, the gifts she gave me I'd not otherwise have. She taught us manners, respect and how to take care of my home. She tried to support me in my artistic abilities, something I'd not realized till a short time ago. I wish I could find the one snap I have of her - on a bike in some funny looking shoes - she WAS adventurous! She was a terrific cook, bringing her English recipes with her. I remember mint jelly on lamb, a roast with yorkshire pudding every sunday, fresh homemade doughnuts, cream puffs and trifle. She made exceptional bread.

I miss her, very much.


Apple Butter - mmm...

And its a time to preserve!

I've got it in my bones, I suppose. Some of my fondest memories are of my Gramma putting up fruit and jams. Why, if she had enough only for one jar she had a special setup for that. She had a medium sized pot, just taller than a mason jar. She put something in the bottom of it - I'm not certain if it was a twisted wire or an inverted saucer, so that a jar would not be sitting directly on the bottom. She'd cook the single jar up, nothing went to waste.

So, I've got the bug. Checking out what fruit is available, and then hunting for recipes. I found this lovely All Day Apple Butter recipe at the following website, just click HERE. What I really appreciate about it is being able to cook it all day in a crock pot. Or, night. Ya, its marvelous to wake up to the pungent, tangy, sweet almost heady scent of apples, cinnamon and cloves wafting through the house. Hits your olfactory system hard - better than the best Yankee Candle.

Of course, I'm not content to leave well enough alone with any recipe and always find ways to adapt it to my own. I put ground pepper in mine, and I'm not shy with it at all. On my second batch I actually tossed the contents of a Celestial Seasonings Bengal Spice teabag into a coffee grinder I keep specifically for grinding spices, whirled it up and cooked that into the mix. So my first batch is more fiery and sweet, while the second is more subtle and 'buttery'.

This should work equally well as a spread on toast, with or without a layer of cream cheese, or this Apple Butter could be used as a condiment with pork or chicken nicely. I've also got plans to adapt a loaf recipe I spied on another blog site - the Apple Butter will become a topping! I'll keep you posted.


To make a THIRD batch or not?

Peaches for my Sweet!

Mr. Miles loves peaches. He'd eat them almost daily, but we settled on me making enough that he could eat a jar a week - almost. It took two days out of my existence to put these up, but worth every second as this is his love language.

My friend Elaine has inspired me to do something novel. I'm tithing 10% of my preserves this year. I usually do wind up sharing some of it, but though we tithe on our income I'd never thought to tithe on my 'stuff' before. I suppose my free giveaways on my blog are always a tithe too, for no matter how busy I get designing for the shop, I've always got something FREE for everyone here, but I'd never considered about other areas of my life. We've got a young couple in mind for these yummy peaches and preserves.

Do you ever tithe things other than part of your income?

My Redecorated Space!

'Fall Cleaning' has hit my home. I felt the urge to rearrange part of our 'nest' - my desk/craft area in this instance. I'd decorated the back wall with samples from a wallpaper book some time ago, but it never looked quite finished. Then, I was inspired by a Martha Stewart craft idea to put the ribbons criss crossed to hold photos and such.

I'd just tacked the ribbons in, as its cork board in behind, and the tacks looked 'tacky' (pun intended) - so I got a brainwave to hot glue buttons in neutral colors over the heads of the tacks - now it looks pretty. I'm going to WANT to spend time in this space!

Do YOU get a fall cleaning bug too? Any project you are working on lately?

Beautiful Layout by my Sister In Law

Speaking of making me SMILE - this layout was created for me by my thoughtful Sister in Law Judy. She's always an encouragement and inspiration. I'm so glad we can share our Faith, Digital Scrapbooking and love of family. Thank you Judy, I'm going to treasure this.

Speaking of Rellies (fambily members) - my brother and sister in law, Dave and Neti are on vacation at the moment (green with envy here, folks) and they've been sending photos of their adventures. I'm going to share some on my next blog post - stay tuned in!

Whooooo - are you?

What Mr. Miles saw on his walk the other day. This is his little show and tell, as he invited me down to see, but I did not make it. This impressive bird stayed put through two of his visits!

Monday, September 08, 2008


I have been galvanized into action to make a generic, all encompassing award for YOU - so that you all can 'pay it forward' to someone deserving in your life - or perhaps you just want to add it to a layout or card. I've been overwhelmed with awards this past week (no, I'm not a little award-hoarder) and I am always the first to admit that I am terrible at sending them out to a bunch of people, though I could count MANY who deserve them. I honestly can't find the time to write for each one so I hope you will all forgive me.

I DO cherish each award I receive, and am touched by the sentiments behind them. You, and your awards are a reminder to me that my blog is a two-way journal. Without you, your input and comments, it would not be a conversation, for it takes at least two. And its funny, really, but I don't think of this blog as me conversing with 100's of people, I think its me conversing with ONE person each time, just 100 of times, know what I mean? So THANK YOU to each and every one of you who take the time and thought to leave me comments and awards. You enrich my life.

I received this award from my dear friend Valinda. I must say that Valinda is a constant star in the sky of my life. As sure as I'm going to see the big dipper in the sky each night, Valinda's comments are on my blog. Faithful as the night is long, always here to comfort, encourage and celebrate with me, is my friend Valinda. This award is looking right back at you Valinda! Muah!

And Shirley loves my blog. Yes, you DO Shirley for you are loyal and supportive and caring and you seem to come visit me when I need it . Good timing or?? I think your blog is wonderful too - though I apologize I'm not a good visitor to your blog as you are to mine... *blush* A big hug to you today!

I recieved this award from Kari, who said this:

"All too often we here about the nasty ways of designers and scrappers in smack blogs and bitter chats. With that in thought I feel that there are just as many wonderful scrappers and designers out there and they should be awarded for their efforts. Whether because they take time to say thank you for freebies, or do something special to help another. Now this award is neither fancy or or blingy but it comes from the heart."

Well, Kari, fancy and blingy are nice, but the heartfelt thoughts behind an award live on in the heart. I am touched you have given this award to me. I'm putting it in my 'happy memory treasure box' A wide smile goes out to you today!

So here are some thoughts I hunted out to share with you, on friendship:

A true friend

is someone who thinks you are a good egg

even though he knows you’re slightly cracked.

– Bernard Meltzer

I always like to know everything about my new friends

and nothing about my old ones.

– Oscar Wilde

So long as we love, we serve.

So long as we are loved by others,

I would almost say we are indispensible;

and no man is useless when he has a friend.

– Robert Louis Stevenson

One man gives freely,

yet grows all the richer;

another withholds what he should give

and only suffers want.

A liberal man will be enriched,

and one who waters will himself be watered.

– Proverbs 11:24-25 (RSV)

Lillian's Leaving
(click to see larger)

KimB Spring Passion Kit (STUNNING KIT!!!)
Knot in button by Patrizia Pascala Strings Only CU Kit

This is a layout I made for our friends Matt and Lillian. They're moving to Worchester, England. On Thursday. His hometown.

Lillian grew up here.

They met on the internet a few years ago. It was love at first type. He came, they married. He tried to live here. Matt gave his heart to Christ at our Church. Lillian gave her heart to Christ at our church, only she did that many, many years ago. The church has been her 'family' for almost all her living years.

They have two beautiful children. They have family here. A close knit family who get together spontaneously, often and share everything. Lillian is amidst sisters who are as close to her as her arms are too her body. But, she loves her man. England will now be her new home. Is this a true test of a good marriage?

Its hard saying Goodbye

So yesterday was a day for goodbyes. A few words to try and sum up a lifetime with her church family. A testimony. People who touched her life, and she's only realizing now, HOW they have become threads weaved into the tapestry of her memories. She tells us that she lives in the moment these last days - questions swimming in her mind, thoughts swirling. How she will miss some bit of scenery, the ability to just go to THAT store, visit THIS friend etc. How long before her eyes will once again gaze upon the beauty of her hometown.

And as much as we shall miss Lillian, we know she's in good hands. Matt is as quiet and retiring as Lilly is outgoing. He's stable and shy and a good provider. He came to Canada to meet and marry his bride, giving up HIS home, now he's taking his bride home.

In the short time we've come to know Matt, he's become 'one of the family' too.

We will MISS you!!!

We wish you both a bright future in the UK. Thank goodness today we can stay in touch with each other via the internet, so its not so bad. Its not really goodbye, at all! Lucky for us, Lillian has a gift for journaling and we are going to be able to follow along as they begin their new life. Perhaps YOU have a story about moving that will help or encourage this young family. Why not visit Lillian's blog today and leave her some love - I'm sure your thoughts and good wishes will help her family along the way! Just click HERE.

And later in the day was a time to celebrate with Old Friends, and New. We spent time with our friends John and Italia at a dinner at their lovely B & B home on Osoyoos Lake - the occasion being their anniversary. For some reason they host their own dinner each year and its always fun and FILLING, with great food! Italia is a friend-magnet. When she called to invite us she told us it was just going to be simple food this year - bbq salmon, rice and veg. Indeed there were these three items available in copious amounts, but there were at least 6 other dishes, a true banquet. And the few friends, supposedly 1/2 dozen, morphed into at least 30 or so. Some familiar faces, many new. I don't think we've missed a dinner yet - and we thank you HUGELY Italia and John.

And I'm off to can peaches. I've been gifted some and they are crying out to be canned. Till next time!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Created by Olivia Dorazio
to show what YOU could make using her new Styles Grab Bag!
Available NOW at www.sophiasarducci.com


In Fact, the 'weave' style in this bag graphic is also included in the Grab Bag!
Go Get!

The 'corrugated' style is in set no. 2 of 3!

For $2 - no zero's behind that number -
this Grab Bag's a DESIGNER'S DREAM

See the lovlies which can be created using some of Olivia's products?

Layout by Olivia's CT


“It’s time for a really good cup of coffee!”

Clock photo from It’s About Time by Amy Pearson
Styles in September Grab Bag by Olivia Dorazio
DD Designer Pack by Barb Derksen (aka Olivia Dorazio) (blog)
Sweet Music by Barb Derksen (aka Olivia Dorazio) (blog)
Background paper by mizamigo
Font: Bickley Script
S/W: PSE 5.0

“Coffee smells like fresh brewed heaven. ~Jessi Lane Adams”

Layout by Olivia's CT


Olivia’s Kitchen by Olivia Dorazio
Coffee Photo from Classic Thirst by Amy Pearson
Old Grunge Overlay by Amy Pearson
Font: Dyspepsia
S/W: PSE 5.0

Thank you, Victoria, for sharing your LOVELY layouts!

If YOU would like to share any layouts or projects you've created using any of my products here, just email me a 600 x 600 px copy to lalalime{at}hotmail{dot}com Be sure to include all credits!


I have been thinking a lot about FAITH this week and the thought that came to my mind is the idea that like a well tuned guitar, our faith should be tested on a continual basis. With a guitar,if one does not test it (keep it tuned) then we can't be guaranteed that we will be assured of sweet 'in tune' music when we pick it up to play. The strings can 'relax' over time - on the other hand, they can be wound so tight that it only takes a bit of pressure to cause the string to snap!

Our faith needs to be used, checked, tested and adjusted, daily. It needs to be done so often that it becomes a habit, that we are ASSURED within ourselves that when we use it, its like putting on a comfortable glove. The more we use and test our faith, the deeper we can explore it's depths, the richer it becomes.

Test your faith today - and daily - keep it 'just right'

God, help me in my feeble way
To somehow do something each day
To show You I love You best
And that my faith will stand each test.

Prove me, O Lord,
and try me;
test my heart and my mind.
For thy steadfast love is before my eyes,
and I walk in faithfulness to thee.

Psalm 26:2,3

Monday, September 01, 2008



Tag It! by Adriana Lunette (Amy)
Aren't these too cool? get yourself some today, click HERE

I know, I'm a spoiled Princess - though my birthday's not till mid-September, I already have my present. Really, its a good thing, because with Mr. Miles being an instructor, September is a crazy month and it sometimes feels like my birthday gets 'squeezed in' with everything else.

This was totally unexpected, really. If you would have told me a month ago that I would have this for my birthday I would not have believed it.

(click photos to view larger!)

You're going to laugh, looking at the following photos, because our old VW Vanagon was almost identical to this new/used one. It is... but it isn't. The layouts are very different, and this new one has everthing in pristine condition and good working order. The paint is IDENTICAL.

With our busy lives, we'd allowed the old one to (other than mechanically) fall into a state where, though it would be a DREAM for a 'fixer upper' sort of person, we could not have caught up to all that needed to be done. Things like door handles and hubcaps etc that we kept saying we'd fix ONE DAY. (Brother Dave, you won't have to be changing the tires on THIS one!)

Then along came the new one. Quite by chance. Mr. Miles driving by a dealership - actually spying one of the new fancy-schmancy ones... thinking I'd just like to take a gander at them, and we could DREAM about owning one of them. This one just happened to be parked next.

Our BIG DREAM was one day own a brand new sparkling RoadTrek or something like it... but you're looking at something up to like $100,000 and even higher - HA! It would have to have a built in place to hold our dentures in it if we waited till then, but we could always 'look', right?

So, I looked. The new VW Vanagons are nice, for sure. But for me, a bit 'sterile'. Pull down blinds and all that. Sorta boxlike and aerodynamic. Sleek. But not ME.

Mr. Miles opened the door to the new/old one, parked right next to the new one... and I KNEW the moment he opened it, I loved it. And that was the start of it all.

This was the one we sold, to buy our new/old one - am I confusing anyone yet? It always made me think of a gypsy caravan - for it was tall and swayed in a good wind when we traveled. It had a lot of custom work done inside, all wood, which gave it a truly homey feel. We had two beds in that one, but never slept 'up top' - for we used that area for storage, and somehow with it being a 'hard top' it did not seem as romantic as a tent 'pop up' top.

Because of all the custom work in it, we often had strangers approach us and we'd give them the 'tour'.

We were blessed to sell this one right away... you see Vanagon People are VERY passionate about our vehicles. We wave to each other on the highway - and not like "hi, how are ya?"... no its like "we know what you know" - that kind of thing. Like a Happy Club or something. We just know the lady who purchased ours (referred by our VW mechanic - ya, VW people are "like that") - yes, we KNOW the adventures and memories she's going to build around the old one for many years to come. Its not JUST a vehicle to drive. It was sold in less than a week.

Do you know, there's an entire website devoted to Vanagons - people sharing all the mechanical information, but so much more than that - their photos, videos and adventures. Postings on events where if you have worn out the ear of all your friends and relatives, you could go and be amongst other "Vanagoners" Just click HERE.

I even found a site where these vehicles are rented out. To me, it says volumes about the quality and reliability of VW Vanagons when a rental company can make a business out of these 20+ year old vehicles. Now my Sister, who lives where they rent these from COULD rent one if we come and we could drive off into the BC sunset together (ok, perhaps thats just TOO cheesey) - but really, if you look thru the slideshow, our Van is EXACTLY like the one they've named Charlie Brown, we could BE THE SAME! (look under Adventures - Some of the Fleet, then click thru)

Just click HERE to visit the site, to see the layout of ours - go to OUR RENTALS, then LAYOUT OPTIONS, then DELUXE CAMPER. Pretty nifty, right?

And, can't say enough kind words about the service at the VW Dealership (Abbotsford) ... they treated us ROYALLY - you would have thought we bought a high-end Jetta or something. The staff were so helpful and accommodating. The van was FRESHLY repainted and spic and span, inside and out.

Our van, was previously owned by ONE owner, who, in their 80's decided to trade in on something smaller. Lucky for us - for ME!

Last night, we camped down by the lake. Not at a campsite, just a quiet spot, and Popped the Top and we slept up there, on the 'top bunk', under the bazillion stars in the sky. And the only sounds we could hear as we drifted off to contented sleep was the lapping of the waves on the lakeshore, and me sighing with happiness.

MUAH to my sweet husband, who makes something wonderful and amazing happen every year for my birthday - and no, you won't have to try to top this next year... because I'll be 50, this year is a BIG birthday year!


A huge, heartfelt THANK YOU to Virelle Kidder for her generosity in donating this book for giveaway, and for her wonderful ministry to Joy at this very difficult time. Your thoughtfulness has surely touched far more lives than just Joy's thru this experience.

If you did not win, you can still buy this book by clicking HERE.

All of the names went 'into the hat' and out came...


Melanie, if you read this, Virelle will have emailed you, but you should be sure to contact her and make certain she has your mailing address. Thanks to all who entered this contest - who knows, we may have another in the future!

Joy emailed me to say its been a very difficult time since she lost her Mother, but she will post in the future. She's so grateful for all of the love poured out upon her.

I can tell you, its certainly touched me - in a big way.

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