Tag It! by Adriana Lunette (
Aren't these too cool? get yourself some today, click
I know, I'm a spoiled Princess - though my birthday's not till mid-September, I already have my present. Really, its a good thing, because with Mr. Miles being an instructor, September is a crazy month and it sometimes feels like my birthday gets 'squeezed in' with everything else.
This was totally unexpected, really. If you would have told me a month ago that I would have this for my birthday I would not have believed it.

(click photos to view larger!)
You're going to laugh, looking at the following photos, because our old VW Vanagon was almost identical to this new/used one. It is... but it isn't. The layouts are very different, and this new one has everthing in pristine condition and good working order. The paint is IDENTICAL.
With our busy lives, we'd allowed the old one to (other than mechanically) fall into a state where, though it would be a DREAM for a 'fixer upper' sort of person, we could not have caught up to all that needed to be done. Things like door handles and hubcaps etc that we kept saying we'd fix ONE DAY. (Brother Dave, you won't have to be changing the tires on THIS one!)
Then along came the new one. Quite by chance. Mr. Miles driving by a dealership - actually spying one of the new fancy-schmancy ones... thinking I'd just like to take a gander at them, and we could DREAM about owning one of them. This one just happened to be parked next.
Our BIG DREAM was one day own a brand new sparkling
RoadTrek or something like it... but you're looking at something up to like $100,000 and even higher - HA! It would have to have a built in place to hold our dentures in it if we waited till then, but we could always 'look', right?
So, I looked. The new VW Vanagons are nice, for sure. But for me, a bit 'sterile'. Pull down blinds and all that. Sorta boxlike and aerodynamic. Sleek. But not ME.
Mr. Miles opened the door to the new/old one, parked right next to the new one... and I KNEW the moment he opened it, I loved it. And that was the start of it all.

This was the one we sold, to buy our new/old one - am I confusing anyone yet? It always made me think of a gypsy caravan - for it was tall and swayed in a good wind when we traveled. It had a lot of custom work done inside, all wood, which gave it a truly homey feel. We had two beds in that one, but never slept 'up top' - for we used that area for storage, and somehow with it being a 'hard top' it did not seem as romantic as a tent 'pop up' top.
Because of all the custom work in it, we often had strangers approach us and we'd give them the 'tour'.
We were blessed to sell this one right away... you see Vanagon People are VERY passionate about our vehicles. We wave to each other on the highway - and not like "hi, how are ya?"... no its like "we know what you know" - that kind of thing. Like a Happy Club or something. We just know the lady who purchased ours (referred by our VW mechanic - ya, VW people are "like that") - yes, we KNOW the adventures and memories she's going to build around the old one for many years to come. Its not JUST a vehicle to drive. It was sold in less than a week.

Do you know, there's an entire website devoted to Vanagons - people sharing all the mechanical information, but so much more than that - their photos, videos and adventures. Postings on events where if you have worn out the ear of all your friends and relatives, you could go and be amongst other "Vanagoners" Just click
HERE.I even found a site where these vehicles are rented out. To me, it says volumes about the quality and reliability of VW Vanagons when a rental company can make a business out of these 20+ year old vehicles. Now my Sister, who lives where they rent these from COULD rent one if we come and we could drive off into the BC sunset together (ok, perhaps thats just TOO cheesey) - but really, if you look thru the slideshow, our Van is EXACTLY like the one they've named Charlie Brown, we could BE THE SAME! (look under Adventures - Some of the Fleet, then click thru)
Just click
HERE to visit the site, to see the layout of ours - go to OUR RENTALS, then LAYOUT OPTIONS, then DELUXE CAMPER. Pretty nifty, right?
And, can't say enough kind words about the service at the
VW Dealership (Abbotsford) ... they treated us ROYALLY - you would have thought we bought a high-end Jetta or something. The staff were so helpful and accommodating. The van was FRESHLY repainted and spic and span, inside and out.
Our van, was previously owned by ONE owner, who, in their 80's decided to trade in on something smaller. Lucky for us - for ME!
Last night, we camped down by the lake. Not at a campsite, just a quiet spot, and Popped the Top and we slept up there, on the 'top bunk', under the bazillion stars in the sky. And the only sounds we could hear as we drifted off to contented sleep was the lapping of the waves on the lakeshore, and me sighing with happiness.
MUAH to my sweet husband, who makes something wonderful and amazing happen every year for my birthday - and no, you won't have to try to top this next year... because I'll be 50, this year is a BIG birthday year!

A huge, heartfelt THANK YOU to
Virelle Kidder for her generosity in donating this book for giveaway, and for her wonderful ministry to Joy at this very difficult time. Your thoughtfulness has surely touched far more lives than just Joy's thru this experience.
If you did not win, you can still buy this book by clicking
HERE.All of the names went 'into the hat' and out came...
Melanie, if you read this, Virelle will have emailed you, but you should be sure to contact her and make certain she has your mailing address. Thanks to all who entered this contest - who knows, we may have another in the future!
Joy emailed me to say its been a very difficult time since she lost her Mother, but she will post in the future. She's so grateful for all of the love poured out upon her.
I can tell you, its certainly touched me - in a big way.