Friday, September 21, 2007

Hey Folks!

I am SO SORRY that I've not been posting this past week. I can't believe how many emails and phone calls I've recieved from you-all wondering if I'm ok. I'm OK, I'm GREAT... just real, real, REAL busy. Thank you ALL SO MUCH for being faithful to me, and I promise a blog entry before the weekend is out!

Thats why I may not have visited you-all too, on your blogs, please just bear with me. Thanks for making me feel loved & missed!


  1. we all love you ...always and forever sis ...have a great weekend and relax...

  2. Glad to know you are ok ... just missed ALOT! :D Hugs!

  3. 'Bout time you showed up girl! LOL! I'll "talk" to you later I'm sure.
    Hugs to you and that man of yours,

  4. You gotta post this at DigiScrapDepot. Its very James And The Giant Peachy-y. Hilarious.


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