Sunday, September 23, 2007

Barb's Doodleheart Element
png and brush!

Whew! And what a week it was. I have been working on some designing projects with my friend Olivia Dorazio, and she was under a deadline so she had me working very, very hard! I learned some very cool stuff from her! She's launching her first designs on Monday at – you might want to check that out! I'm sure she would be tickled for you to visit her there – and her designs just rock! (She's pretty nervous, folks - this is her first time marketing her designs!)

First off, I would like to say a HUGE thank you to so many of you who were a GREAT encouragement to me in regard to my September 16th blog entry. Sometimes, just knowing others are walking the same difficult path, makes it easier to bear. Your comments touched me very deeply and I want you to know, I am lifting YOUR needs up in prayer too. Thank you so much for sharing. Valinda, Amy, Jan, Olga, Leanne & Sharon – you all really moved me. Your wise words have all made me feel better. Jan, I would love to get in touch with you, but I don't have any way to? You're welcome to email me at

Digi-Card created for Gina - can be viewed here

and if you're signed up with SBB you can leave some love too!

It's a very sad time for my friend Gina right now. I'm sure a lot of you remember it was a year ago now that Gina lost her son Nick in a tragic accident. It has been a long, hard journey for Gina and her entire family... and she's shared it with all of us. The bad, the good. She's come through with her faith intact. She's been amazing. Her story is inspiring. Please share some love with her today. Please lift her family up at this time. Gina, you know I love you like a sister. My heart is with you today.

'You Make Me Smile' Award

I am the recipient of yet another award, this time from my dear friend Becky! Becky has awarded me the “You make me Smile” award and this is the explaination given for the award's theme:

"the thing that I love most about blogging is that I learn so much about a person just by reading their blog. I have met MANY wonderful people with wonderful stories to tell,and I am grateful every day for each person that I have the pleasure of crossing paths in life with. I wanted to create something special for the people who have inspired me through their blogging; the stories they tell, and the lives that they lead with grace and dignity. I visit their blogs for inspiration and encouragement. Although there are MANY people I want to give this award to at this very moment, I am going to choose a couple bloggers: Please grab your badge and wear it (with a smile) proudly, and pass it on because you inspire and encourage me, thank you."

So, I would also like to pass this honour on to four special persons in my life.

I'm pressing this award on my very own Sister-in-Law, Judy. Judy, your blog makes me smile for many reasons, but two stand out. The first is that you keep us connected as family. You post wonderful photos and slideshows. You've learned a huge amount with your camera, and it shows. You take us on all your trips and we get to see my wonderful brother Barry beautiful grandkids growing up. No, thats not an error, thats one thing I love 'bout my bruddy Barry – he will ALWAYS be a kid at heart. You also moved from a 'house in the suburbs' into an RV (a nice, big RV, but still!) over this past year (and waited oh so patiently at times on the Lord for that to happen) and you have taken us to some of the prettiest of places – and then taken the time to present them in neat slideshow presentations. You also provide yummy (healthy too) recipes and some inspiring and encouraging bits and bites which cross your path. Thank you Sis, and I love you so much. You make me smile a big feeling of family smile.

Amy W. What can I say. You have been SUCH huge inspiration to me, gurl. I don't know how you 'do all you do' – what, with all your fabulous designing, raising your cute and precocious little Emma, and then compliling you bi-weekly freebie lists... (and you always have a few encouraging words for each designer) You have a great attitude and if you lived here I'd want to be spending time with you, for sure! If you have not, for some strange reason, been to visit Amy before, you better 'git there and say hi, and of course, pick up a freebie or two! Oh, and my blog would not have the traffic it has over time without your constant support! Hugs to you! You give me a smile thinking of how I could ever repay you for all your kindesses you've shown me.

Valinda. You are SO generous. You've been making QP's (quick pages for digital scrapbooking) for give-away for ... hmmm... ya, FOREVER. You're so faithful to come visiting my blog... so much so, if you don't, I come 'alookin. You share your time and talent almost daily and you've always got something nice to say... about everyone. You make me smile because I can feel your wonderfulness right over the blog-waves.

Layout by blog-reader and talented blogger... KIM B!

Credits. Belt template by Ikea,

swirly overlay-Mrs Miles,

belt etc by Kim B

Thanks for sharing Kim – when I get un-busy

I'm dying to use a few of your yummy kits and 'eles'...

Last, but certainly not least – is Kim B. Ok, so I lie... you don't make me laugh, you make me ROTFL and then, I ROTFL again. You are a HOOT. I still get a giggle of you and your little husband and window incident. Haha. And, again, you're always generously giving of your time and talent. Your work is impeccable – incredible. You make me smile – and LAUGH! Thanks gurl, for making me spit hot coffee over my keyboard almost daily... I'll learn not to mix liquids and your blog as its sure to end up being giggled out of my nose or mouth!

Now go and share YOUR awards, ladies!

photo by my very own SIL Judy!

I was watching the news a week or so ago, and listened to a touching story about a local hotel which is closing. Apperently, a worker discovered a photo album under one of the beds and since then have made an effort to locate the album's owners, with some degree of success. Take a look at the clip and see if anything strikes you about this story – other than the warm-fuzzies of it...

click HERE to see the newsclip from CHBC tv

Ok, so in case you didn't catch what I caught... did you hear what she said about those beds not being moved in over 30 YEARS? Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! This is the reason that no matter how cramped and small our little camper van feels when we live in it over the summers – its still our own little bed that only us two peoples have slept in.

I've got a few videos I've come across recently – they are ones on drumming. I'm not much into drumming – though I have a beautiful djembe that Miles bought me when I graduated high school at the age of 43 (thats another whole story in itself) However, I can't help but admire when someone has developed their chosen talent into something into a class of its own. The following videos are just that – drummers who cause you to just shake your head with admiration. I have to ask – dont' their arms and hands get sore???

If you're a parent, and you live in Canada – you may want to visit the following link from Today's Parent. They are offering a FREE no-obligation issue of their wonderful magazine. Just click here to fill out the form for yours!

Barb's Handy Tip # 307
Help Via Video

Ok, you know I like to keep this blog a 'safe' place ... so I will let you know that while today's site has some terrific advice and info, parts of it are inappropriate for children. So I'm just letting you know so's you can use discretion when surfing it. There are some great helps to be had here. Hey, I learned to make a 'professional looking' ponytail – usually mine look like... erm... the tail on a pony?

This site is chock-full of instructional videos on everything from 'how to shop' to 'how to have cat-balance' and even some 'expert' help videos. I know I'll be visiting often!

Video Jug


  1. TY Barb for the fantastic doodle!!!
    Glad that your feeling better!!!

  2. I was MISSING your blog this week! Your element looks Valentinesy today :)

    Hope we can get that visit in SOON!

    See you maybe at church later?

  3. Hellooo!
    SO thank you for my award. I never seem to remember to pass these things along. It's not because I don't want too, it's just usually one of my time crunch things. SO that's where I find the time- LOL! And hey you know you've inspired me right back so it's a mutual admiration thing going on. Okay off to investigate my assignment from church.

  4. Good Afternoon Barb:) Well it is here anyway(afternoon) hehe.

    Thank you so much for the wonderful award.I am so happy you chose me as one of the recipients.:) Sounds like a speech huh?LOL
    I really am thrilled you chose me.I don't write much on my blog..and I don't have the fantastic things you have on yours..but when I grow up..I want to be just like you.:)You have inspired me too.I love coming here everyday to read your blog and see all the fantastic things you show us...and we even get a prize before we cool is that?
    I want to get my wooden spoons and bang on stuff around the house.LOL Those drummers were soo cool.!!!:)
    Thank you for the wonderful heart doodle too.I love it!:)
    I hope you have a wonderful rest of the weekend..what's left of it anyway.

  5. Hey, hey Mrs. Miles!

    Glad to see your post today! It cheered me. Glad you got an award ... you deserve it! Had fun checking out all the recommended blogs.

    Those drummers sure can go! Man, I can hardly keep my clapping in sync ... especially when I think about it. I'm so uncoordinated!

    We might be heading your way as early as Thursday. I do have to take Mumsy to the doctor ... hopefully I can get that in on Monday or Tuesday. Ta, ta for now and maybe we'll even SEE you soon ... if you have a moment in your busy schedule for a coffee or somefin'!

  6. my sis what can I say THANK YOU so much ..I love that I can share with you where we have been and know at every turn you are there for me sis ...Barb you are my guardian angel, my step back and take a deep breath....and my kick start when I am down ...I thank the Lord everyday for making us SIL, friends, and sisters. Thanks for the award....and for just loving me

  7. Barb -

    Just stopping by to check in - I am glad you are feeling better now. (((hugs)) Can't wait to see what you you collaborated with Olivia on. I will have to check Sophia's site to see :-) Had a great weekend - talk to you soon!

  8. Now I just spat my coffee!!- WOW- Barb, thank you soooo much for this honour- Gee's- I thought the doodle was the little sumfing- LOL,- Thank you!
    And 30 years!!!- EEEWWW is RIGHT! - hahahaha, wonder what else they found under those beds besides the album- hahahaha- gross!
    Today is a public holiday here today- so having the privilage of sitting in my PJ's at the moment reading your blog- hahahLOL. Love all the vid's and sites!! Drumming- thank goodness Nathan isn't here at the moment or I would hear- you see Mom, that's why I want a set of drums ( and the nagging would continue all week-LOL).
    Sent you an e-mail last week- LOL, well through your profile- maybe stuck in spam?
    Here's the addy again-
    Going to get some caffeine and then chat later- LOL
    Sending HUGE hugs and another Thank you for this wonderful award!!

  9. Thank you! The DigiFree freebie search engine is about to list this blog post at

  10. Hello Barb,
    thank you for this cute doodle. I like your style and have your bloglink on my blog :-)
    Doro from Germany

  11. It's fantastic to know that you're back to blogging after a busy week helping your friend. :) By now I have seen some of her work and it's terrific so congratulations to her and best wishes. :)

    About the issue in your previous entry I must say that yes it's true we all walk through the same road in more issues than we believe and we are the worse judges of ourselves. I'm glad that you feel better.

    The website is very interesting and also the new about the hotel. As always those little pieces of information make the entry very enjoyable.

    Many thanks for everything and for the brush and best wishes.:O)


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