Saturday, September 29, 2007

It is Indian Summer. The rising sun blazes through the misty air like a conflagration. A yellowish, smoky haze fills the atmosphere and a filmy mist lies like a silver lining on the sky. The wind is soft and low. It wafts to us the odour of forest leaves, that hang wilted on the dripping branches, or drop into the stream. Their gorgeous tints are gone, as if the autumnal rains had washed them out. Orange, yellow and scarlet are all changed too one melencoly russet hue. The birds, too, have taken wing, and have left their roofless dwellings. Not the whistle of robin, not the twittering of eavesdropping swallow, not the carol of one sweet, familiar voice. All gone. Only the dismal cawing of a crow, as he sits and curses that the harvest is over; or the chit-chat of an idle squirell, the noisy denizen of a hollow tree, the mendicant fraiar of a large parish, the absolute monarch of a dozen acorns. ~ Longfellow

Well, fall's not taken such a hold here yet, though it's nearing. The sumac are still in transition which is a wonder to behold as they turn every hue from greens and yellows through to ruby's and claret reds. Across the way, the vineyards are beginning to fade to a pale yellow-green, before they will progress to a deep golden. The nights and mornings have a crisp bite and we finally relented to putting the furnace on again.

I created the special Sumac Mini kit for you – so you can share in the beauty as well. The elements are actual leaves. (well course the blues are'nt LOL!)

As we near Thanksgiving, my heart is moved to ponder beforehand, the things that I'm grateful for – I'd like to thank the Lord for all the blessings He's provided in my life. As my friend Becky journalled in her blog ( a must-read!) - she reminds us that every good thing is from God – not just the big things... but everything! I'm going to do some bible study on that theme this week and make lists of what I'm grateful for. How 'bout you? Would you like to share what you're thankful for?

Psalm 107:7-9

7 He led them by a straight way
to a city where they could settle.
8 Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love
and his wonderful deeds for men,
9 for he satisfies the thirsty
and fills the hungry with good things.

First, I'm thankful for good friends. I believe that God has brought so many wonderful people into our lives. From random-chance meetings I've met the most amazing folks. I've been astonished how quickly our lives become intertwined and blessed by people who were, just a short time ago, were strangers to me. I've even come to know and deeply care about a whole virtual community of you – so many of you touch my heart with your on-line encouragement, sharing your lives, your stories, your wisdom. I thank God for you, and I thank you for your friendship.

I've actually had the joy to meet a few of my online friends in person. I knew Gina, and chatted almost daily with her for several months before we got to meet – and now I consider her to be in my 'inner circle' And just yesterday, I had the honour to meet my friend (E) Cicero, who writes a wonderful blog full of interesting bits and bites and who lives in the same province. Cis and her husband stopped in for a breakfast visit and if I had not been under a deadline for some projects I was wrapping up, we would have kept here to get to know more. As it was, our time went SO quickly and was so jam-packed that I forgot (did we both forget?) to even get a photo!!! Can you imagine? We're counting on a future visit – surely a much longer one. It was so good to meet you both. Cis left me with some of her handmade soap and body oil which I luxuriated in this morning in a chin deep tub of water with! Thanks Cis!

I had another visit this week, from my dear friend Melanie. Gosh, she lives in the adjoining town, and yet this was the first visit since the spring! Far too long, Melanie dear! Anyways, I'm sitting here, blogging and sipping some lovely Blue Eyes tea which Melanie brought me for a belated birthday gift, along with a highly polished little copper teapot. She also brought me samples of three other exotic teas from the tea shoppe where she's been working. One day I plan scoot on up and enjoy a tea there! Thanks Melanie, the teas are wonderful!

And for the third time this week, Miles and I were blessed to spend time with friends. Our good friends Roger and Marie ( you know, the folks with the 'dorable alpacas!) ... well, it was Marie's birthday, so we spent this friday evening out to dinner, celebrating, at a local Chinese Food Restaurant. We had a lovely meal, and were even serenaded by Amy – she and her husband Ben are the owners. Amy plays a Chinese (Mandarin) Instrument called a Gu Zheng which sounds slightly Sitar-like, but with an oriental tone. What a nice touch to the evening. Oh dear, and actually for me, it was the third time I ate at that place in one week... haha, I'm ready for some Italian, or Indian, or... well, anything but Chinese for a week, please, good as it was...

Marie and Roger, thanks for having us share in your special day!

Here's a lil bit of pre-Thanksgiving humour for you! (It's Thanksgiving here in Canada NEXT WEEKEND!)

A turkey farmer was always experimenting with breeding to perfect a better turkey. His family was fond of the leg portion for dinner and there were never enough legs for everyone. After many frustrating attempts, the farmer was relating the results of his efforts to his friends at the general store get-together.

"Well, I finally did it! I bred a turkey that has six legs!"

They all asked the farmer how it tasted.

"I don't know," said the farmer. "I never could catch the darn thing!"


What sound does a space turkey make?

Hubble, hubble, hubble.


A woman was picking through the frozen turkeys at the grocery store, but couldn't find one big enough for her family. She asked the stock boy, "Do these turkeys get any bigger?" What did the stock boy say?

No, Ma'am. They're already dead.


I'm also grateful for memory – memories. Just this morning, as I was folding away a cereal box for recycle, I was blessed with the memory of my Gramma who used to save cereal boxes for giving away cookies in. She would cut the top, flat panel all the way around, and then tape up the end of the box where it was originally opened (to pour the cereal out of) Then, once this was done, the box would be laid flat on the table, the 'lid' was opened and then she lined the inside with wax paper. She'd then fill it with her delicious goodies for give-away, not having to worry on the container being returned. Gramma had a 'recycle program' of her own going on, years before anything formal ever came along.

Today in History:

1066 - William the Conqueror invades England to claim English throne.

1399 - King Richard II became the first English monarch to abdicate.

1829 - Greater London’s Metropolitan Police has much to do when there was opposition to the act of Parliament authorizing the police force. The act was requested by Home Secretary Sir Robert Peel; so the police were called "Bobbies" in honor of him. The first official headquarters for the Bobbies were at Scotland Yard. Scotland Yard would become the police force's official name.

1913 - Rudolf Diesel, French inventor of the diesel internal combustion engine, disappeared and presumably drowned in the English Channel.

1930 - Singer Bing Crosby, married Dixie Lee.

1940 - Radio quiz show, "Double or Nothing", was heard for the first time on the Mutual Radio Network. When contestants answered questions correctly, their winnings doubled from $20 to $40 to the big payoff of $80. If they answered incorrectyly they were eliminated. The show lasted for a dozen years. Sponsors for the show included: Feen-A-Mint, Chooz breath candy and Campbell’s soup.

1946 - "The Adventures of Sam Spade" premiered on CBS radio this Sunday night. In the summer of 1946, it had aired on ABC on Friday nights. "The Adventures of Sam Spade", starring Howard Duff as detective Spade, became a hit on Sunday night radio.

1947 - Musician Dizzy Gillespie (performing with Charlie Parker) made his Carnegie Hall debut in New York City. Playing with a full-sized band, Gillespie was the leader of a new wave of jazz known as bebop. Over time, Gillespie became one of the great jazz players of all time.

1951 - CBS presented the first football game to be televised in color on a network, played by the University of Pennsylvania and the University of California.

1959 - The irreverant cartoon TV series, Rocky and Bullwinkle, created by Jay Ward, debuted on ABC on this date. It was the most sophisticated satirical cartoon series of the television era at that time. The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis debuted on CBS on the same evening.

1988 - In the first space mission since the explosion of the shuttle Challenger in January 1986, the shuttle Discovery was launched.

1989 - Actress Zsa Zsa Gabor was convicted of battery for slapping a Beverly Hills police officer who had pulled over her Rolls-Royce for expired license plates. (As part of her sentence, Gabor served three days in jail.)

Barb's Handy Tip #309

101 Uses For Ordinary Things

In every part of your house, everyday items — from clothespins to cotton swabs — are simply waiting to do surprising new things. This list from REAL SIMPLE magazine has some good hints for you go adopt for your own!


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Autumn QP (png format)

(does not include the cute photo of Amy W.'s Emma...)


Awwwww... Amy W. just rocks. I mentioned to her that my friend Olivia Dorazio was launching her first designs today, and was nervous, and so, even tho Amy's busier than a two-headed dog chasing his tail, she put together a sweet QP for you to have - and even provided a preview with her sweet little Emma in it. That Amy. One day when I grow up and be a real designer I hope I have an Amy in my circle of friends. Amy created the ribbons, as Olivia does not know how to make them yet, and Amy also made the paper too. I hope you'll visit Amy today. Olivia created the whimsical, handpainted pumpkin and the beautiful life-like leaves - you really have to see them to appreciate the texture. Please check out Olivia's designs for her launch today at - make sure you look for Olivia Dorazio under the artist menu!

And isn't that really what makes the world go round? Folks helping folks. Someone taking time to mentor to others. This is what makes the world a better place.

The world is like a mirror

Reflecting what you do,

And if your face is smiling

It smiles right back at you.

Jesus said "I tell you this -

anything you did for one of my brothers here,

however humble, you did for me.

Matthew 25:40

Kind hearts are the gardens,

Kind thoughts are the roots,

Kind words are the flowers,

Kind deeds are the fruits.

Take care of the gardens,

And keep them from the weeds.

Fill, fill them with flowers,

Kind words and kind deeds.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

K, no more time to chatter here - I've a date with my friend Becky for a walk in the countryside so I better get some food into me.

Today in History:

1493 - Christopher Columbus set sail from Cadiz, Spain, on his second voyage of discovery to the New World.

1513 - Spanish explorer Vasco Nunez de Balboa was the first European to view the eastern shore of what later became called the Pacific Ocean, after he crossed the Isthmus of Panama. He named it the South Sea, claiming it in the name of the King of Spain.

1690 - One of the earliest American newspapers, Publick Occurrences, published its first, and last, edition in Boston.

1789 - The first United States Congress adopted 12 amendments to the Constitution and sent them to the states for ratification.

1890 - In Central California, a United States National Park was established. It was named Sequoia National Park after the giant redwood trees growing there.

1933 - Heard on NBC radio for the first time was America’s favorite cowboy, Tom Mix. His show would continue on the air until June, 1950.

1950 - NBC introduced a new daytime programming idea for televisiion, it had Kate Smith debut in an hour long show, which would last for four years. The show's theme song was "When the Moon Comes Over the Mountain".

1953 - Piano player, Liberace, made his debut at Carnegie Hall. Liberace performed to sold out crowd. His candelabra and concert grand piano became instant trademarks that lasted for his whole career.

1954 - Elvis Presley made his first appearance on the Grand Ole Opry.

1956 - One century after the first transatlantic telegraph cable was laid, the first transatlantic telephone cable began operation. Consisting of 4,500 miles (7,242 km) of coaxial cable, laid in waters up to 2.5 miles (4 km) deep, the system provided 35 high-quality telephone circuits from London to the United States and Canada.

1957 - Nine black children had to be escorted to class by U.S. Army troops at Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, because of racial unrest.

1965 - The 30-minute cartoon adventure series, The Beatles, debuted on Saturday morning TV, and featured the likenesses of the popular rock group. The show ran for three seasons.

1970 - The family musical sitcom, The Partridge Family, debuted on ABC. The song I Think I Love You, which was launched on the show, hit the Number 1 spot on Billboard's record charts later that year, and David Cassidy became an international teenage idol as a result of the show. It was typecasting that would haunt him the rest of his career.

1973 - The three-man crew of the United States space laboratory "Skylab Two" splashed down safely in the Pacific Ocean after spending 59 days in orbit.

1981 - Sandra Day O’Connor became the first female to sit on the United States Supreme Court bench, when today she was sworn in as the 102nd Justice.

1986 - At a California coin auction, a 1884-S Barber Head dime, one of only a dozen in existence, brought in $83,000.

1993 - A Florida judge ruled it was legal that a child could divorce biological parents. The court case surrounded Gregory Kingsley, a twelve-year-old who didn’t want to be with his parents any longer.

Barb's Handy Tip #308

Wow - touchable computing!

If you have'nt checked out the newest technology from Microsoft, then you must scoot over and see for yourself. It's here - technology that allows you to physically interact with the interface! I can't fully describe it - you're better to see it yourself.

Microsoft Surface

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Barb's Doodleheart Element
png and brush!

Whew! And what a week it was. I have been working on some designing projects with my friend Olivia Dorazio, and she was under a deadline so she had me working very, very hard! I learned some very cool stuff from her! She's launching her first designs on Monday at – you might want to check that out! I'm sure she would be tickled for you to visit her there – and her designs just rock! (She's pretty nervous, folks - this is her first time marketing her designs!)

First off, I would like to say a HUGE thank you to so many of you who were a GREAT encouragement to me in regard to my September 16th blog entry. Sometimes, just knowing others are walking the same difficult path, makes it easier to bear. Your comments touched me very deeply and I want you to know, I am lifting YOUR needs up in prayer too. Thank you so much for sharing. Valinda, Amy, Jan, Olga, Leanne & Sharon – you all really moved me. Your wise words have all made me feel better. Jan, I would love to get in touch with you, but I don't have any way to? You're welcome to email me at

Digi-Card created for Gina - can be viewed here

and if you're signed up with SBB you can leave some love too!

It's a very sad time for my friend Gina right now. I'm sure a lot of you remember it was a year ago now that Gina lost her son Nick in a tragic accident. It has been a long, hard journey for Gina and her entire family... and she's shared it with all of us. The bad, the good. She's come through with her faith intact. She's been amazing. Her story is inspiring. Please share some love with her today. Please lift her family up at this time. Gina, you know I love you like a sister. My heart is with you today.

'You Make Me Smile' Award

I am the recipient of yet another award, this time from my dear friend Becky! Becky has awarded me the “You make me Smile” award and this is the explaination given for the award's theme:

"the thing that I love most about blogging is that I learn so much about a person just by reading their blog. I have met MANY wonderful people with wonderful stories to tell,and I am grateful every day for each person that I have the pleasure of crossing paths in life with. I wanted to create something special for the people who have inspired me through their blogging; the stories they tell, and the lives that they lead with grace and dignity. I visit their blogs for inspiration and encouragement. Although there are MANY people I want to give this award to at this very moment, I am going to choose a couple bloggers: Please grab your badge and wear it (with a smile) proudly, and pass it on because you inspire and encourage me, thank you."

So, I would also like to pass this honour on to four special persons in my life.

I'm pressing this award on my very own Sister-in-Law, Judy. Judy, your blog makes me smile for many reasons, but two stand out. The first is that you keep us connected as family. You post wonderful photos and slideshows. You've learned a huge amount with your camera, and it shows. You take us on all your trips and we get to see my wonderful brother Barry beautiful grandkids growing up. No, thats not an error, thats one thing I love 'bout my bruddy Barry – he will ALWAYS be a kid at heart. You also moved from a 'house in the suburbs' into an RV (a nice, big RV, but still!) over this past year (and waited oh so patiently at times on the Lord for that to happen) and you have taken us to some of the prettiest of places – and then taken the time to present them in neat slideshow presentations. You also provide yummy (healthy too) recipes and some inspiring and encouraging bits and bites which cross your path. Thank you Sis, and I love you so much. You make me smile a big feeling of family smile.

Amy W. What can I say. You have been SUCH huge inspiration to me, gurl. I don't know how you 'do all you do' – what, with all your fabulous designing, raising your cute and precocious little Emma, and then compliling you bi-weekly freebie lists... (and you always have a few encouraging words for each designer) You have a great attitude and if you lived here I'd want to be spending time with you, for sure! If you have not, for some strange reason, been to visit Amy before, you better 'git there and say hi, and of course, pick up a freebie or two! Oh, and my blog would not have the traffic it has over time without your constant support! Hugs to you! You give me a smile thinking of how I could ever repay you for all your kindesses you've shown me.

Valinda. You are SO generous. You've been making QP's (quick pages for digital scrapbooking) for give-away for ... hmmm... ya, FOREVER. You're so faithful to come visiting my blog... so much so, if you don't, I come 'alookin. You share your time and talent almost daily and you've always got something nice to say... about everyone. You make me smile because I can feel your wonderfulness right over the blog-waves.

Layout by blog-reader and talented blogger... KIM B!

Credits. Belt template by Ikea,

swirly overlay-Mrs Miles,

belt etc by Kim B

Thanks for sharing Kim – when I get un-busy

I'm dying to use a few of your yummy kits and 'eles'...

Last, but certainly not least – is Kim B. Ok, so I lie... you don't make me laugh, you make me ROTFL and then, I ROTFL again. You are a HOOT. I still get a giggle of you and your little husband and window incident. Haha. And, again, you're always generously giving of your time and talent. Your work is impeccable – incredible. You make me smile – and LAUGH! Thanks gurl, for making me spit hot coffee over my keyboard almost daily... I'll learn not to mix liquids and your blog as its sure to end up being giggled out of my nose or mouth!

Now go and share YOUR awards, ladies!

photo by my very own SIL Judy!

I was watching the news a week or so ago, and listened to a touching story about a local hotel which is closing. Apperently, a worker discovered a photo album under one of the beds and since then have made an effort to locate the album's owners, with some degree of success. Take a look at the clip and see if anything strikes you about this story – other than the warm-fuzzies of it...

click HERE to see the newsclip from CHBC tv

Ok, so in case you didn't catch what I caught... did you hear what she said about those beds not being moved in over 30 YEARS? Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! This is the reason that no matter how cramped and small our little camper van feels when we live in it over the summers – its still our own little bed that only us two peoples have slept in.

I've got a few videos I've come across recently – they are ones on drumming. I'm not much into drumming – though I have a beautiful djembe that Miles bought me when I graduated high school at the age of 43 (thats another whole story in itself) However, I can't help but admire when someone has developed their chosen talent into something into a class of its own. The following videos are just that – drummers who cause you to just shake your head with admiration. I have to ask – dont' their arms and hands get sore???

If you're a parent, and you live in Canada – you may want to visit the following link from Today's Parent. They are offering a FREE no-obligation issue of their wonderful magazine. Just click here to fill out the form for yours!

Barb's Handy Tip # 307
Help Via Video

Ok, you know I like to keep this blog a 'safe' place ... so I will let you know that while today's site has some terrific advice and info, parts of it are inappropriate for children. So I'm just letting you know so's you can use discretion when surfing it. There are some great helps to be had here. Hey, I learned to make a 'professional looking' ponytail – usually mine look like... erm... the tail on a pony?

This site is chock-full of instructional videos on everything from 'how to shop' to 'how to have cat-balance' and even some 'expert' help videos. I know I'll be visiting often!

Video Jug

Friday, September 21, 2007

Hey Folks!

I am SO SORRY that I've not been posting this past week. I can't believe how many emails and phone calls I've recieved from you-all wondering if I'm ok. I'm OK, I'm GREAT... just real, real, REAL busy. Thank you ALL SO MUCH for being faithful to me, and I promise a blog entry before the weekend is out!

Thats why I may not have visited you-all too, on your blogs, please just bear with me. Thanks for making me feel loved & missed!

Sunday, September 16, 2007


I hope you can find a use for today's 'goodie'... This peach has been a part of the Penticton beach for as many summers as I can ever remember. It has been vandalized countless times too, like so many places are, but somehow it continues to prevail – and I'm glad about this, for its something I'm sure is photographed a lot. How can you not smile at the thought of a fast food joint run out of a peach? Do you suppose the person who works within says that they work in a real 'pit'? My husband Miles suggested I make it into a whacky element for you! You might consider cutting the middle out bigger than the window there, into a square or circle for your own unique size frame hole - to fit photos a bit bigger!

Thank you all for the many birthday wishes I recieved from you all. It was THE BEST birthday ever, and I will share on that in a day or two :)

typical cheesy tourist shot!

This week has been a spiritually troubling time for me and I've found myself having to 'dip into the word' to help me along. I won't be delving into any details, other than to tell you that I'm so grateful the Lord allows us to confess our shortcomings and His word provides us so much valuable advice on how to 'go forward'. I went through a bout of envy recently, and in a moment of impulse I expressed my 'green monster feelings' in a negative way in a public place. I think my incorrect thinking there was a cry for attention and it would be addressed. What I didn't do, was think any further on the impact of my words. I'm now aware that what I said may have an effect on someone I care about dearly as a friend. You know, when I wrote my words, I was actually congratulating myself on 'telling it like it is' and being open and all that positive thinking, psychology stuff... but then I was only thinking of the big M.E. - myself.

Mark 7:21-23

For from within, out of men's hearts, come evil thoughts,
sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery,
greed, malice, deceit, lewdness,
slander, arrogance and folly.
All these evils come from inside and make a man 'unclean.'

Our Pastor spoke today on the impact of our words... the message was very good, and it shamed me down to my quick – for 'typing before I speak'. I'm grateful for the good words of the sermon, though they stung, they were what I NEEDED to hear, no sugar coating.

Wrong is wrong despite our efforts to excuse our actions.

“The eyes of the Lord
are in every place,
watching the evil and the good.”

Proverbs 15:3

You know, the funniest thing of all, is I have counselled so many people about this very thing... and its so easy to be on the councelling end, with easy platitudes slipping from my lips, like “just think of the GOOD things in your life” and “just think forward, not back” or “don't let this little thing get in your way – you're stronger than this!” Yep, SO much easier when you're telling someone else to 'buck up'...

Envy is so awful. Its so ugly. It's not a longing, its a bitter, evil, negative and addictive emotion which is dangerous. It can rob you of seeing the good in your life and cause you to busy yourself fixating on things which are destructive. It can cause you to do impulsive things and those things are usually all about yourself. Satan just loves jealousy. He can control you like a puppet if you allow the seed of envy to grow inside your heart and mind. If you realize you're at this point, you need help. Turn to God's word. Talk to a friend. Be open to hear honest opinions of those who you trust. Don't be defensive. Just listen. Pray. Ask forgiveness. THEN go on.

Proverbs 14:30

A heart at peace gives life to the body,
but envy rots the bones.

Use your experience to be a little more compassionate to others when they're struggling with this issue. You cannot change the past – you definately can't go back and 'unsay' words. Pray those you've hurt with your words will find it in their hearts to forgive you. Hopefully, if you were mature enough in your walk to ask for forgiveness, they may be mature enough to forgive. But don't dwell on it. Move on and arm yourself with ways to protect yourself from this impulsive nature in the future. It's all there... in the Word.

I always want to be open with you as my readers, and share my very human nature – the good and the bad. So many of you leave me comments with praise and encouragement, and I never want to lead you astray. Thanks for keeping me accountable.

The higher we are placed, the more humbly we should walk.

“We try to live in such a way that no one
will ever be offended or kept back from
finding the Lord by the way we act.”

2 Corinthians 6:3

Have you had an experience with envy/jealousy you could share with me?

layout by blog reader Paula

element credits to:






Thanks for sharing your sweet layout with us Paula! Please send me your layouts using any of my elements, for me to share. I love to see how you create your own take on them!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


My thoughts and heartfelt prayers go out to all today re: September 11th. Words just don't do it, do they?

Are you ready to have your heart touched even more today? My friend Gina posted, and her entry is altogther humbling and inspirational. You all know Gina lost her son, Nick just less than a year ago and she's been allowing us to share her journey of grief ever since. Well, she just knocks my socks off how she finds ways to bring honour to her son's death and still give to others. Won't you take a few moments from your busy day today to leave some love and encouragement for her? Just click here to be transported to her blog.

I'm also thinking of Kim B's friend Jazz who is in ICU on a ventilator – Kim's keeping us posted... but you could slip on over, leave your own boost, and scoop a very pretty ribbon freebie at the same time – just click

Happy/Sad today. Mom and Dad left for home today, after visiting with us for a week. Before they arrive, it feels like a week will stretch out forever, and I am always afraid they will be bored, but before we know it, the time is gone. We had a lovely time and didn't wind up with too much time hanging on our hands. Unfortunately Miles had to work so he missed out on some quality time.

We assembled several puzzles, went for drives, ate, ate, ate and they also read the paper and fill out the crosswords daily. That fills up several hours at a time. Do you do crosswords? Doesn't it just suck when you get stuck on a word and don't want to give in? Well, no mind, help is near at hand with this helpful website which allows you to feed your info in and will come up with that word for you! Just click here to check it!

Even though our folks gave me some lovely birthday presents, the greatest gifts of all were the fact they wanted to be here to help celebrate, and all the things I learn from Mom... sometimes reluctantly, I'm afraid to say. We spent a day canning peaches together. Mom's got some methods that are ingenious, and others which would cause alarm with my home-ec teachers from school ... and not what 'the cookbooks' recommend. As she says, she's canned all these years and nobody's dead. Ha!

Speaking of canning – fruit and veg, I came across the funniest video from YouTube ... check it – you might find you have a talent for 'playing' your veg?

I am going to share a fact you may not know about me.

I can't wait to open up presents and gifts.

My birthday is coming, and I recieved a gift from my sister a few days ago and well, I just tore right into it. I have no self constraint when it comes to prezzies. Now if we had children at home then I would have to find some creative way to get around this, to set a good example. I think I might find away to make a 'bogus look-alike' package and switch them out in front of said child, then do some quick-trickery to make it look like I waited. Erm... ah, ok, I couldn't actually do that in good conscience, really, but since we don't have little ones at home, and since I've spent a lifetime of constraint and I'm an adult now, I'm not going to wait. So, I would advise anyone who knows me to send your cards in advance and the prezzie AFTER said birthday or else I'll be 'scrappin' the wrappin' the moment the package hits my warm little mitts. Either that, or send it to Mr. Miles, then I will trick ya by opening HIS mail haha!

Dairy Queen thinks the same way I do. See, they sent me my FREE Blizzard coupon already. Did you know that you can sign up and they send you a 2 for 1 coupon for your special day? Truly, for the past three years they've been faithful to me. I'm impressed! To register your (or someone you love's) birthday just visit them here.

So my sweet, darling, precious (mad at me) sister blessed me with a most bee-you-tee-ful necklace and earrings set (which I promise to be gentle with...) and a gorgeous card she scrapped herself. I will treasure both my Sis. I lerves ya to bits!

Speaking of jewellery, I had to put a piece away for a bit... and I'm sad about that as its something I wore daily. I have a ring which used to belong to Miles aunt, and I wore it daily. Mom has always advised me to get it checked to make sure the claws are strong enough, and I've always put it off. While they're visiting, Mom mentioned it again, so I said “lets just go do that” while she's here. Well... the jeweller has advised me to either fix it or put it away, as the claws need to be rebuilt, or I might lose the stone. It's going to be pricey just having the repairs done, so it's into the safety deposit box instead for a while... thank goodness I listened to Mom, though.

I was forwarded a humorous email (thanx Marie R.) about Julie Andrews, as she celebrates her 69th birthday on October 1. She made a special appearance at Manhattan's Radio City Music hall for the benefit of the AARP, and performed this updated version of that famous song she sang in The Sound of Music all those years ago... (Ms. Andrews received a standing ovation from the crowd that lasted over four minutes and repeated encores.)


Maalox and nose drops and needles for knitting,
Walkers and handrails and new dental fittings,
Bundles of magazines tied up in string,
These are a few of my favorite things.

Cadillac's and cataracts, and hearing aids and glasses,
Polident and Fixodent and false teeth in glasses,
Pacemakers, golf carts and porches with swings,
These are a few of my favorite things.

When the pipes leak,
When the bones creak,
When the knees go bad,
I simply remember my favorite things,
And then I don't feel so bad.

Hot tea and crumpets and corn pads for bunions,
No spicy hot food or food cooked with onions,
Bathrobes and heating pads and hot meals they bring,
These are a few of my favorite things.

Back pains, confused brains, and no need for sinnin',
Thin bones and fractures and hair that is thinnin',
And we won't mention our short shrunken frames,
When we remember our favorite things.

When the joints ache,
When the hips break,
When the eyes grow dim,
Then I remember the great life I've had,
And then I don't feel so bad.

I want to be sure to share a tip with you which I devised. Miles loves biscuits, so I don't make them often. LOL... I'm not Grisilda the cruel wife, its just that he really, really, REALLY likes my biscuits and will eat every crumb. And I want him to keep his slender waistline, so he gets them in very small batches – usually at a time I know we have guests or he can take some to the school as a treat for the staff and students.

My secret for them is actually two things...

The first thing I do is when I flatten the dough out to about 1 inch thick, then I sprinkle the surface lightly with flour using a sifter. Then, I fold the dough over and press it with my hand till its 1 inch thick again. This way, the biscuit will seperate itself when its pulled apart when eaten. I cut my biscuits to a fairly small size, using a tomato paste tin which I've cut both ends out of.

I also put a slab of cheddar cheese ontop of each biscuit before baking, this gives it a nice crunchy, savoury top. Adding in a bit of garlic salt, chives or spices to the dough makes these a hit!

I would like to say Thank You to Ruthie, who awarded me with the Rockin' Girl Blogger award – wowza, this is my third election. You folks are giving me a LOT to live up to! I promise to 'tag' some people in the near future, ok? And thanks for thinking of me!

Also, I've had several comments from you, Olga, and would like to send you an email. Could you please email me at as I don't have any way to contact you.

Sneaky Potty!

I came across a blogsite which features very unusual furniture, like this port-a-pottie... hehe, how clever... will make you look at that business person with toting their breifcase in a totally different manner... To check out the other 'oddities' just click here.

Well, I had better 'git it together'... a lot of stuff to do in this next week, as I put everything aside to visit with the folks. I hope to post again in the next few days. Until then, I wish you all a Blessed Week.

Daddy helps me Can!

Today in History:

1609 - Henry Hudson, English navigator and explorer, entered the river later known as the Hudson, in North America.

1873 - The customers bought the first practical typewriter.

1878 - The obelisk known as Cleopatra's Needle, originally cut from the quarries of Aswan in about 1475 B.C., was erected in London.

1910 - The world's first woman police officer, Alice Stebbins Wells, was appointed to the Los Angeles Police Department.

1928 - Actress Katharine Hepburn made her stage debut in the play, "The Czarina". It would be four years until the "First Lady of the American Screen" would make her first film, "A Bill of Divorcement".

1935 - United States millionaire Howard Hughes flew a plane of his own design at 352.46 mph to establish the first of his several aviation records.

1940 - The Lascaux cave paintings were discovered by four teenagers near Lascaux, France, after following their dog down a narrow entrance into a cavern. The 17,000-year-old paintings, consisting mostly of animal representations, are among the finest examples of art from the Paleolithic period.

1953 - 24-year-old Jacqueline Lee Bouvier married 36-year-old United States Senator from Massachusetts, future United States President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

1954 - It was the first appearance of "Lassie" on CBS-TV. Despite being called, "girl," Timmy, played by Tommy Provost, and June Lockhart, who starred as Mom, "Lassie" was a male dog. There were over six Lassie dogs doing stunts. "Lassie" aired on CBS for exactly 17 years; the last episode aired on September 12, 1971.

1958 - Researcher Jack Kilby invented the Integrated Circuit, popularly known as the "chip." The chip consisted of a transistor and other components on a slice of germanium. The chip is considered of such importance that many of today's electronics products could not have been developed without it.

1966 - The Beatles were awarded a gold record for "Yellow Submarine".

1970 - The supersonic airliner Concorde landed for the first time at Heathrow airport in London, prompting a barrage of complaints about the noise.

1983 - Fourteen years after leaving Austria, Arnold Schwarzenegger became a United States citizen.

1991 - The space shuttle Discovery took off on a mission to deploy an observatory that was to study the Earth's ozone layer.

1992 - Mae C. Jemison became the first African American woman to go into space. An astronaut and physician, Jemison was a Peace Corps volunteer in the mid-1980s, and soon afterward joined NASA's astronaut program. The United States space shuttle Endeavour took off with a crew that included Mark Lee and Jan Davis, the first married couple in space.

1993 - Television and film actor Raymond Burr died at the age of 76, falling victim to liver cancer. Burr's acting career, which spanned over 30 years, included his brilliant portrayal of defense lawyer Perry Mason and investigator Ironside on the TV series of the same names.

Barb's Handy Tip # 306
Be Part of a Pyramid?

NOT a 'sales' pyramid, the REAL thing... and you can 'reserve a stone' in your name!

The Great Pyramid can potentially be any human being’s grave or memorial site. As monumental as it is affordable, it serves those of all nationalities and religions. Individuals who are either unwilling or unable to have their physical remains buried there can also opt to have a memorial stone placed instead. Stones can be custom designed with any number of colors, images, or relief decorations. The Great Pyramid will continue to grow with every stone placed, eventually forming the largest structure in the history of man.

The Egyptian pyramids were build for eternity but only for one single person. This pyramid is open to every individual. Rather than hastily burying one another or allowing our ashes to be scattered, as a small stone in the pyramid we can remain part of our species’ constantly shifting and ever-expanding tableau.

The Great Pyramid

Sunday, September 09, 2007


YouTube Video suggested by Valinda J. (vj's scraproom) - g'wan, scoot over and leave some love after you scoop her pretty Free QP!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Gee Louise! (see, now you got ME saying it, Beans!) You folks are just amazing. Mind-blowing. Do you know that over 1800 of you visited me over the past two days? Thats like ½ the entire population of the community I live in. I'm exhausted just thinking about it! I'm flabbergasted – I think I am, erm, let me just check the meaning of that word, as I often SAY I'm it, but now I better be sure. Can't lead you all astray. Hmmm... lookin... yep, 'pears I am for the dictionary says it means 1. As if struck dumb with astonishment and surprise, and 2. Overcome with amazement. Not only this, it 'pears I'm also boggled, bowled over, dumbfounded, dumbstricken, stupified and thunderstruck. Fanks everybuddy!

layout by blog reader Senati

(who requested this overlay specifically for this project)

Thanks for sharing Sen, and what a beautiful moment to celebrate!

Having a great visit with my folkses so far – course they've only been here for 8 hours or so, so if we hadn't been to this point it would mean a looooong road ahead. Actually, my In-folks are the most amazing. I would even feel ashamed to know in-law jokes as truly they were cut out of an entirely different mold! Is there something wrong with us, or what? We have such different interests, for instance, they are techno-phobic in the third degree – the closest they will ever come to using a computer is to use the microwave, and they watch a LOT of tv. See, polar opposites. I guess its because we both have one same interest – my husband, their son. I love them soooo much for all the time and love they invested in this wonderful man who shares my life, and I'm sure they completely appreciate that we have a great marriage, they see this girl taking care of their precious. That can cover a lot of distance between us, and the rest is just details.

should I open a florist shoppe? or Not!

I bought a beautiful and unique vase at the thrift store on Tuesday, and I was eager to create my own fall centerpiece from flowers and dried plants from right were we live. I forayed out into the fields and chose what I thougth would go good together in a big bunch. You must know, I've never done this before and I was not exactly sure what I was doing. I had a bit of that green floral sponge stuff that I picked up three yard-sale saturdays ago and so I put that inside the vase, then, after soaking it well, I began to randomly stick blossoms and greenery in here and there. It came together pretty nicely, I think, what do you think? I know it's definately not up to a florists standard, but it doesn't look half bad gracing my table! (and sure a lot cheaper, too!) (oh, and Martha Stewart won't be calling on my for my talents, snicker!)

Well the students are back at the Learning Centres and so my husband is away. This would usually be a completely sad and wierd time for me – after us being together 24-7 over the summer, that is unless Mom and Dad were not here to fill that gap somewhat. Are you like me, when fall hits it seems like we ALL should be going back to school? I still can feel the excitement of having Brand New Clothes to wear (in a family of 8 kids this was a Big Deal) and new school supplies and going into a New Grade. I long to recapture that feeling of having a fresh, clean slate and to begin to learn new things. THIS year I would get better grades. It was sort of like a New Years for kids!

Well, I'm seriously thinking of taking some more courses at the Centre. I'd love to take a course on Adobe Illustrator and Corel Draw. Are you taking courses? Would you take some courses if they were Free, you could do them at your own pace, and they were online? Well good news to you, my friends, as CNET has just that. Its very powerful, you can subscribe to the courses you want. You will recieve emails letting you know about new courses as they come along too. I've been looking over the photo courses and they look very helpful. But thats not all, they have all sorts of courses, including one on Vista Basics. Click here to enrol!

I found two interesting sites to share with you as well. I love Google Earth and Maps sites, and these are two more. The first is a Daylight map, so it shows you what parts of the world are currently in night or daylight – gosh as I'm prewriting this blog entry I'm in light, and You're in dark, Kim B! Hard to imagine, really! Just check it out by clicking here.

The other neat site, linked from this one allows you to see the clouds – right where you are. You KNOW how I love clouds. Last night as Mom and I had just started out on a walk we saw a cloud that looked just like a cat... I quickly scampered into the house to get the camera, but by the time I got back he was 'sans' ears and looked vaguely like a fish. See your own weather from above! The view at right is a mosaic of satellite cloud images taken within the past 3 hours. To see the clouds above you, click here.

Do you need a good excuse to celebrate an otherwise boring 'ol day? Well, I can't gaurantee that there's a Whacky reason for each and every one, but there are some Whacky days in the near future. For instance, how 'bout Comic Book Day, Good Neighbor Day, Name Your Car Day or Late for Something Day? How do I know these are Whacky Days? Why, I go to Crosscards and they tell me it's that day, AND they provide neat e-cards to share that day with my friends! Why not send your friends and family a way to celebrate in a way out way! Just click here to view these fun (and many other wonderful types of) cards!

Its the time of year to be careful of bears, they're out and about, intent on filling themselves up for a long winter's sleep. Make sure you don't leave any 'incredible' edibles out to tempt them. I watched an article on the news yesterday about a small community here in BC where the bears are actually brave enough to break into homes! Have you ever wondered why bears rub themselves on trees, other than assuming they all have itchy backs? Well, turns out there is probably a good scientific explaination for this! To find out more, just click here.

I thought this was an interesting site to share with you – it's put together by South Florida Catering and this is what it's about:

“I was thinking recently as I watched some of these "lifestyles of the rich and famous" type shows, what would really be the ultimate in extravagant, unnecessary opulent indulgence? After some thought, (maybe because I was hungry) I put together the "The Most Expensive Days Worth of Food Possible"

Got your curiousity piqued? Just click here to find out how they do it!

And speaking of food, its so beautiful to look out over our valley this time of the year. The apple trees groan under their rich bounty of fruit and the vineyards are laden lavishly with grapes. It's a time of harvest, and a time to be reminded how God provides for us.

You crown the year with your bounty,

and your carts overflow with abundance.

The grasslands of the desert overflow;

the hills are clothed with gladness.

The meadows are covered with flocks

and the valleys are mantled with grain;

they shout for joy and sing.

Psalm 65:11-13

Song of birds and hum of bees,
Fragrant blossom on the trees,
Promise of a harvest fair,
Apple, cherry, plum and pear
Ripened by the Summer Sun,
Abundance there for everyone;
Earth's countless gifts are everywhere,
Enough and more for all to share.

By Dorothy M. Loughran


make your OWN comim strip- just go to

A cute couple of farming jokes to share with you:

On a rural road a state trooper pulled this farmer over and said: "Sir, do you realize your wife fell out of the car several miles back?"

To which the farmer replied: "Thank God, I thought I had gone deaf!"

A very zealous soul-winning young preacher recently came upon a farmer working in his field. Being concerned about the farmer's soul the preacher asked the man, "Are you laboring in the vineyard of the Lord my good man?"

Not even looking at the preacher and continuing his work the farmer replied, "Naw, these are soybeans."

"You don't understand," said the preacher. "Are you a Christian?"

With the same amount of interest as his previous answer the farmer said, "Nope my name is Jones. You must be lookin for Jim Christian. He lives a mile south of here."

The young determined preacher tried again asking the farmer, "Are you lost?"

"Naw! I've lived here all my life," answered the farmer.

"Are you prepared for the resurrection?" the frustrated preacher asked.

This caught the farmer's attention and he asked, "When's it gonna be?"

Thinking he had accomplished something the young preacher replied, "It could be today, tomorrow, or the next day."

Taking a handkerchief from his back pocket and wiping his brow, the farmer remarked, "Well, don't mention it to my wife. She don't get out much and she'll wanna go all three days."


I just stumbled on a nice FREE online magazine you can subscribe to. It's called Notebook and it's filled with some wonderful articles, ideas and recipes. To sign up, just click here.


Today in History:

1522 - Juan Sebastian Del Cano completed the first circumnavigation of the world.

1666 - The Great Fire of London ended after destroying much of the city in a conflagration that began on September 2. Ninety-seven churches burned to the ground, including St Paul's Cathedral.

1813 - The nickname "Uncle Sam" was first used as a symbolic reference to the United States in an editorial in the Troy Post of New York.

1819 - The lathe was patented by Thomas Blanchard of Middlebury, Connecticut. Blanchard said he invented it for manufacturing gun stocks. The lathe did the work of 13 operators.

1837 - Oberlin College, Ohio, which had been the first United States college to accept women, became also the first college to grant equal status to both sexes. Mary Hosford, Mary Fletcher Kellogg, Elizabeth Smith Prall, and Caroline Mary Rudd were accepted into regular courses with 30 men, beginning coeducation at the college level.

1869 - The first major coal mine disaster in the US occurred at Avondale mine, Pennsylvania, when a fire broke out in a mine shaft, cutting off the miners' escape route and their only source of air. The death toll was 110 miners, a number of them young boys. Recovery of all the bodies was possible only three days after the disaster.

1901 - United States President William McKinley was shot and mortally wounded by Leon Czolgosz while attending the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. Czolgosz, a Polish citizen associated with the Anarchist movement, fired two shots at the president as he greeted the public. He died eight days later. McKinley was the third US president to be assassinated.

1937 - On Victor Records, Benny Goodman and his orchestra recorded "Sugar Foot Stomp". The song was arranged by Fletcher Henderson.

1958 - On "The Ed Sullivan Show," Georgia Gibbs sang "The Hula-Hoop Song". It gave the first national exposure to the Hula-Hoop craze. Many people covered the song in recordings to capitalize on the trend, including Teresa Brewer and Betty Johnson.

1959 - The Mattel Toy Corporation sold the first Barbie Doll. The original Barbie and her friends; which were not produced in 1959, Ken and Skipper, are now collectors items.

75 - Glen Campbell hit #1 "Billboard's" pop music chart with the song "Rhinestone Cowboy".

1984 - Ernest Tubb, country music star, died at age 70. Tubb was from Crisp, Texas and was called the "Texas Troubadour". He styled his technique after Jimmie Rodgers. Tubb recorded "I’m Walking the Floor Over You" of which he sold over three million copies. "Blue Christmas", "I Love You Because", "Missing In Action" and "Thanks a Lot" were also made famous by Tubb. He recorded with artists as diverse as The Andrews Sisters, Loretta Lynn and Red Foley recorded with Tubb. "The Legend and the Legacy", his 1979 album, was a top-ten hit. Since 1943, Tubb was a member of the Grand Ole Opry and in 1965, was elected to the Country Music Hall of Fame.

1997 - Diana, Princess of Wales', funeral at Westminster Abbey was a historic event, with several touching moments. People were sobbing and throwing flowers as the funeral cortege wound through London's streets. Diana's sons walked behind her casket with their heads bowed. During his oration at the funeral, Diana’s brother, took aim at the media, who he said made the princess “the most hunted person of the modern age.” Elton John sang a rewritten version of his song "Candle in the Wind" to “England’s rose”. Origianally the song was a tribute to film legend Marilyn Monroe, whose life, like Diana’s, ended at the age of 36.

fly away, little seed!

Barb's Handy Tip #305

A Fun Time-Waster...

I keep finding new little features of this game... I think so far I've found twelve different things it can do, and wasted several valuable hours doing so...

Feed The Head

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