Friday, August 07, 2015

365 Photo of the Day


chocolate 1

There is chocolate and then there is CHOCOLATE.  THIS is THAT kind of chocolate.  Eva the owner (prounounced AVA because its supposed to be spelled with a comma over the E but I don’t know how to do this here) is quite a character – always upbeat and I do declare that she looks younger every time we visit.  Could it be from imbibing of her own fabulous bon-bons?  Eva has the coolest Hungarian accent and it draws me back to a dear friend from long ago who would call me her “lilly sveethart” – I kind of mist up!

chocolate 2

There’s always some serious humour served up with the sugar (and of course sweet ‘sugar free’) at the shop.  And its impossible not to experience laughter in the shoppe and have your ears filled with satisfied sigggggghhhhs of pleasure.  Even the names of the chocolates are exotic – Elderberry (first in the valley we’re told!), Orange Imperial, Bohemian and Tangerine Curaco – to name a few.  And we are talking truffles.  Truffles with a high dome and an inside that is always an impossibly light rich – and depending on which flavour you choose, tangy – filling. Oh MY!

chocolate 3

Main Street, Penticton BC

Worth the trip for!


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