Thursday, April 30, 2015

Hybrid Project using KimB’s “Simple Pleasures” Kit!

FINALLY!  I’ve been working out how to print Kim’s beautiful kits onto a paper that I’m pleased with and I’m happy to say that our local KSPRINTING 

I just love Kim’s Simple Pleasures kit  at The Digital Press – and I pulled together a project in my head right away.

I started off with a 5 x 7 inch photo frame that’s been languishing in a cupboard and came to light during a purge.  The moment I saw it I knew I’d use it. I chose a french blue acrylic craft paint and then went over it with a coat of white.


So I printed the pieces of Kim’s Simple Pleasures kit to a large print and had such fun fussy cutting all the bits out for my project.  I laid everything out in Photoshop first so I knew all the elements I wanted to have “pop” were sized perfectly first.  I could have possibly used my trusty Silhouette Cameo to do my cuts only I’ve still not worked out exactly how to do that.  In the future, perhaps.  for now I’ll do it all the way we used to do paper cut out dolls when I was a kid.  Its kind of soothing, really.

Here’s my finished project and some close-ups of the details.


Don’t you just love it?  I used a whole lot of double sided foam dots to elevate elements to different sizes.  I appreciated the word art – it made for the center of focus while I built the theme all around with bits and bobs.  I also added some dimension to the text using Diamond Glaze.


Looks like he’s flying right into my scene.


I couldn’t resist making a tiny banner for the corner.  I had printed off some of the digital papers and just trimmed and snipped and then glued them to a bit of crochet thread.  I use crochet thread a lot!


I’ve always been a sucker for seahorses.  Ever since I was a little and always wanted to buy one of those kits you saw in the back of comics for growing your own “seahorses” – which I believe were really shrimp. 


I trimmed this pretty aqua starfish to nest in the corner and added the relax ontop.  A few sequins in different colors pull everything together.


And the last little ‘bling-thing” is this pretty shell.  I ran the edge through some diamond glaze and then added some pink glitter.  And of course, though this is not an oyster, the pearl accent seemed perfect. 

I highly suggest you hop over to The Digital Press and scoop up Kim’s Simple Pleasures kit – there is so much more that you don’t see. 

365 Photo of the Day


I saw this Northern Flicker “sleeping” this morning, but I fear it has an injury.


I think it may have a broken wing. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Monday, April 27, 2015

Saturday, April 25, 2015

365 Photo of the Day

That awkward moment when you realize somehow your iPhone has been taking a series of photos on its own for several minutes of your run.  Something like this happened to you?  C'mon, share!

Monday, April 20, 2015

365 Photo of the Day & a SALE on ”retiring” Kits


When I was running today I noticed this plant forcing it’s way up through the pavement.  It amazes me how something so tender is able to find the smallest chink and force it’s way up and through a seemingly very strong surface.  It encourages me!


at The Digital Press


Rustic Warmth

Oooh!  Ahhh!  These kits (and more) of Kim’s are available for a limited time at ridiculously low clearance prices!  Get em before they’re GONE forever!

The Wonder of You

Forever Friends

Sunday, April 19, 2015

365 Photo of the Day


The grass is always greener on the other side.

Well, that’s generally what they say (whoever they are)

I’m not buying it.  I love where I am right here, right now. I’ve had little, I’ve had much.  I’ve learned that as bad as things can be, they could always be worse.  I’ve learned that when I stop dwelling on what I don’t have then I realize how blessed I am with what I already do have.

Philippians 4:12

I know what it is to be in need,

and I know what it is to have plenty.

I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation,

whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

KimB’s NEWEST Kit and a HYBRID “Say What” Kit PROJECT!

Today’s “365 Photo of the day is taking a backseat (will appear at the end of this post) due to all this kafurffle and excitement of showing off a small hybrid project I created from KimB’s “Say What” Kit which you can find at The Digital Press right HERE.

I am falling in love with digital scrapbooking all over again, all the while wanting to keep my hands on the “real” paper feel of things and being able to envision creations that are bumped up into a 3 dimensionals. 

This is my first project so its very simple.  I had to sort out some printing issues but that’s all taken care of and the right side of my brain is already galloping off into creative pastures!



I chose a card for my 1st project because KimB’s “Say What” kit just made a big statement to me and I knew instantly how I would do this.  This is a standard quarter fold 4.25 x 5.5 folded card. 



Kim’s kits are super high quality and print out flawlessly!  I absolutely love the boldness of the line art and the colors are superb!!



After I cut the telephone element out I adhered the it to the card base using a bit of glue and some foam tape.  The finishing touch is the added glitter onto the flower in the middle of the dial. 



I tucked a little tiny cell phone element inside the card.

And now I can hardly wait to work on my next project using KimB’s next newest kit:


Simple Pleasures : The Kit

Simple Pleasures : Journal Cards

Simple Pleasures : The Alpha

Simple Pleasures : The Word Art

Or you can get it ALL:

Simple Pleasures : The Collection

And don’t forget to slip over to KimB’s BLOG to scoop a FREEBIE today and check out some of the phenomenal layouts and hybrid projects created by other members of Kim’s Creative Team!

And lastly, here’s my sweet little 365 Photo of the Day!


Woke up to this little fella checking me out Smile this morning!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

365 Photo of the Day

I realized something today.

I was out for a walk and I came across a patch of wild miniature violets. I have a soft spot for these violets, you see. They grew in my Grandma's lawn and I would delight in them when they bloomed. I'd pick them and savour their super sweet smell and would make darling tiny bouquets in teeny shot-glasses or cut glass perfume bottles. And I'd also take some and press them in the pages of a book. And promptly forget about them until later when I'd crack the pages once again and they would tumble out like little flat pieces of spring 

So the thing I realize is that as much as I enjoy the convenience of reading books on my iPad there is no way I can squish flowers in it. 

And you can't hide a tender letter in it. Or a funeral tract. Or a forgotten grocery list. 

Kind of bittersweet. 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Sketch Saturday #356 & 365 Photo of the Day


Today’s photo is another little scene captured at Osoyoos Desert Model Railroad (miniature) I feel like I could walk right into this scene – well, even drive into it with our own ‘Seb’ VW Van.  We would pull right up and I’d offer to take a photo of the fella holding the big fish and ask them what the fish are biting on today.  (much to Mr. Miles embarassment) Then we would hop right back in Seb and find our own little campsite just a little way down the river…

I can dream, can’t I?  The reality is I’m just getting over a wicked-bad cold and will be staying put for a bit till I feel better.  In between, I will be working on some projects featuring some of KimB’s beautiful Digital Scrapbooking Kits which you can find over at The Digital Press.  I’m just tweeking designs and figuring out printing and cutting issues then I’ll be so excited to show and share! 

Today is my first day to take a card challenge. I decided to be inspired by Simon Says Stamp’s Sketch Saturday #356


I enjoyed making this, using a few items I’ve neglected and a few I picked up recently.  The cardboard looking card base is from Recollection (Michaels).  I actually bought a box of these and found they match ideally with these craft-paper looking Designer Papers from Craft Smith.  The name was trimmed out of a a sheet of DP while the stamped sentiment is from My Favorite Things.

(you might like to play along too – Simon Says Stamp (sponsor) is putting up a $25 voucher for their store!)

Thanks for popping in today!

Friday, April 10, 2015

365 Photo of the Day

there's a place I saw
and a quirky man
who builds strange things
just because he can
And though I don't quite understand
I admire his art being so unplanned
as he takes such things we all cast aside
he creates a studio to live inside
his auto glass fused into dome
now becomes a see through home 

Thursday, April 09, 2015

365 Photo of the Day

Sometimes I have to pinch myself to remind myself how lucky I am to live here. I think we have the BEST view in all of British Columbia.

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

365 Photo of the Day (1 in a series of Osoyoos Miniature Railway)

I hope you enjoy, I’m featuring a photo a day for the next week or so of the amazing Osoyoos Miniature Railroad, a local attraction. 


I visited here with my niece today and we got kicked out of the place for staying too long spent several hours gawping at the incredible miniature world here.  I’m so excited to have captured bits and looking forward to sharing with you over this next week. 

Monday, April 06, 2015

365 Photo of the Day

I get lost
Inside of a flower
The inside of which
Has mesmerizing power
With beauty in patterns
Arranged all round
Intricate, lovely
And sure to astound.

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