Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Family Challenge No. 9 - Masking Tape Technique

FIRSTLY - if you arrived here hoping to download some of my FREE files, and they do not work, please be patient.  Seems the service I was using (Ge.tt) got up and went (I did recall something about them selling)  Well it has kind of created a nightmare for me.  I need to re-upload the files (I will use my Google Drive) but it will take some time.  If there is a file you particularly need or want, please send me an email request at lalalime(at)hotmail{dot}com  Thank you!

Thanks Nina, for stepping up to the plate to invite us (me & Judy) to create another card for our very own Family Challenge. 

Nina chose to go with this Magical Masking Tape technique from Split Coast Stampers. 

Here’s my take on it;


I did’nt have any ink pads that are water based so I used my Tombow markers.   I shaded with the side of the marker onto a resistant surface, lifted the color via masking tape and transferred it to the glossy cardstock.  Then I stamped using this sweet set from Studio G.  After all was stamped and dry, I gave a good shot of GooseBumps clear texture spray, to protect the images.  I find sometimes stamping on glossy, there is the risk of smearage (my own word - when all your hard stamping work gets wiped out!)   I let that dry too.


I added texture with an embossing folder, Then I added a bit of shiny in the center of the sun, more yellow rays on the sun, some yellow glitter and a gem to top it off.


A bit of bright yellow floss and lastly, one must never forget to dot one’s i’s *wink* 

Be sure to visit Nina and Judy to see their interpretation of this fun technique!


My one small thing is…


It has arrived here in Osoyoos:

Buttercup  Barb Derksen

first buttercup and greenery of the new season!


  1. Fabulous Barb, I love your sunny happy card. You bundled a whole lot of wonderful in what almost looks like a CAS card. Love the spring pictures too. I am so glad that you were able to join me for the challenge.

  2. awesome card Barb ..you did the challenge proud .And your photos like always are beautiful. It was a great challenge ...hope you get to do another .

  3. Good morning Barb:)
    What a COOL idea!! Thanks so much for sharing the link to the HOW TO.:)
    LOVE your card and how you *dotted the i* :)

    I also LOVE your Photos!! You always take FANTASTIC ones! :) Hope this means Winter is making an exit soon.:)



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