I’m delighted to say that the Simplify Your Life workshop which I hosted at my church Osoyoos Christian Centre for the past seven weeks drew to a successful conclusion this past Tuesday evening. This DVD workshop - authored by Marcia Ramsand “The Organizing Pro” taught us to take control over the clutter in our homes and lives, be it housework, email and applied it to Proverbs 31.
There were an average of 10 people for each class - a nice number, if I do say so myself. This was my first time to host any sort of workshop and I do confess I was very nervous. I needn’t have been for several reasons.
Marcia’s book and workbook were logical in the process. She tells us “I can do this!!” is the thought which will change us from procrastinators into accomplishers in our own lives.
The wonderful women of our church and community who took the course were very helpful and accommodating as I hosted and helped me out at every turn. I could not have done it without them.

The very nature of the course helped me organize the running of the course itself. I progressed from a basket full of papers, pens etc to a basket neatly packed with a labeled binder with all materials in sequence. I used my trusty Silhouette Cameo to cut vinyl lettering for both the binder for this course but also the Windows course I’m taking at youlearn.ca By the last session came around I had everything running in sequence.
SO, you’re probably wondering what all this has to do with the title “The Adoption” so I will cut to the chase.
One of the women who is taking the Simplify course and began to attend my church was best friends with my Aunt. Through my Aunt my grandma was commissioned to make a beautiful clown doll as a gift for her. My grandma made many of these dolls in her lifetime, all the monies going to charity. Her dolls went all over the world! Both my grandma and my Aunt have passed away.

Well, as my friend was getting into the sorting areas of the Simplify workshop, she began to downsize and consider what to do with some of her most treasured items. She knew how close I was to my grandma and she touched me deeply by asking me if I might be interested in “adopting” her doll … well YES! I am now the proud Mommy to Pollyanna. What are the chances of all this?
I have so many happy memories of my grandma’s front room, the chesterfield lined up with dolls in various stages of completion. I watched as they formed from scraps of material into “little people” Polly looks right at home in my home… and my heart. One day Polly will go on to live with one of my children - along with the stories and memories.
I will end here with saying that Polly was delivered to me the last night of our workshop, so fitting. If there is a moral in this, its that when we “simplify” our own lives, sometimes by releasing some of our treasures we truly bless someone else. Hold on to things not too tightly, but hold onto the people tightly, and let this be your guide to the stuff that owns you if you don’t it!
An especial thanks to Marcia Ramsland - you are a very gifted organizer. You truly blessed us. I wish I would have introduced you to Pollyanna during our LIVE skype call which we had with on our last night. Everyone loved meeting you face to face! We especially appreciated how you sewed Proverbs 31 into the very fabric of us as women being good stewards of our homes and lives.
For those who are reading my post, may I encourage you to consider taking or hosting a class by Marcia? Its life-changing. I urge you to check out her website - which features many free downloads, good information and valuable resources. Would you also consider liking her facebook page - she’s got a “likes” goal and it would be a super nice gesture - as well as keeping you up to date and enriched in her wealth of terrific advice. Oh - she has some downloads specially targeted to help you get your holidays organized… and, Marcia was also featured on Midday Connection on Wednesday and you can listen to the archived program by clicking HERE and choosing November 13th, 2013.