Thursday, November 14, 2013

Random Photos - November Walk

Melanie Trail Nov 2013

My friend Melanie and I enjoyed a two hour early morning walk yesterday.  We have been enjoying some very mild November weather and I’m afraid we both completely over-dressed for our little jaunt and we both wound up carrying various articles of clothing.  This is Melanie on one of my favourite spots along the way.  I always feel an especial peace in this particular area of our local hike and bike trail. 

Mushroom - Nov 2013 walk

this is a strange looking mushroom which was on the side of the trail.  The green ring is  gooey.  Do you know what type this might be?


thanks to Siskyou Sue who suggested this might be a Ravenel's Stinkhorn - it turns out it  is related, it is a Phallus Impudicus.  You can read more about it HERE on wikipedia.  Very interesting.

Mushroom 2 Nov 2013 walk

And plenty of regular looking mushrooms as well.  Notice the grass is very green - in the open fields one could almost be tricked into thinking it looks like spring around here, besides the lack of leaves on the trees and the snow creeping down the hills each morning…


  1. Your mushroom might be Ravenel's Stinkhorn. Certainly looks like a possibility. Amazing things, though rather ugly!

  2. Interesting about the mushroom ... I've never seen one like that.


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