Thursday, October 03, 2013

Seize the Sketch #5 Challenge Card

So, my feisty little sister was having some fun with me yesterday by sending me the link for this sketch.  It was not so much the sketch (though she ♥’s a good sketch) - rather it was the photo of the card this designer (Amy) chose to create. 

Because I’m a “SQUIRREL”  This she accused me of over the summer.  Funnily, my good friend Janice was nicknamed this earlier this year, for about the same reasons.  Being its fall I can see how one might draw some parallels.  We have squirrels around our home and they are always busy and they get up to all sorts of trixty adventures. 

I took to calling our particular “main” squirrel Shreddie (click his name to read more) because he decided he either liked or dis-liked our patio furniture and made it his main goal in life to eat the stuffing out of it.  Worse, he one time ate the lines for our internet and we had to have an especial visit from Mr. fix-my-internet-or-I’ll DIE repairman. 

Anyhow…  after I got over my sister’s cruel taunting *snort* I told her I kinda really liked the sketch and she said we maybe should do it.

Here is the actual sketch From Seize The Sketch - and then my take on it:



Not so good of a photo. I prefer to take all my photos outdoors but yesterday was a RAIN day here in the (supposed to always be sunny) Okanagan Valley.

I don’t recall which company put out this lovely paper - the circles are glittery as you can see in the next photo.  The flowers are from Creative Memories.  They were a birthday gift from my friend Kendall, along with all sorts of other treasures I can’t wait to try. 



I used my trusty Silhouette Cameo to cut and (silver) sketch pen this ribbon and sentiment.


So this is my take on the challenge.  You should scoot over to Nina’s blog and see her interpretation of it too.  And what about YOU?  There’s some lovely twine up for a prize at Seize The Sketch


  1. well i am so glad you sister sent you over to play with our sketch!! beautiful card girl :) and i love the cute squirrel photo and story :)
    thanks for joining us on Seize the Sketch and hope to see you again :)

  2. Beautiful card Sis, the black, white and glittery silver are eye catching and your flowers is so pretty. It was fun to take this challenge together.

  3. Now how fun is this?! Thanks for your comment on my card:) Personally I think Squirrels are adorable so long as aren't rascals like your little buddy seems to be:)

    Glittery circle-y paper...fabulous. Such a classic elegant card!

    I really need to learn more about my cameo. Thanks for the inspiration...I took a peek at your PNG files, they're that crab.

    Thanks so much for joining us at Seize the Sketch!

  4. Your card is beautiful, love your flowers ,love all that silver goodness


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