Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Family Challenge - (PICTURE WINDOW) & FREE .silhouette file

Hope my fellow Canadians enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving this past weekend.  Now I’m back on track and so…

Once again my talented family have challenged me to be creative.  Ah, I might complain but I do manage to get it done.  The challenge NINA put out was to create a “WINDOW” card like in the following video tutorial.

I’m a bit of a rebel, for sure for sure, so I created my own cut file for the “window frame” - making this for a birthday greeting. 




Designer Paper - Yearbook Collection by Studio Calico


Glitter Modge Podge

canvas sheet - dollar store

Sentiment Stick On - Creative Memories

Birthday Pic Window frame .studio file - Barb Derksen

I designed and cut the card face, frame and backing. 


.studio file for this project

(please credit me and link back when using my files)

(PS pls - PIN-terest me, FB me and Twitter me too!)

for your Cameo, Silhouette or Portrait



I glued the canvas behind the window, then put it together on the front of the cardstock base.  I rubbed the sentiment sticker onto the canvas. 



I painted the body of the candle shape with glitter Modge Podge and lastly added some bling!

PS - the cut-out birthday candle shape left over from the Birthday window cut is a perfect accent to glue inside the card!

I hope you enjoyed this little show and tell and you will pop right over to Nina’s and Judy’s to see what they created for this challenge too!

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Simplify MY Life - a FREE Silhouette file for YOU!

End of week one of leading (at my church Osoyoos Christian Center)  the “Simplify Your Life” workshop (DVD’S) by Marcia Ramsland Organizing Pro. 

It was a super busy week for me and I confess I really hat to work hard just to complete my homework, both written and the physical side of things but in the end I managed and feel very satisfied with some of my accomplishments.  There were two areas I focused on and were somewhat new to me. 

I’ll be ornery and list the second thing first.  This involved creating a two week MENU PLAN.  What a novel thought in my house - actually thinking ahead and planning a meal regime.  Seems like a lot of work when I first turned that thought over (worrying it like puppy would worry a bone down to the very marrow) but I decided that Marcia did not get to be crowned “The Organizing Pro” for nuthin’ and humbled myself to stop thinking and just DO what was asked of me. (which, my beloved husband would appreciate from me, or STUBS, as he had nicknamed me) 

Well, I must say that after that initial batch of time it took me to sit my bum still and focus, check the pantry etc and write up a two week overview of what my tummy would get blessed with - it suddenly shifted in my mind!  I no longer even have to think so much from day to day (and generally the hour preceding the actual dinner hour)  Now, at a glance, I can look at my fridge and think “this is like Cruise-Ship Living!”  Woot!

So, I’m going to segue this into the “grocery list” thing too and see how that lightens me up too.  Now, stepping backwards, I’ll show tell of the first assignment:



Our first assignment was to take a good look at our kitchen.  Look with “cluttery eyes”  - if you see a general bunch of stuff, if it strikes you as messy, muddled or perhaps it looks like a jumble-sale right where you’re supposed to prepare your food… well, that needs some tending too and there’s no avoiding it now.  A Proverbs 31 woman will roll up her sleeves and just deal with it - because she needs to set the example in her household. 

I managed to get my counters all done (old hat for me, having followed Marcia’s wonderful course in past years) but I had a little area off to the side in my kitchen that was eroding the overall image of an organized and peaceful kitchen.  Specially that back door.  Yeah, I know which day is trash day in my head, but I sometimes I don’t remember which day TODAY IS you know?  And my Mr Wonderful, well he’s just a blur buzzing by that piece of metal with a knob that stands between him and “out there”… So, I put this not on the door.  I put it ABOVE the knob, so I see it every time I use the door and I think “oh yeah” and on a Monday I will move it down to stick RIGHT ON the handle so you cannot turn it without grabbing the note.  Can’t ignore it then but it really does a number on the note.  It keeps getting repaired with more tape, then eventually has to be re-written entirely.  But it works

But its unsightly UGLY.  So, I decided as part of my homework for this part of the course I would make  a more practical and sightly sign.  The following is what I came up with:



I designed a cutting file and whipped this up out of some bright orange cardstock and vinyl too.  I decided to make it a door-hanger like you might see in a hotel because with it being BRIGHT we will always see it but hanging behind the doorknob it will not get abused so much. 

In keeping effecient  and blessing others, as a Proverbs 31 woman would do, I created EVERY weekday option for YOU in a FREE .studio cutting file so you too can remind yourself and everyone else in your household just when to git that trash to the curb on time. This sign measures 3 inches wide, 10 inches long.  I hope you enjoy! 

Supplies I used:

Orange cardstock

Black Vinyl

Chrome vinyl


Saturday, October 05, 2013

Teaching and Getting Organized - THANK YOU, Marcia Ramsland



I’m so excited to just say here that I am leading a 7 week organizing workshop (DVD and CD’s) by the wonderful MARCIA RAMSLAND - the “organizing pro”  My church, Osoyoos Christian Center is where it’s all happening, every Tuesday from October 1 through to November 5th, 2013.  I’ve been super busy (and a little sick with a cold) all this week and so will post MORE about this later on.  I am JUST SAYIN’ here today… stay tuned over the coming weeks.  I’d covet your prayers during this time. 

Friday, October 04, 2013

Random Photo - Mist on Water


Another sign fall has arrived. 

The wisps perform a mysterious ballet across the surface of the lake, sometimes floating stage left and then moving off to the right.  This performance, if you should be fortunate enough to witness, can last up to an hour it seems.  Thankfully, the trees still have leaves they wave  and even give a few up to the breeze in appreciation.

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Seize the Sketch #5 Challenge Card

So, my feisty little sister was having some fun with me yesterday by sending me the link for this sketch.  It was not so much the sketch (though she ♥’s a good sketch) - rather it was the photo of the card this designer (Amy) chose to create. 

Because I’m a “SQUIRREL”  This she accused me of over the summer.  Funnily, my good friend Janice was nicknamed this earlier this year, for about the same reasons.  Being its fall I can see how one might draw some parallels.  We have squirrels around our home and they are always busy and they get up to all sorts of trixty adventures. 

I took to calling our particular “main” squirrel Shreddie (click his name to read more) because he decided he either liked or dis-liked our patio furniture and made it his main goal in life to eat the stuffing out of it.  Worse, he one time ate the lines for our internet and we had to have an especial visit from Mr. fix-my-internet-or-I’ll DIE repairman. 

Anyhow…  after I got over my sister’s cruel taunting *snort* I told her I kinda really liked the sketch and she said we maybe should do it.

Here is the actual sketch From Seize The Sketch - and then my take on it:



Not so good of a photo. I prefer to take all my photos outdoors but yesterday was a RAIN day here in the (supposed to always be sunny) Okanagan Valley.

I don’t recall which company put out this lovely paper - the circles are glittery as you can see in the next photo.  The flowers are from Creative Memories.  They were a birthday gift from my friend Kendall, along with all sorts of other treasures I can’t wait to try. 



I used my trusty Silhouette Cameo to cut and (silver) sketch pen this ribbon and sentiment.


So this is my take on the challenge.  You should scoot over to Nina’s blog and see her interpretation of it too.  And what about YOU?  There’s some lovely twine up for a prize at Seize The Sketch

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

random photos - SAME Saturday

I know, I know, its Wednesday and here I am posting photos from the weekend.  Such is life right now.  Its all good, my goal this week is to try to post more often! 

On Saturday I kept noticing things that were the SAME - and these were two of them.

polka boots

How fun is THIS! 

Thank you to this woman who (after I interrupted her time) gave me permission to not only take her photo but to post here…. after I pointed out her boots and the table cloth match like she was appointed to be there! 

And then later, when we went to gas up, there were two EXACT same trucks, one hauling the other. 


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