Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Pretty Chickadee FREEBIE!

Woke to thunder and lightening at 4 a.m. I found it refreshing, really - we have had so little rain of late.  Everything looks scrubbed clean today.  I heard tell we may have a mixed bag of weather again today so I’m blogging in case later I have to unplug my technology due to an electric storm.

photo (3)

I took a little walk yesterday (prompted by a tweet from the BC Visitors Center here in Osoyoos) and so glad I did as I was treated to this golden scene of these peach trees - row upon row of golden-ness, gilded leaves fluttering to carpet the grass.  Soon the colors will all be sucked out of the landscape as Summer tucks her paint pot away until Spring comes and touches the scenery with bold hues again.


Golden October, your beautiful leaves now turn,

Sombre November, we cheerful fires burn.

We will not be sad that Summer days are gone

And birds now seldom sing.

We’ll smile through frozen Winter

And look towards the Spring


Today Autumn is confusing me!  One moment she lets her benevolent sunshine smile coax me outdoors but then she hides the sun behind steel coloured clouds and allows the wind to bully me along as leaves whirl up and pelt me.

One wonderful thing that happens fall arrives and this is that have the inclination to check out  Pinterest and actually make and bake and create some of the many “pins” I’ve salted away (I’m Mrs Miles on Pinterest)  I’ve been “putting up” food  and dehydrating ever since summer, now the fruits and veggies are in their last throes and I’m taking advantage while the getting is good. 



A bonus of fall (and spring for that matter) are these delicious Shaggy Mane mushrooms.  I think of my childhood when I eat them because my Dad taught us to pick these.  I hated them as a child, love them now.  Do YOU have any food you hated as a kid but love now?

I am working hard to make product for upcoming craft sales (I plan to do two this year) and so you are reaping the benefits of my designing.  I’ve been hearing chickadees outside my window for the past month and I think these little birds are so endearing.  I chose to create a chickadee cut so I can have one in front of me any time I like.  I hope you might like it too:



Here’s a card I made with my cut.  The stamp is from Ditto.  I embossed it and I also inked the edges of the designer paper.  The designer paper is random from my scraps bin. 



You may want to cut your chickadee out using different shades cardstock or designer paper - but you might be brave and paint in some of the feather details as I’ve done.  I used my Kiji Pearlescent paints for the job!  This photo is approximately how the base should look, then add your darker details once you have your “tail” or “wing” on.  You can easily use marker for the last details to make it bolder. 



And even though I’ve included a little “eye” cut, you might decide a little black pearl or gem is just the little detail to bring this sweet little bird to life. 

A note - the feet glue behind the body, I made a sort of oval area which can anchor the feet on.  I’ve included png templates for digi-scrappers to use as templates and I’d just love to see how you use this fun cut! 



Blogger Labels: Chickadee,FREEBIE,technology,Visitors,Center,Osoyoos,trees,carpet,Soon,Summer,paint,scenery,Golden,October,Sombre,November,birds,Winter,Autumn,moment,sunshine,clouds,inclination,Pinterest,Miles,food,advantage,SHAGGY,MANE,MUSHROOM,bonus,product,benefits,Here,card,Ditto,edges,paper,scraps,feather,Kiji,Pearlescent,photo,marker,pearl,bird,life,area,DOWNLOAD,sales,feet,templates


  1. Thanks for the freebie. The chickadee is so cute.
    I pick those shaggy mane mushrooms here in Sweden too and love to eat them.

    Hugs, Pippin

  2. I hadn't known what a Chickadee looked like. Isn't he so cute! Lovely sentiment to go with him too.
    Tine :)

  3. Barb, this is darling! I love the way you colored this sweet little Chickadee and that background paper is beautiful!

  4. Sweet card and glorious photo! Thank you for the cut file, so sweet!

  5. Good afternoon Barb!!:)
    WOW..your photo is gorgeous!!:) I bet you LOVED your walk too!!
    Awww..what a SWEET Chickadee!! I too LOVE the way you painted it! Thank you soo much for sharing your cutting file with me.!! LOVE your card!!It's Beautiful!!:)
    Do I remember you posting one time before about your Dad and his love for these mushrooms? Happy you have found a liking for them now.Let me see..I didn't like cooked cabbage as a kid..but LOVE it and Collard greens now. I hated brussel sprouts..and found that I STILL do.hehe


  6. Such wonderful photos Barb, they are stunning. I loved picking mushrooms with dad, I however also loved to eat the sauteed shaggy manes. The inky ones sure made a mess thought. Your little chickidee is darling, I love thier little song that sounds like 'Tea's Ready'. Your card is so pretty sis, you are so creative.

  7. These are some very lovely pictures. In reference to the mushrooms statement, I seriously believe that our taste buds change as we get older or our tolerance levels.. For instance, as a kid I hated cucumbers but now I actually like them. They have a special taste that I love with soup.


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