This is the smiling face I wake up to each and every day. In fact EACH and EVERY day for we have never spent a night apart in our entire marriage. You heard that right... not one.
He's the sunshine on my cloudy day. He's my picker-upper when I feel down. He's my dragon-fighter and stands with me when it feels like the world is beating up on me. He's my pillar when everything else seems to come and go - zooming by.
He prays for me and spends time in The Word to cover our marriage and to seek HIS will in our life's journey together.
He's my level head when (as always) I make decisions based merely on my emotions. He denies his fear when I make myself unapproachable - he keeps trying till he gets through. Sometimes I'm not easy to talk to... if I had to talk to myself I'm afraid I would think it not worth the effort yet his love does not stop until we get right with each other.
He lifts me up in front of friends and family - and in his workplace. He features pictures of me in his Photography course so that he can talk about me. He makes me "stand by him" even when I'm not really there.
He asks me to sing even when there are many women who have "a voice" ~ he makes me feel like I could win a Grammy. He's my enabler, he supports all my creative endeavours.
He's the bread-winner for when we married we decided together that I would stay home. Even though I could have decided that I would simply sit on my bumm all the live long day at home every day he would support me. I've never ever regretted it for a moment because my heart is is where my home is and vice versa. The highlight of my day is to be able to greet my prince when he comes home after a hard time at work.
And I could go on forever but I think you are getting the picture that my man is an exceptional person and I don't take even one second of our relationship lightly.
I love you, Miles, with all my heart and I'm as excited and swept off my feet as I was the first time I laid eyes on you. EVERLASTING, honey.
I know I will be asked what my gift to him will be... it WON'T ~ my gift is this card that I made him. I could (stretch our one income budget till it squeeks) and its soooo tempting but we agreed that I would just make him a beautiful hand-crafted card. He, on the other hand has all SORTS of amazing plans to lavish me. Here is the card I created - it took me ALL DAY yesterday to make! Its too long to do in one shot as its an accordion fold-out type so I've done it in little snippets.
These are the first two pages - after this I made seperate glassine pages with the letters of his name overlaying each page where I embellish upon each letter in his name. It was TRICKY putting these pages together.
I used KimB's fabulous Passions Blush kit - so deliciously romantic set chock full of beautiful elements and plushy papers!

Don't take my word for it - her kits are super quality and a delight to work with. Click on the preview to be whisked to Kim's where you can get her store info AND enjoy her always entertaining chatter and often something to download as well!
I also used the rose from my newest giveaway - this beautiful rose-heart which I re-coloured to compliment the gorgeous hues of Kim's kit.
I used one of the papers from Linda's (Bon-Appetit) pretty Floralessence kit for the preview of today's Rose-Heart Elements set which you can download for free! Thanks for use of this paper, Linda, it works perfectly! Just click on the preview to be taken to Linda's blog.
And finally, before I head off to spend the day pasting on my fake nails (trust me, I only do this about 2x a year) curl my hair, wax me leggies, pluck me brows, work out me body, decorate the house... (though I'm not entirely certain all our celebration will take place at our house as the Mr. is being very secretive and opaque about certain details...) I have something for YOU in celebrating our anniversary.
I created this exquisite rose, heart petal and leaf embellishments. Enjoy and I'd love to see how you use them. Just send me a small jpg and I'd be delighted show your creation off! Just click on the preview to download. Personal Use only.