Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Special Prezzie

And what should be waiting for me when we arrived home? A parcel, a prezzie ~ from my dear friend Valinda! I was all aquiver to open it when my Mr brought it in. Ahem, good thing you did not see me shred the wrap V! I'm sure I had it off in ten seconds flat.

What a lovely assortment of pretties! I will not go through each item in detail for reasons I can't disclose at the moment but all will come clear in the future.

This is one of many presents I've been blessed with from my blog friends - tangible evidence of the deep, rich and lasting relationships which are born through the blogging/scrapping community over the years. I totally treasure each item. I look forward to blessing back ~ over time as I find the 'just right thing(s)' for everyone.

Thank you Valinda and Christy for these lovely gifts and the amazing card (picture does not do it justice). I wish I coud hug you across the miles!

-- Post From My iPhone


  1. Good afternoon Barb:)
    I am soo glad the parcel finally made it to your doorstep.:) So happy you like what we sent.You are most welcome.It was really fun finding things to put in the box to send.:)I had a lot of fun making the card too.Thanks to all the hard working and very talented digi scrappers out there!!:)
    I wish you could hug me across the miles too....it would have saved on the postage stamp.LOL JK...

    Love and hugs,

    P.S..glad you are home again..I missed you!!

  2. Dear Barb.... so nice to see you online again... I have missed you and missed your wonderful posts.


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