Thursday, December 31, 2009

Farewell 2009 & Cleaning Out the "Digital" Closet!

As 2009 draws near to a close I would like to take a moment to say that this past year was a phenomenal one - and thats partly due to YOU!

I was not planning to post today as I am between painting my finger and toenails, having a beauty nap and then preparing for a romantic New Year's Evening alone with my most handsome Mr. He's also sprucing himself up and has bought and brought home a selection of delicious and exotic morsels which he himself is going to cook up and serve me later this evening. Yes, our daughter had planned to be here but now won't arrive till tomorrow. I'd looked forward to seeing her but then again... there is something COMPLETELY special about spending this momentous evening with the most amazing man in the world, my husband.

I was thinking about what 2011 will bring, and though I do not make New Years Resolutions, I prayed and was led to think that 2011 will be a "Giving" year. In that train of thinking I would have loved to build a new wonderful digital kit to give here on my blog, but with time of the essence I simply cannot. So... I rummaged around in my digital archives and dusted off my "Junkyard Garden" kit which I created under the name of Olivia Dorazio when I designed for the Sophia Sarducchi Studios - which folded last year. I do not even have time to change the graphics, so I am giving this kit "as is" with the old info from Sophia, you will just have to ignore that. I will GIVE this kit for FREE (for Personal Use) over the next three days - the papers today, the alpha tomorrow and followed up on Sunday with the elements pack. I hope you enjoy!

In case you wonder what ever happened to "Sophia" herself, that would be Saxon Holt who now designs for Scrapbook Elements - and you can find her amazing products by clicking HERE. I sure miss you Saxon, you were a wonderful "boss-lady" and my experience designing in the digital world was a very positive one!

I also will post a digital layout in the next day or two featuring my wonderful New Year's Eve romantic celebration using my friend KimB's new kit called "A Fresh Start" - If you are looking for a gorgeous kit to scrap your New Year's memories you can't go wrong with this kit!

Just click HERE to be taken to Kim's blog where you can find instructions on how to get to her store (elbowing your way through the stampede)

And now I will take myself off to the closet to riffle through and find the absolutely most pretty thing I own to amaze my Mr. with! Here are the previews to my full "Junkyard Garden" Kit and then the link to the papers pack! Don't forget to visit over the next few days to scoop the alpha and papers! I would love to see how you use this kit! Thank you for all of YOU who have visited my blog this past year.

Barb Derksen (aka Olivia Dorazio)'s Junkyard Garden Kit
Papers Pack download link, just click

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I Like...

I must confess that I always wait to see if I get tea towels for Christmas. I was fortunate to recieve this pretty one from someone dear to me. I have hung it in a very visible place where it will be used often, therefore I will think of my 'gifter' often as well!

I also fortified my supply on Boxing Day as well. I'm swapping them out right now, in fact.

Did YOU recieve tea towels as well?

-- Post From My iPhone

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Special Prezzie

And what should be waiting for me when we arrived home? A parcel, a prezzie ~ from my dear friend Valinda! I was all aquiver to open it when my Mr brought it in. Ahem, good thing you did not see me shred the wrap V! I'm sure I had it off in ten seconds flat.

What a lovely assortment of pretties! I will not go through each item in detail for reasons I can't disclose at the moment but all will come clear in the future.

This is one of many presents I've been blessed with from my blog friends - tangible evidence of the deep, rich and lasting relationships which are born through the blogging/scrapping community over the years. I totally treasure each item. I look forward to blessing back ~ over time as I find the 'just right thing(s)' for everyone.

Thank you Valinda and Christy for these lovely gifts and the amazing card (picture does not do it justice). I wish I coud hug you across the miles!

-- Post From My iPhone

Monday, December 28, 2009

The trip home

After waving goodbye to Mom and Dad (always bittersweet) we made it to Chilliwack where I took the photo on the previous post. Actually my Mr. stopped me to a thrift store we discovered before leaving there where I managed to zero my holiday cash. We fueled up Seb (our van) at the chevron and ourselves with coffee at Starbucks - both high octane.

The roads were good, no falling snow unti we got to Keremeos.

This is K mountain which is the backdrop to this small town. Can you see the K?

The clouds and sun played together to create some nice scenes along the way.

The river like a ribbon of chrome.

I always wonder at this fence made of tires. This is just a tiny portin of it at this ranch. It must get very hot in our desert climate. And while I think it's a clever way of recycling the rubber I wonder if it might not pose a threat for west Nile virus with water standing in it at times.

We followed behind this vehicle for many nervous miles - it kept creeping WAY over the line.

I wonder if it was due to cell use? If it was I hope they got their fill because come January 1 it will be against the law. I say ABOUT TIME. Though I did observe one lady driving while eating fries and gravy, with a fork- on our way down to the coast...

As we neared the top of the Richter pass which is very near to home we were treated to a few miles of landscape which was flocked with a light hoarfrost.

These tiny pictures don't really do it justice.

And finally I always feel like we are home when we come to Spotted Lake. It's about a ten minute drive from home. This lake is fascinating at any time of year.

So now we are home safe and sound and snug. I look forward to a few quiet days before our daughter comes to visit. By then I will be ready to make a big creative mess with her in the kitchen and crafts room. But for now I have a date with the treadmill.

-- Post From My iPhone

Location:89th St,Okanagan-Similkameen A,Canada

Heading Home

Waiting for my man in the parking lot of Safeway on the way home from holidays. He's in there buying salad items to get us thru recovery from "Christmas at Mother's" which always wreaks havoc on our waistlines.

-- Post From My iPhone

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