Monday, June 16, 2008

comes in three gradients - and solid black


Today's download is in honor of our friend PENNY

I could blog about my visit with my Mother and Father in Law. I could blog about all the fun things we did together. I could blog about the beautiful weather that's finally here. I could blog about all the interesting things I've been compiling for you. I could blog about my amazing yard sale buys... but, I think I am going to blog about my friend PENNY and her amazing news.

Penny Buhr Johnson

What a sweet feeling when a friend has good news! This is our friend Penny. We've known each other for years. She's a mom to six terrific kids, who's she's home schooled. She's a talented musician and she's helped support her family by sharing her gift as an instructor for Music For Young Children. We used to be on the Worship Team together when we all attended the Alliance Church locally - those were some wonderful times. Their beautiful children would often join in too - each as they grew old enough and bold enough. I, in particular, still giggle at the memory of little Gina, at about 4 or 5 years old, when she used to beg Miles to sing "Be Bold, Be Strong (for the Lord your God is with you)" so that she could SHOUT that phrase out at the top of her lungs! And she used to kinda dance a bit too. What a talented family.

Penny and her family lived here for many years, and when school would let out each year the ENTIRE family would pack up and head out to Saskatchewan where they worked a fruit stand/mini golf throughout the summer. They managed to touch so many people while they were out there... and I guess it was our big loss when they decided it was financially wiser to move there a few years ago.

Anyways, time for the 'toot'!

Penny sent an email to me which reads as follows:

"Just sharing some exciting news...I've been keeping busy doing concerts and stuff, since I've had a year off from teaching. As God's perfect timing goes, it seemed fluky, but, long story short- I ended up going to a Country Gospel Ministry Association Convention (yes, I know, some of you are saying 'did she say country?' but I thot the C in CGMA stood for Canadian) ... So ANYWAYS, it was a blast and it was held in Saskatoon last week-I took in the last 3 of the 6 days. I even became a member, and hence an eligible nominee, and performed 3 songs. I just rec'd a phone call that I 've rec'd the 'Silver Heart Award for New Female Artist of the Year' Award. I have an invitation to participate in the Missourri convention in October, as a Canadian representative of the CGMA. Ehaw, I didn't expect this, only looking to learn and gain experience, so this is cool!"

Now, Penny will be the first to tell you that she's is completely aware that neither Miles nor I are huge Country Music fans, but we are truly tremendously proud of your accomplishment - and we wish you all the best. Our prayers will be with you as you prepare for the Missourri convention. We always knew you were 'going somewhere' with your talent and drive. What a blessing you are Penny, and we miss you very much.

If you would like to learn more about Penny and her music you can visit her website (and listen to music clips) by clicking HERE or you can read an archived newspaper article of her in concert in Carlysle by clicking HERE.

We're going to enjoy watching your star rise, Penny! Hugs to all!


  1. AnonymousJune 16, 2008

    Wonderful Blog!!!! Hugs..Claudia
    PS You have been tagged by Sindiego's Scraps!!!

  2. what a blessing from the Lord Penny we pray the very best for you now and in the future ...I know Barb will keep us posted ...Barb..I know you had an awesome time with Mom and Dad and each one of you spoilt each other ya sis

  3. That is AWESOME news! Big CONGRATS to Penny!! how coool! :D
    Thanks so very much for sharing your fun elements!! LOVE them!! :D Soo glad to hear you had a GREAT time and the weather is good!! looking forward to your yard sale buys though! hehe (from one bargainer to another!! lol) Have a BEAUTIFUl day!! HUGS!:D

  4. Morning Barb!!!!!!!
    Wow A HUGE CONGRATS to Penny!!!!!!
    Not much going on here just everyday life!!!!!
    TY so very much for these AWESOME music notes!!!!!!!!

  5. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 17 Jun [LA 02:38am, NY 04:38am, UK 09:38am, OZ 07:38pm]).

  6. MORNING MY FRIEND_ Go back to bed- are you DAFT??- ROTF! That's WAY to early for any human being to be up- that's unless you called Wayne- hahaha.
    AWW- thanks for the praise on the LO of Nathan- but honest- it's YOUR STUFFIES that made it so GOOD!! That pic and your kit were the PERFECT fit!
    So you two are lonesome ownsome at the moment again huh??- hee hee, you getting out your own secret drawer- LOL.

    BARB- Penny reminds me of a mix of Norah Jones and I can't quite get the name now ( ARRGH- it's the old age I tell you)- but WOW, that is AMAZING!! LOVED listening to the *skits* and loved the bluesy ones!!

    As for Waynes air-conditioning- WAHAHAHAHA
    He just phoned again to say he thinks he is now DEAF-permanantly ROTF
    My poor hubby-lol, but at least he had me in stitches today.

    Sending you HUGE huggies and OOOOH, girl that bag of yours is CHOCA BLOCK of goodies!! WHEEEE- can't wait to play with them

    Sending smoooooches back

  7. Thanks for the link - lovely music. Congrats to your friend.

  8. Wonderful blog entry! Also love the music elements! ty!

  9. Barb,

    Thank you for sharing your TOOT of Penny's MOST exciting award!!! That is just SO awesome and I am sure that she is TOTALLY thrilled, especially in that she was only there to learn and for the experience!!! WOW - what an experience!!! I am SO happy for her!

    Loved reading your GARAGE SALE TALES!!! I, like you, stand in AWE of those who can barter like nothing doing! I remember back over 30 years ago when my children's father and I were first married and we visited a HUGE flea market in San Jose, CA. Long story short, we found a BEAUITFUL, UNIQUE and LARGE wall curio sort of thingy which was made our of pine with AWESOME scroll work. We paid FULL price and were proudly carrying it off of the fairgrounds and to our car when a couple of "more" experienced men walked by us exclaiming how they were SO thrilled to have walked away with this PRIZE for HALF the price we had just paid!!!

    ROFL! Live and learn! Well, I've LIVED, but surely have not LEARNED the art of bartering as yet!!!

    Thank you for the LOVELY template and have a MOST gorgeous day!

    Linda :)

  10. AnonymousJuly 05, 2008

    What a gorgeous ornament! I have several friends and familiy mambers who play music, so I'm very happy that you share your beautiful work.


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