What does being Canadian mean to me? I feel blessed to live in such a beautiful country, rich in resources and culture. I am proud our country is multi-cultural and considered to be tolerant, but I fear we are TOO liberal, we tolerate TOO much. I’m scared we will ‘get lost’ that we will lose vision of what being a Canadian REALLY is. If you’re Canadian and reading this, what do YOU think? This is just my personal opinion.
I like the fact my country is so large and diverse, from living here in Canada’s only pocket desert, in the heart of orchard country; I’m only a smidgen of this place I call home. My country stretches from seas to seas, and includes some vast areas of the frozen north. Why, I’ve barely explored a fraction this majestic land.
At some time in the future, I’ll share some family history, about my Great, Great, Great Grandmother who came across Canada in a Red River Cart. What a story, what a legacy.
Mostly, what I enjoy about being Canadian, is that I am FREE to WORSHIP. The following song lyrics are by the Canadian group HIS SEASON, from the album SEE A CHANGE. This song sends shivers up and down my spine. You can visit their site by just clicking HERE.
Let our nation sing to the King of Kings
Let our people pray to the Lord today
May the anthem of my country be pleasing God to Thee
From sea to shining sea let the worshipers agree
That the Lord of the Heavens is the Lord who reigns in me
From sea to shining sea let the worshipers agree
O Canada let the worshipers agree
O Canada living God reign in me
O Canada we stand on guard for Thee
O Canada
Let our nation sing to the King of Kings
Let our people pray to the Lord today
May the citizens and leaders ever stand on guard for Thee
From sea to shining sea let the worshipers agree
May we trust in the living God to keep us glorious and free
From sea to shining sea let the worshipers agree
O Canada let the worshipers agree
O Canada living God reign in me
O Canada we stand on guard for Thee
O Canada
Let our nation sing to the King of Kings
Let our people pray to the Lord today