Monday, June 30, 2008



What does being Canadian mean to me? I feel blessed to live in such a beautiful country, rich in resources and culture. I am proud our country is multi-cultural and considered to be tolerant, but I fear we are TOO liberal, we tolerate TOO much. I’m scared we will ‘get lost’ that we will lose vision of what being a Canadian REALLY is. If you’re Canadian and reading this, what do YOU think? This is just my personal opinion.

I like the fact my country is so large and diverse, from living here in Canada’s only pocket desert, in the heart of orchard country; I’m only a smidgen of this place I call home. My country stretches from seas to seas, and includes some vast areas of the frozen north. Why, I’ve barely explored a fraction this majestic land.

At some time in the future, I’ll share some family history, about my Great, Great, Great Grandmother who came across Canada in a Red River Cart. What a story, what a legacy.

Mostly, what I enjoy about being Canadian, is that I am FREE to WORSHIP. The following song lyrics are by the Canadian group HIS SEASON, from the album SEE A CHANGE. This song sends shivers up and down my spine. You can visit their site by just clicking HERE.



Let our nation sing to the King of Kings

Let our people pray to the Lord today

May the anthem of my country be pleasing God to Thee

From sea to shining sea let the worshipers agree

That the Lord of the Heavens is the Lord who reigns in me

From sea to shining sea let the worshipers agree

O Canada let the worshipers agree

O Canada living God reign in me

O Canada we stand on guard for Thee

O Canada

Let our nation sing to the King of Kings

Let our people pray to the Lord today

May the citizens and leaders ever stand on guard for Thee

From sea to shining sea let the worshipers agree

May we trust in the living God to keep us glorious and free

From sea to shining sea let the worshipers agree

O Canada let the worshipers agree

O Canada living God reign in me

O Canada we stand on guard for Thee

O Canada

Let our nation sing to the King of Kings

Let our people pray to the Lord today

Sunday, June 29, 2008

right click and 'save as' to download your choice of blog-pin!

Just a little something I've made for you to add to your blog sidebar in time for our respective July 1st and July 4th patriotic celebrations!

Friday, June 27, 2008


I hope my Irish Friends can find use of this small mini kit I've created with my friend JanMary in mind. I was inspired when I made one for my friend KimB - and it meant so much to her! Well, Kim, I apologise that JanMary's kit is substantially bigger than yours, but I could not resist using some of your FABULOUS commercial use items - they make it SO EASY! The ribbons in this mini were a snap using KimB's products, so scoot over to her blog and find out how to make some of these CU items YOURS! Her products are stored HERE.

To see more of my own products, I proudly sell at the Sophia Sarducci Shop as Olivia Dorazio. Just click HERE to see my own, and my fellow designers items.

I also have to FANK my KIMMIE for the blog/flag pin idea - she started it, so I created the Irish Version for JanMary's kit. Soooooo..... would my fellow Canadians like a pin? My friends across the border in the USA? Feedback could make it happen folks - preferably on my blog rather than 4shared as I don't always check there?

what bloomed in the garden

I have a need for prayer. I'm going to be vague and ask for you to pray for an unnamed need in my life. I can't blog my need at this time, at the request of whom the need is for, but it affects me too. So, this is why I've not been about the past few days - I'm keeping pretty busy. If a time comes when I can share with you, I will, its just not yet, and please don't worry, things are ok, just weird. I wish things were NORMAL, but I do know that GOD HAS A PLAN, and its in HIS time.

Impatient hearts want action - NOW!
We fear God's time will be too late;
How prone we are to rush ahead -
When God says, "Wait!"

God's schedule always runs on time,
Though years seem days or day seem years;
But happy he who moves God's pace
And has no fears.

Not fast nor slow God's timepiece is,
So let us set our time with HIS.

Marjorie Allen Anderson

I'll leave you with a VERY SWEET article you'll enjoy to listen to from NPR. Just click on the little audio icon (LISTEN HERE) to hear it from the lady its about. GREAT for a giggle. Just click HERE.

I'd also say, I have removed snapshots from my blog. In case you don't know what snapshots is or ... was, well it was an addon that allowed a small preview to be shown when you would hover over a hotlink on my blog. The problem was, it appears to have been distracting and annoying to some readers, and I thank you for letting me know. I desire my blog to be user friendly to YOU!

Another thing: When I blogged my last entry I forgot to thank AMYW for the use of her TAGS. They are BEAUTIFUL - my small slideshow really did not do them justice. You can find them HERE, well worth the purchase! Also, AMY has a ROCKIN' Viewer Disk element for giveaway on her blog right now - a MUST HAVE. Just click HERE!

Monday, June 23, 2008


I hope you enjoy these two Brag Book QP'S created from my newest kit to hit the store. I've also got something coming up in the next day or two with my friend JanMary - something with an Irish theme - so if you know anyone Irish, let them know!

As I mentioned my new Kit PAPER BAG ART hits the shop today. Being Monday, we always go a little mad at the store and we call it MONDAY MADNESS and its a good thing for YOU, because we let all our NEW products go at a reduced price. I hope if you like the looks of my new kit you'll scoop it there today. Just click HERE to visit the shop - there's some WONDERFUL new products by many of my fellow designers!


I also created a set of three RUFFLEY alphas (separate purchase) to go along with it! So frilly you can almost feel the texture! Click HERE to purchase.

buy your PAPER BAG ART ruffley alphas

I had a good sized journal entry in mind today, but I find myself with some pressing needs today (NO, I'm not IRONING all day) So, I'll make today's entry brief, and to the point. I was going to share all about our celebration with Dad (my father in law) but I'll just share his card and a small slideshow with you.

Also, my sweet (generous and kind) friend AmyW, who brings you all kinds of wonderful freebies is recovering from a bout of tonsillitus... this after recent surgery too. Her life is NEVER dull! PLEASE, if you have time I hope you would find it in your heart to stop by and encourage her.

my father's day card for Dad 2008

The following is a small slideshow of Miles and Dad enjoying some father and son time together.

Mile’s and Dad’s Big Adventure

Saturday, June 21, 2008


I've created this South Africa Mini - a version of my newest product called Paper Bag Art to feature at the Sophia Sarducci store on Monday. The reason I'm giving away a South African version is in honor to KimB. If you know Kim, then you know she's the Howard Hughes of Designing - meaning that she always giving (billions upon billions) away. There's ALWAYS something new on her bloggie, for us out here. She's Mother Hubbard in reverse, her cupboards spilleth over and she can't hand it out fast enough. She's got 'stuffies' coming out of her ears and she wants YOU to share. I'm sure they would sing about her on Seasame Street (SHAR-ING, SHAR-ING!) And when she's not giving things away, she's keeping us in stitches with her antics. If she ever has a 'normal' day it will be pretty scary! At any rate, I'm working hard to give back to YOU, lady.

Now, never fear, there's something SWEET coming for you-all in the USA/CANADA in the way of a freebie on MONDAY, so be checking back here. Ahem, I just KNOW you're going to ask too, JanMary, for something Irish... I'll get working on that. I won't leave you out.

Monday, this will be the day I launch the following kit! Its called Paper Bag Art, and its a labor of neighborly love between my country and my next door-ers. The reason it's called Paper Bag Art is because it started when I began experimenting with a paper bag texture (and some of KIMB's Commercial GrabBag Goodies - better go scoop it for yourself, if you haven't already!) and it simply grew from there. I feel very satisfied with the rich textures and colors in this kit. Be sure to line up at the store on Monday, a.m. by clicking HERE. Did I mention that Monday is always MONDAY MADNESS? You'll save additional monies off any purchases. Not a bad way to start the week!

Olivia Dorazio's PAPER BAG ART KIT
PERFECT for scrapping your favorite July1/4th PATRIOTIC memories!

The Elements!

12 Rich Papers!

I've also created a coordinating set of RUFFLY alphas, for purchase separately. These look like they were hand sewn by a fine seamstress, and boy, her fingers must be sore making all the little gathers! Available in natural bag, rich blue and deep red.

I've got to share another treasure, recently acquired at a yard sale. It was at the LAST sale during our visit with the in-laws that I scooped these creepy/cute ornaments.

my cute/ugly ornament

I have to admit, it was our SECOND visit to this particular yard sale - Miles had brought me here the previous week, and I'd admired these the first time, but when it came time to decide, I couldn't. I WANTED them, but just wasn't SURE. I've been of the policy that sometimes its ok to resist, and if you come again and things are waiting, then its ok to go for it. This visit, with Mom the Master Bargainer along, it was time to let go of any inhibitions.

They are not all perfect. A few have some chips, one has a pretty good crack. But they have APPEAL. They are DIFFERENT. Right, I am SURE I won't be seeing a set of these in YOUR house - LOL. When you watch my 'silly little slideshow' you will notice some writing on one, underside... it reads something like FLAME, JAPAN... its not 'made in japan' - that would have been a deciding factor in leaving them there. No, its something unique and the pieces have a fine patina and crackle that suggest great AGE.

Like, isn't this guy just QUIRKY? Is he supposed to be 'baseball'? Are the others supposed to resemble witches? Its truly hard to say. I'm hoping someone might just recognize these pieces!

Ok, so there's that, and my dream. I'm on tv. I'm on Antique Roadshow. The announcer has me sitting at a table, separate from the crowds with my strange little ornaments displayed. She says (with a crisp English accent) "So Barbara, you say you picked these up for 50 cents at a garage sale. What do you think they are worth?"

And I reply "Why, I have NO idea, I merely was entranced by their strangeness, it appealed to me. I thought if we had guests over and conversation was lagging I could haul them out to create conversation."

Then, the announcer says, "Well, these pieces are actually QUITE RARE... they were made in the 18__'s by a FAMOUS person, who made them for SOME SORT OF ROYALTY and there were only _ SETS EVER MADE IN THE WORLD and so these, if you were to sell them on the market today would easily fetch $___,___"

Thats when I GASP and slump over in a faint.

My Strange Little Japanese Ornaments

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Today’s element is inspired by a craft. It’s a THANK YOU gift to all of you who have been supporting me here, and (as OLIVIA DORAZIO) at the Sophia Sarducci Shop. Its in recognition of your investing in me. As my designing grows, I want to always be able to ‘give back’. Without your support, I would not be able to do this.

Its not often I see AND DO a craft. Mostly I breeze through the magazines, hoping to pick up some fresh ideas to share with you, but once in a very small while I find something that I actually decide to do. This is what happened recently when I saw this cool Martha Stewart idea for a paper lantern decorated with butterflies (among a whole BUNCH of other great ideas, like the silk flowers light string, shells light string... OH MY!)

Well, as fate would have it, I saw a plain white paper lantern at a junk sale and scooped it for 50 cents, so I figured it was meant for me to make this project.

Miss Becks and Belly!

My good (and very pregnant) friend Becky came to share my Wednesday with me, and we visited the dollar store to gather the needed supplies – after a picnic lunch on the lake walkway in the sun and a whip creamy coffee out too) We actually used some gift bags to cut the butterflies out of, as the scrapbook papers there left a lot to be desired. I’d only intended on being oh so frugal, but just HAD to have the extra little green lantern I spied in there too.

I was so excited to find my little green lantern that I SQUEEKED! It LIGHTS up, using a set of triple a batteries. I put a candle in the big white one, VERY secured onto the frame in a glass holder. Don’t worry, I’ll be careful. I wound up adding sparkles all over them too, securing them on with a good shot of hairspray – no I will NOT light it till its totally dissipated.

Here's a silly little slideshow of my creations:

My Butterfly Lanterns

Speaking of summer & lanterns, my friend Kristin CB has a new kit out. When I ‘grow up’ in my designing I aspire to even come close to the talent of Kristin. She has such a fine touch, an eye for even the tiniest details, and I always want to reach out and touch her products to see if they are real or not. Truly if I came into a large sum of money I would want Kristin to design my wallpaper (the kind that goes on real walls) for my new home.

I met Kristin a few years ago and we struck up a friendship right away. Being a fellow Canadian, even living within the same province, we found ourselves having lots in common. One summer Kristin and her family stopped by for a visit/picnic, much to my joy. Passing this way again, my friend? There’s always a room for you!

Kristin is sweet and shy, HUGELY talented, both with photography and design, but she’s also a beautiful person, inside and out. She’s been a great mentor in my life and even tho we don’t get to chat like we used to, she’s always got a special place in my heart. I don’t know how she manages her young family (new baby VERY recently) AND designs like she does.

Without further ado – if you plan on scrapping Summer ‘stuffies’ I’d suggest you check out and buy Kristin’s Party Out Back Kit by clicking HERE. Jennilyn made a drop dead gorgeous desktop using Kristin’s kit to share with you. You can also keep up on whats new in Kristins designs by visiting here blog HERE.

I have a new kit coming out on Monday, but I will share more about that with YOU on SATURDAY. Stay tuned here, if you drop in on SATURDAY, I’ll have previews and ANOTHER FREEBIE awaiting!

Thats all my big news - well this besides my darling husband finding a TICK on his body at like 5:30 a.m. today, waking me up in a frantic flurry (I'm NOT a morning person at the best of times) and me staggering into the bathroom where I had to go at him with tweezers. Luckily it was not buried and we flushed it away. EWWWW! I was so brain-dead I went back to dead and upon REALLY waking up not remembering if it was real or a nightmare...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


My gift for you today was inspired by last weekend’s yard sales. Read on!

Rival Ice-O-Matic HAPPINESS!

It was the second-to-last yard sale, the last Yard Saling Day with our folks who were enjoying the tail end of a two week visit with us. When we pulled up on the highway, we all hesitated as the house looked on the run-down side and the tables looked a huge jumble of ‘stuff’. As there had been only a half dozen sales this particular Saturday, we relented and headed in.

There turned out to be far more on the inside which had not been visible to the road, and there was the usual collections of books (the kind my brother calls ‘Bodice Rippers’ – you know the type, the mindless romance ones) and old magazines, chipped knickknacks, Corelle dinner plates, horrible old painting prints and paintings on velvet (I suspect these will come back into vogue again in the future) But, buried in amongst all this something shiny beckoned me.

It had a chrome top and a crank handle and an imagination stirring name ... ICE-O-MATIC and it was love at first sight. I HAD to have it. I scooped it and clutched it tightly to me as I made my way through the rest of the shoppers to find Miles.

When he spied my treasure, his face wrinkled up with something akin to fear, as he queried me “What IS that?”

I replied “I have NO idea, but I want it.”

He gave a wary glance at it and, shrugging his shoulders in obedience said “Allllrightttt....” as he made his way over to our Mom.

See, Mom is our ‘front’ person. Where I would be timid, or feel silly making an offer on an already priced item, Mom is Fearless and Relentless. I’m sure she must have roots way back to some race of people who have bartering and bargaining in their genetic makeup – some culture where one is EXPECTED to haggle over the prices, for she seems to THRIVE on it. I’ve watched her intimidate the most determined people, causing them to reduce their ‘FIRM’ price tags to mere pennies. I’ve snickered (in awe and embarrassment) when one woman told her that the items for sale had personal value, that they were special to her, thus the FIRM price... to which Mother replies “If it was REALLY that special to you, you wouldn’t be selling this item in a JUNK sale!” And watched as the woman caved – letting that supposedly $25 pair of hand painted wine goblets go for a mere $2... You getting the picture here?

So, Miles ferries the Ice-O-Matic over to Mom and she tracks down the money-person. I’d thought a few dollars would be a reasonable offer. Mom thought a dollar – so she offered 50 cents. The lady wanted to know what it was, so to better determine the value, but none of us had a clue. Being so, the lady let it go at 50 cents – and so here was me doing a DORK dance. Miles, on the other hand, backed away in fearfulness when Mom thrust it in his arms. He got this panicked look on his face. Mom barked “What’s the matter?” (with a laugh in her voice), to which Miles replied “Ummmmmm...” and being MOM she knew immediately that he did NOT want to be seen carrying my Treasure. Haha! Mom let him off the hook and he made an prompt beeline for the trunk of the car (where Dad, bless his heart was idling for us) Mom and I had a little laugh at our obedient Son/Husband... (he’s so CUTE when he’s shy like that!)

Later, when we arrived home, I polished my little machine up, then hunted it down on the internet to discover what it really is. Turns out its a Vintage Hand Cranked Ice Crusher. You can read more about it by clicking HERE. I’ve seen them on the net priced at Ebay all the way from 99 cents to MUCH MUCH more, if in good condition. Some place in the UK wanted $50... not a bad day’s saling. THANKS Mom!

AWWWWW.... SomeBunny Loves My Bloggie!

A special thanks to BUNNY who’s given me this award for my blog. Muah! This is SO appreciated Buns! (LOL – is that an ok nickname? ROTFL!! Perhaps I should make that Bunns...)

Monday, June 16, 2008

comes in three gradients - and solid black


Today's download is in honor of our friend PENNY

I could blog about my visit with my Mother and Father in Law. I could blog about all the fun things we did together. I could blog about the beautiful weather that's finally here. I could blog about all the interesting things I've been compiling for you. I could blog about my amazing yard sale buys... but, I think I am going to blog about my friend PENNY and her amazing news.

Penny Buhr Johnson

What a sweet feeling when a friend has good news! This is our friend Penny. We've known each other for years. She's a mom to six terrific kids, who's she's home schooled. She's a talented musician and she's helped support her family by sharing her gift as an instructor for Music For Young Children. We used to be on the Worship Team together when we all attended the Alliance Church locally - those were some wonderful times. Their beautiful children would often join in too - each as they grew old enough and bold enough. I, in particular, still giggle at the memory of little Gina, at about 4 or 5 years old, when she used to beg Miles to sing "Be Bold, Be Strong (for the Lord your God is with you)" so that she could SHOUT that phrase out at the top of her lungs! And she used to kinda dance a bit too. What a talented family.

Penny and her family lived here for many years, and when school would let out each year the ENTIRE family would pack up and head out to Saskatchewan where they worked a fruit stand/mini golf throughout the summer. They managed to touch so many people while they were out there... and I guess it was our big loss when they decided it was financially wiser to move there a few years ago.

Anyways, time for the 'toot'!

Penny sent an email to me which reads as follows:

"Just sharing some exciting news...I've been keeping busy doing concerts and stuff, since I've had a year off from teaching. As God's perfect timing goes, it seemed fluky, but, long story short- I ended up going to a Country Gospel Ministry Association Convention (yes, I know, some of you are saying 'did she say country?' but I thot the C in CGMA stood for Canadian) ... So ANYWAYS, it was a blast and it was held in Saskatoon last week-I took in the last 3 of the 6 days. I even became a member, and hence an eligible nominee, and performed 3 songs. I just rec'd a phone call that I 've rec'd the 'Silver Heart Award for New Female Artist of the Year' Award. I have an invitation to participate in the Missourri convention in October, as a Canadian representative of the CGMA. Ehaw, I didn't expect this, only looking to learn and gain experience, so this is cool!"

Now, Penny will be the first to tell you that she's is completely aware that neither Miles nor I are huge Country Music fans, but we are truly tremendously proud of your accomplishment - and we wish you all the best. Our prayers will be with you as you prepare for the Missourri convention. We always knew you were 'going somewhere' with your talent and drive. What a blessing you are Penny, and we miss you very much.

If you would like to learn more about Penny and her music you can visit her website (and listen to music clips) by clicking HERE or you can read an archived newspaper article of her in concert in Carlysle by clicking HERE.

We're going to enjoy watching your star rise, Penny! Hugs to all!

Friday, June 13, 2008

(personal use only)

Just popping in for a few moments to share this Plushy Blossom with you. I'm learning a few new techniques and this is the result. This blossom did not seem to fit with any particular kit I'm creating at the moment so I thought perhaps you might find some good use for it. I would love to see how you use this - and its BIG, like 6 inches or better big! Just email me lalalime(at)hotmail(dot)com with a thumbnail and I'll be glad to share your layouts here!

Olivia Dorazio's Father's Day Grab Bag

It's GRAB BAG time at the Sophia Sarducci Shop - tomorrow, yes, on Father's Day... Why should Dad's have all the fun? Yes, if you have a mere $2 on hand I would HIGHLY encourage you to blow it here. I've included 7 - yes, I SAID SEVEN, seperate items in this Grab Bag, and its OK for Personal, Commercial and Scrap for Hire. I've broken these projects down into both png and PSD layered formats. Pardon me for saying this, but you'd be NUTS not to buy - LOL - it took me HOURS upon hours to make. I know more designers from the store are whipping up some wonderfully incredible GB's with you in mind as well. (Like my GOOD BUDDY Adrianna Lunette aka AmyW for e.g.) Just click HERE to be taken to the Shop!

layout by KIMB
credit: Olivia Dorazio's (yeah, thats me!) Digital Dad Kit
click HERE to purchase!

Wow, NICE layout Kim! I'm loving it. Thanks EVER so GirlFriend! How the HECK did you find time to make this for me, I'll never know... haha, but I am so grateful you did! Kim's email to me read:

"Just finished this one of Nathan- he was sitting behind me listening to music from his PC- and your kit popped in to my head as his shirt sort of matched too - Hope you like it So shouted his name and snapped- LOL" (and Kim added a MUAH at the end *beaming*

And now, I'm off to spend the rest of the weekend basking in our family visit. Things have been just amazing. I can't think of a better gift than getting to spend Father's Day with our Dad (my Father in Law) I promise to fill you all in over the coming weeks. Thanks SO MUCH to all of you who have visited me in the past few weeks and left encouragement!

Monday, June 09, 2008

My Geek Husband
click to view larger
Created with my new Digital Dad Kit
(which hits the shop this morning!)

I'm sneaking some computer time in this morning (its Miles fault, he's geekified me!) before I spend the day with my Mother in Law baking up a storm. She makes these incredibly delicious chocolate chip cookies and has promised to allow me to record her making them. We might fit in a second something good if there's time. I created the Brushed Aluminum Frame as an add-on for the kit - I think it works nicely. To buy the entire kit, at a MONDAY MADNESS discount of 20%, just click HERE. I'd love to see how you use it, and feature your layouts on my blog. Just send me a jpg of your layout to lalalime(at)hotmail(dot)com.

(I've been browsing the shop this a.m. and there are some killer new products on the shelves- I'd better hurry and shop before I get my apron on!)


I'll put a bug in your ear as well. Its not going to be JUST Father's Day next Sunday... It will also be another Grab Bag sale at the Sophia Sarducci Shop, and I'm working very hard to put together a terrific bag. It will contain SEVEN seperate items which will be totally useful to you... both if you're a scrapper and most especially if you are a Designer. At $2 you will be paying less than 30 cents an item! So, bookmark Father's Day to sneak away for a few moments and grab your bag.

The weather has been quite soggy lately, so I thought I would leave you with a few 'sunny' thoughts:

We exercise our bodies,
Like to keep ourselves in trim,
Exercise our minds,
So our faculties won't dim.
But how often do we exercize
That most important place,
And relax those tiny muscles,
That spread a smile across our face?

Is it raining, little flower?
Be glad of rain.
Too much sun would wither thee,
'Twill shine again.
The sky is very black, 'tis true,
But behind it shines The Blue.
Art thou weary, tender heart?
Be glad of pain;
In sorrow the sweetest things will grow
As flowers in the rain.
God watches and thou wilt have sun
When clouds their perfect work
Have done.

Saturday, June 07, 2008


I hope you all can find a good use for this classy interface that my dear Mr. Miles made specially for you, as a giveaway and preview to my newest kit, which will be available at the Sophia Sarducci Shop on Monday morning... just so you can start queuing at the door already LOL! Here’s the previews to what you’ll find – nothing stuffy or plaid or old or flowery or pipes or socks or scarves... well you get the picture. Today’s Dads are tech-savvy!

This kit was inspired by Mr. Miles who loves all things techie, especially musical techie things (thus all the knobs and faders) ... and it also made me smile as I remembered how KimB’s husband and son had that little incident a few weeks back of bringing some new digital tv home (the HUGE one) and get it all set up, only to have it not work. Thats the thing about electronics and tech goodies, hay? At any rate, be sure to visit the Sophia Sarducci Shop first thing Monday morning by clicking HERE.

the full kit!


and the smooth elements!

I’m still having a great time with the folks. We’ve been to Tim Hortons several times, McDonalds and yard sales this morning. We’ve been grocery shopping and out for walks. We’ve watched tv and done 2.5 puzzles. We are having a baking day on Monday, where Mom may even share one of her great recipes with me, and allow me to record it too! I hope you are all having a good weekend too. We’ve visited the garden too, which is coming up quickly with all the rain we’ve been having. I heard the weather person refer to our month as JUNE-uary, being its so cool!

Just a quick reminder, if you live in Canada and did not file a 2006-07 income tax return then you might not know that you have to APPLY to receive the one-time only cheque for $100.00 each for the climate action dividend (from last year's government surplus) In order to do this you will have to fill out and mail the form found at the following link (By June 15th):

If you did file an income tax return, or receive Child Tax Benefits, it will be automatic for you already. To find out more you may want to read the following article:

A few neat sites I’d like to share with you:

Art of Crochet - Video Stitch Guides - just click HERE

MyFolia - Organise, track & share your gardening adventures! – just click HERE

Friday, June 06, 2008


I would have made you a better preview, but opted to actually get this up here - LOL! I've been sooooo busy.... WHAT have I been up to?

they DRIVE me! (literally, to shopping all over)

I've been entertaining, and being pampered by, my Mother and Father in Law! They're here for a good visit and I'm lapping up every second, besides the 24 hours I just put in designing... more about that before the weekend is over, when I'll post some previews for my newest 'stuffies' (as KimB would so eloquently put it. And speaking of Kim...

By the Sea
Layout by KIMB - blog reader and FWEND in the 1st degree!
Kim used my Tsunami Blue kit
(MAN you make it look good! haha)

I would love to see your layouts you create using my elements and products, just email me a small jpg with a list of all credits. I better scoot here as my dear friend Becky (and her almost arrived baby-belly) will be coming for a visit any minute here with me still in my pj's!

Monday, June 02, 2008


I'm posting this Mmmarvelous Mushroom here, and it's going to be available at the Sophia Sarducci blog too - its one I made using one of my new Mmmushroom Templates, which are for sale today in the Shop. If you've got any sort of a project which would call for mushrooms (hiking, camping, nature, cooking, fairy) then you will love my new set of crisp, high-quality Mushroom Templates. They are available both in layered PSD files or in solid or color blocked PNG files, which allow you to easily select color blocks so you can work with the different sections of the mushrooms. You'll want to check out the Feathered Friends as well - some new possibilities with those ones! Today is THE day, as its being Monday Madness you'll save $$$ on my already reasonably priced products! My desire is to price my items so that even if you're a beginning designer you won't have to rob the bank to buy. (haha!) Just click HERE to be transported to the Sophia Sarducci Shop!

There is SO MUCH new ... just came home from a weekend of visiting with our relatives and attending a wedding. I'll be back to share after I get our house rearranged in anticipation of a 10 day visit with our parents.

Hope you have a wonderful day.

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