Monday, April 21, 2008


Well, I'm drawing close to the end of these amazing Zoo Critters to share with you, I think there are just a few more - I hope you've enjoyed them.

Well BRRRRR... what is UP with this WACKY WEATHER? I dunno, does not feel exactly like ‘Global Warming’ to me – for it feels most certainly chilly here! We’ve gone from last week when I got to do a loop around the nieghborhood in shorts and t-shirt and not appear silly to the next day had me hauling the winter coat out from storage!

On our way to church yesterday morning (and of course we were in a rush as we had friends coming) we were stopped short by a most amazing site! (caused by our wacky weather, of course:P) An orchardist had left the sprinklers on an entire block of cherry trees, and with the temperature plunging into the freezing range in the night, the entire block was transformed into a magical icicle scene. So out came the camera – which is almost an appendage to me I carry it everywhere I go. I always figure the best pictures always ‘happen’ on me, and its true.

I wish I could have recorded some video or audio footage as well, for the temperature had warmed some and a soft breeze was lifting the branches gently, causing the long icicles to tinkle together, then some crash to the ground. It was a smorgasbord for the eyes and ears!

I’m completely honoured you guys – I have been given back (not returned) I guess you could call it re-awarded, the same award as I gave out – FOUR TIMES. I feel so unworthy – and blessed, at the same time. And the joy in having this award come boomeranging back to me, it was your lovely comments. I really can’t take as much credit as you give me, because anything of good or worth is honestly just a little more of Jesus Christ shining thru – I’m nothing without Him. The more you see of Him, and the less of me – nothing would please me more.

John 3:30

"He must increase,

but I must decrease."

Pride and grace never dwelt in one place.

James Kelly

“For by grace you have been saved through faith;

and that not of yourselves,

it is the gift of God;

not as a result of works, that no one should boast.

Ephesians 2:8,9

Thank you all so much – you’ve made me feel very special and loved – I’m so grateful for each one of you.

Once in an age, God sends to some of us a friend who loves in us, not a false imagining, and unreal character – but, looking through all the rubbish of our imperfections, loves us in the divine ideal of our nature – loves not the man that we are, but the angel we may be. Such friends seem inspired by a divine gift of prophecy.

Harriet Beecher Stowe


Now, on a personal note, my brother Barry just endured an operation, three days ago, which was successful, for which we are so grateful for, but he’s consequently not had a cigarette since the ‘slicing’. I’m hoping it will stay this way and I’m hoping you might help me out here. For a guy who’s smoked for most of his adult life, this is a HUGE thing and I’m hoping you would mind stopping by my Sister in Law’s blog and just leave a few encouraging words or helpful hints or great advice or tell Barry why SMOKING IS ICK. Perhaps if we help him along we can accomplish this feat together. (And dist ignore the gruesome pics of his belly pics all painted with that surgery stuff, and the stitches, and well... LOL, if you have a weak stomach then i'm prewarning you!) Just click HERE to visit.


If you live in Canada, then you will know Chatelaine magazine well – and the magazine celebrates 80 years of publication right now. To celebrate they’re giving out over $100,000 in prizes. Be sure to visit and put your name (and your friends too) at the site. Just click HERE.


I heard about this site on a CBC podcast and thought it is a very valuable site to share with you. If you would like to be a good ‘global neighbor’ and have some time to help you might want to check it out:

NABUUR links you directly with people around the world who need your assistance now. All you need is a computer, a little free time, and the desire to make a difference.

What is NABUUR? is a place on the Internet that connects:

Neighbours: people that want to take action now for the benefit of people in developing countries and Villages: people in need of knowledge, contacts, and new ideas to improve their lives. People on NABUUR have in common that they are committed Global Citizens with a drive to do something to make a difference. Just click HERE to be taken to the NABUUR site.


Here's something pretty cool too - this Great Pyramid Site. I'm not even going to explain it to you, just send you there and check later to see if you are there with me! Just click HERE.


  1. Amazing pics of those icicles - so glad you had your camera with you. Off to check those links.

  2. Hi Barb! I left a comment for Barry at your sil's blog. I too had that icky habit for 21 years. I just quit Feb. 4th. I understand what he is going through. It is a hard thing to do but it can be done. I left some web sites for him/Judy to visit. I think they can help him with his smoke-free journey.
    Oh...Awesome icicle pics. Thanks for sharing. I Love your pictures. Like the one showing the rows of trees covered in ice. I would never get to see something like that where I live. You give me a chance to see another part of the world that I may never get to see in person. From what I can see (through your pics,) you live in a beautiful area. Thank you for your blog/pics.

  3. AWW BARB- I think it IS because HE shines through you that you touch each of us in your own special way-
    and it's just a really honest way of saying you are really appreciated in ALL that you do, say and share! WE WUVS YOU! hee hee
    AWESOME PICS!! WOW- I would have LOVED to see and hear that! And you are right about the weather! Man I'm digging out the thick woolies that I would only wear in JULY! Usually still hot here at this time of the year but we are having a really icy COLD SNAP! bbbbrrrrr. Thank goodness Waynie is a hot water bottle! hahah LOL
    Sending hugs and loves

  4. i LOVE the pictures and thank you for sharing!! Thanks, too for the FUN links!!! Have a BEAUTIFUL Day and stay warm!! HUGS! :D

  5. Good Morning Barb:)
    I's been a few days.LOL Soo sorry.I can't seem to catch up these days for some reason or other.I'm in a hurry right now too cause Christy is waiting on me to get ready to go shopping with her.shhhh..don't tell her I am visiting you .LOL
    Thank you soo much for stopping by to say hi and leaving such wonderful comments for the two of us.:) Glad you like her dolls.:) I am gonna try to show more of the latest ones tomorrow..cause I don't have a froggy page to put up .hehe. Gotta be here to do that.LOL
    Gorgeous Photos! I love them! Dh and I went to the Smokey Mtns one time and rounded a corner and the whole view was with ice cicles on all the limbs and the sun was shining bright and they had a pink and white sparkle to them all.It was breathtaking.I hated to leave.:)But brrr it was cold there too.hehe
    Wish I could stay for coffee this time..but gotta run again.:( Bummers!



  6. awesome awesome awesome pictures ..they are great ..can't say enough about those pictures ...Barb girl you are loved more then words can say ...have a great week ...and relax

  7. Gorgeous pix my friend. I heard from a few people about this crazy event in some orchards but never got to see any of their photos. Yours are top-notch. Especially that one totally encasing the blossom!


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