A house with daffodils in it is a house lit up,
whether or no the sun be shining outside,
Daffodils in a green bowl -
and let it snow if it will.
A. A. Milne (author of Whinnie the Pooh)
It has been a strange week, this week. More of the forgetfulness and confusion... can't seem to light on any one thing I want to be doing - so I've just given into not pushing myself to do much of anything, really. I did paint on a box that Miles and I picked up at a yard sale last summer, for $3. Hey, when you work on a $3 box you're not scared of messing up, you know? I followed some country fruit patterns from a hobby book on three sides and then freehanded the last one myself. While it turned out well and I'm actually going to keep and use it, its not something I would count as my best effort. It did give me some sense of satisfaction though.
The highlight of my week, besides, of course, spending time with my husband - was a visit with Becky. Recipe: 1 sunny day, 2 friends, weather warm enough to walk outside without being bundled to the teeth and spend 1 hour outdoors - baking in the sun and visiting = happiness.
like philosophy,
like art,
It has no survival value;
rather it is one of those things
that gives value to survival.
C.S. Lewis
Come to think of it, I DID do something different this week. I ran. RAN, for the first time since I can remember for a long time. See, my knees are 'creaky' and I'd intended to retire them to simply walking so as not to wear them out, but... If you are a runner, I don't have to explain myself, I am sure. There's nothing quite like that feeling one gets after a run. Its unique. Its refreshing. Its cleansing. Its empowering. And it provides an opportunity to get an intense workout in the shortest amount of time. It doesn't cost anything. It is something I can do with my honey, and have built a ton of memories together.
I did my first run by myself, to sort of test if I could... so it was part run, part walk. But I made it. Now, mind you the next day I felt like someone beat me with a stick in some long forgotten muscles. But I did it. Today, Miles came with me and it was SO NICE! Do YOU run?

...and finally it's almost entirely gone,
except for the jaggley puzzle pieces of a bit left on the beach.
Here are some helpful and interesting things I've found to share with you for this week:
Internet Explorer 8 Beta ready for download. If you would like to know what's changed in it before you actually go and download it just click here. It can be downloaded here
Even more interesting and fun, I think, is a new type of search engine I heard about on an NPR technology podcast. It’s a new 3D type search engine called SpaceTime, and you can learn more about it and download it by clicking here.
Handy hint I read in a parents magazine – if you are teaching a baby to walk but have a weak back, or perhaps you are a grandparent and can’t bend over like that, simply put a soft knitted woollen scarf under baby’s arms and across the chest then hold the ends ...
I have to share tow of the the neatest hint I read on Shirley’s blog recently. I actually tried the pizza one and it works great. The second one I will try in the future, but have to wait for a pot luck lunch because my dearest has an aversion to devilled eggs – he insists the name of them is how he feels about them...
To reheat pizza with a crispy crust, heat the slices in a skillet on the stovetop at med-low temperature, and heat until warm.
Deviled eggs can be made easier by placing the cooked egg yolks in a zip lock baggie. Seal and mash until the yolks are broken up. Add the remainder of your ingredients to the yolk in the baggie, reseal, and continue mashing. Cut the tip of the baggie and squeeze the yolk mixture into the egg white. Throw the baggie away when done for easy clean up.
Thanks for sharing your hints Shirley – your blog is always a treat to read!
Have you admired the signature I had on my last blog entry (and somehow deleted on this one)? Well, you too can have one – FOR FREE... click here to go to the signature website. Allows you to save in jpg or png.
If you live in Canada and would like to win a Blackberry Curve from Rogers and a year of service (who wouldn’t?) or a subscription to Canadian Business and Profit magazines just click here.
let him ask no other blessedness.
"Commit your work to the Lord,
and your plans will be established."
Proverb 16:3
Hi, just to let you know you have continued to be in my thoughts this week.
ReplyDeleteRunning - no way - I walk or spin :)
Today we had a church sale, organised by a friend and I, and raised over £800 for our church project in Ghana - woohooo!
Also got our details on Fiona our Compassion child.
So all in all a great weekend.
Take care, and I want to see some photos of your $3 box!
Morning Barb!!!!
ReplyDeleteTY both so very much for this ADORABLE box!!!!!!!
TY for sharing the lovely photo's!!!!!!!
RUN???- WAHAHAHA, you must be nuts! LOL- I went ONCE with Wayne who jogs and runs for FUN! UHUM- that was the first and last time- I couldn't walk for a WEEK! hahahaha.
ReplyDeleteI do play golf and walk- but that's about as FAST as my legs will take me comfortably! hee hee.
Love the pics of the lake- wow to think you were ice-skating not so long ago on there-
That box is GORGEOUS! LOVE it-
Sending hugs from a steaming hot SA at the moment ( heat wave!!)
Thank you so much for sharing another BEAUTY of a box!! LOVE them!
ReplyDeleteno, i don't run either but i do exercise 3 times a week.
i LOVE those lake pictures, especially the Bald Eagles!!! How very cool!!
Thanks so much for all that you share!! i really enjoy your blog!! oh and thank you so much,too, for visiting me! LOVE IT!!!!! :D Have a WONDERFUL day! HUGS :D
wow great pictures ....thanks for the bunny box....love your blog ..it is always so uplifting
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for this lovely box! I'm a big fan of hybrid projects...esp doing them with my 3stepkids. Just in case you dont know about it, my fave alltime hybrid craft site (at least for the kids...no albums or stuff like that, but tons of boxes and toys!) is www.thetoymaker.com. If you've not seen it, run! Her things are fabulous...and even if it just inspires you in your work with new templates, its worth the trip!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for your gifts!