Chocolate Cherry Blossom Add-On
This download is an Add-On to my newest kit – which, if all goes well, should be up in the Shoppe Monday – or? At any rate, keep checking at the SOPHIA SARDUCCI SHOPPE for the delicious Chocolate Cherry Blossom Kit when it gets posted!

Wishing you and your family
a meaningful Easter Holiday
Lord, how trivial seems my Calvary,
When I consider Thine,
For only Simon helped Thee lift Thy cross,
But many carry mine!
I am not scorned, nor scourged, nor ridiculed,
And all along the way
Are many sweet unnamed Veronicas
To wipe the tears away.
There are no cruel nail wounds in my hands,
Nor thorns upon my brow,
And ministering angels walk with me
To smooth the way, But Thou!
How dare I think it, Call it Calvary –
This sheltered life of mine –
O broken, beaten, bleeding Lord, My God,
When I consider Thine.
By Vera Marie Tracy
Several of you have been asking for my Chicken Pot Pie recipe . The problem with this is that it was one of those ones I made up as I went along. I can tell you the pastry recipe is on the net with terrific instructions, just click HERE. As for ingredients for the insides it went something like this: I use a sort of ‘wok’ frying pan, its non-stick and deep. Cube and sauté several skinless chicken breasts until the cubes are cooked and browned. When thats all done, remove the chicken. Chop one bunch of asparagus and add it to the pan, with a bit of olive oil. Cook for a few minutes on medium high till the asparagus turns bright green, now add chopped mushrooms and cook until the asparagus is done ( I don’t like mine soggy and mushy) When thats done, you can now add in a can of mushroom soup, ½ cup water and ½ pint of whipping cream (NOT a lo-calorie recipe) Now, add a tsp of chicken bouillon, a few tbsp of cooking sherry and LOTS of tarragon. I buy my tarragon at the dollar store, where its ONLY a dollar,
rather than paying something upwards of $5 at a grocery store. Now, all you have to do is put the chicken back into the mix, gently simmer for ½ hour. Next pour into individual baking dishes – you only have to go ½ way up, as the filling is so rich. Top the dishes with a nice round of puff pastry, hanging it over the edges. Bake at 375 for about 20 mins or until the pastry is nicely browned.
How do you fold a sheet? Somewhere along my highway of learning in my life, my mother taught me to fold a bedsheet one way – and then later on a girlfriend who worked in housekeeping at a hotel taught me a way which involves isolating one ‘short end’ corner of the sheet, then following the end to the next one, turning it inside out and capping it over this first corner, then repeating each time until one winds up with all four corners tucked neatly into each other and the sheet being a rectangle at ¼th the size of the whole sheet – with a few flips, nice and foldable. How do YOU fold a sheet? I know fitted sheets are the trickiest things to get folded into a neat and tidy form. I’d love to publish your suggestions!
I learned this hint out of a Simple magazine and I’ve already incorporated it – line your veggie bin in the fridge with bubble wrap. Not only will it protect the bottom of the tray if anything leaks, but it also stops fruit from becoming bruised!
*****Here’s a few handy helpers for you this week. Want to season your cooked broccoli or cauliflower without using butter? After you’ve drained your veg, and they are still in any kind of a colander, simply pour the juice from your feta cheese (which would have been tossed anyhow) over the veg –voila, taste but no fat! You might as easily use the juice from a can of olives – lends a nice salty taste without the calories.
*****If you live in Canada and would like a *free* pair of pajama’s – and to have some fun, you will be wanting to visit the Dove Sleepover for Self Esteem Site to learn more about an event on June 7th. Free, meaning you have to purchase at least two Dove products – which the company claims every product purchased helps in some way for good causes. Its a nice concept, and the site is visually pleasing – with all sorts of extras, including free music downloads, tips, printable invites and a handy guide. To find out more, just click HERE.
I checked to see if there might be an event like this for the USA site – but am not coming up with anything.
TY so very much Barb for this BEAUTIFUL addon!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteTY also for all the cool tips to use!!!!!!
Thank you for sharing such a pretty addon!! and the FUN & WONDERFUL info and the recipe sounds YUMMY! Have a BEAUTIFUL & BLESSED holiday weekend! :D
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info on the Chicken Pot Pie. Unfortunately the link to the pastry is not active. Hope you can activate it.
ReplyDeleteThanks again
WOWZA's!!! That is BEEEEAUUUUTIFUL!! LOVE the blossoms!!
ReplyDeleteTHANK you for the recipe- LOL. Going to try it!!! (yup- this one I AM GOING to attempt- sounds tooo yummy not too!)- hee hee- will send you a PRIVATE pic of what they looked like- WAHAHAHA- flop or success!
Barb hope you are having a really wonderful and blessed Easter with your family too- sending you warm hugs and loves from *down here*-
Good Morning Barb:)
ReplyDeleteHow pretty! I love it and the colors are fantatic! Wonderful job there kiddo.:)
Sorry I haven't been by as often.I have been cleaning out closets etc.Whew!What a chore.:)I got behind in my housework and told my Mom in chat yesterday morning that I needed to go cause I had a zillion and a half things to do..and a little later she surprised me by ringing my doorbell and carrying her cleaning supplies.Is that cool or what?!!!:)
I wanted to wish you a Happy Easter!! I am taking this weekend off of the blog..so I can finish my son's room and closet.I have most of the stuff back in there..but there is still a lot to do.Next..the laundry room.Oh fun!!LOL Gonna have Jim add another shelf like he did in the closets.:)
Gotta get groceries today so we can have a cook out tomorrow.Busy busy me.:)Wonder if I will run into myself at the store...hehe.
Have a fantastic weekend and thanks again for sharing!
Hoppy Easter! HUGS! :D
ReplyDeleteOMG Mrs Miles!!! I love the colors in your new kit!!! Thank you soooo much!
ReplyDeleteHappy Easter from a very windy Giant's Causeway. Enjoying the break from the usual routine. Love your tips.
ReplyDeleteI have a request for "Olivia". :)
ReplyDeleteI'm now the proud owner of Olivia's CU versions of the Beta fish, sea shells and the ocean kit. I would dearly love it if you had some CU goldfish and koi in your store.
Thanks for the recipe! I'll have to give that a try. MMMMMmmmmm!!
ooo.. the chicken pie recipe looks so nice.. i must try it one fine day...
ReplyDeleteHappy Easter to you!!
Thank you for sharing this kit and i hope you had a WONDERFUL and BLESSED holiday weekend!! HUGS!! :D
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Barb:)
ReplyDeleteJust stopped in to say Hi and hope you had a fantastic Easter.:)
Hi Barb,
ReplyDeleteTot of juz letting you know that 29th March 2008 is Earth Hour day. Maybe you can juz take part by switching off the lights and all the non essential electrical appliances for 1 hr from 8pm (GMT +8). If you want to know more, can go to http://www.earthhour.org
i'm gonna make my own blog