download Confession:
Ok, its time for me to come clean. I just can’t take it anymore. My friend Olivia... is ME. Why, you ask, would I make up a pretend friend/alter identity? Well, its like this – when I started my blog, over three years ago, I dedicated it to the Lord. I prayed it would be a place I could share- my life, faith and talents. I promised to make it a safe and warm place for readers to visit. I also chose for it not to be a place to ask people to spend money. And I’ve been blessed so richly by this, in so many more ways than I can tell you. As my computer and graphics talents developed I delighted in giving away so many of my elements and kits. However, I always dreamed of being an actual ‘designer’ at an official store.
Last fall, I had the opportunity to become a designer at the Sophia Sarducci Shoppe. I can’t tell you how exciting this was for me – a dream realized. But I thought and prayed about it. I had the choice to keep my new “Olivia” identity private or public, and after much deliberation I thought it best to keep the two separate for the time being. Part of the reason was I was not sure if I could actually make a success of it, and secondly I never wanted you to feel obliged to purchase my products. Ok I DO want you to buy my products LOL, but I did not want you to feel OBLIGED to buy HERE. Even a better way is to tell you I do not want to make this blog, dedicated to the Lord, a money making venture.
Well, things have been fun, and if you do like my products, by all means, don’t be afraid to check out my designs as Olivia Dorazio at the Sophia Sarducci Shoppe. The team at Sophia are wonderful and I’m growing hugely! In fact, today’s giveaway was made for you by Sophia herself, using some of my Spring Flowers Templates – which are sold in both a commercial or personal format!
I promise to always have some free giveaways here at my blog, but I may not have to be a ‘starving artist’ for the rest of my career either. The more I make, the more I’ll invest in my software etc and YOU will be the beneficiary here at my blog as my talent develops.
Olivia's - MY - Citrus Spring Kit So I feel very proud today, to feature my latest kit, without having to pretend any longer... If you purchase this kit you will be in for a treat for the eyes. I’ve named it Citrus Spring because it makes me think of when spring first comes – its warming up, but has a cool, biting edge to it. This kit will fit nicely with all the soft spring colors and can easily be used for your bright summer layouts as well. I’ve been learning how to add some great textures which I’ve applied.
BONUS - Monday is MONDAY MADNESS at the Shoppe, so you'll be able to purchase at a reduced price! Be the first one lined up at the door. Also of note - my friend and new designer Adriana Lunette has some AMAZING kits up there too..... Don't Resist!
By the way, thank you ALL for your comments and encouragement over the years. I know I would still have this blog running without, but your feedback is the icing on the cake. If you yourself are a blogger I know that you can appreciate what I’m saying. Its more than just words to us – it tells us that our readers took the tiny moment to communicate. I recently read a friend’s blog, where she lamented on the lack of comments – it hurt her feelings. I thought about that, and it touched me to know that sometimes we take it personally how many comments we get/don’t get. I ached for her because to some people its what they crave – me sometimes, included. Call it a weakness, but its true, to a degree.
I think it probably has something to do with how we are feeling at a particular time. Sometimes when I’m feeling out of sorts, or isolated, or angry, or overjoyed its important for me to share. Even though I don’t know many of you personally, it boosts me when you interact with me. Your comments uplift me, cause me to think, sometimes keep me in line – but always of value to me. I know in many cases it would be impossible to leave a comment at every blog you visit, but think of it like a tip at a restaurant... if you enjoyed your visit, leave a little something. Who knows, it might be just the thing to inspire, cheer or impel someone to keep on!
Now I’ve been meaning to send you to visit a friend of mine for some time, and I keep forgetting. However, since she lives in Ireland, today is particularly a great time to share about her, what with St. Patrick’s Day upon us. Actually, JanMary has been very busy taking part in a scrapbooking/blogging event and her blog is filled with tons of great information, beautiful scrapbook layouts and even a contest. She lives in a beautiful corner of our world and is an an avid photographer – in fact, lucky you... she’s put together an amazing slideshow of her home country, just in time for your visit. Don’t forget to leave her some love, folks.

spring has arrived! So spring is arriving in little bits to my neighbourhood. I spied the blossoms you see in this entry at a friend’s house just down the road with my friend Melanie (who stayed for an overnight visit and we went to Penticton for her dental appointment and then shopped every thrift store within walking distance of the downtown core, but thats another whole blog entry yet...) Anyways, we walked down, with unbaked puff pastry and a home canned jar of peaches to welcome Barb our new neighbour to this end of the town. Barb is living in a quaint house which has a small Shangri-la of a yard. Lush, green, growing full of herbs, flowers and hedges. While we visited I noticed a beautiful iris blooming in a sheltered sunny spot – and begged permission to return to photograph and share this first, welcome sign of spring close to home. Thank you Barb (and Andrina)!
Ohhhh and yes, finding Chocolate Easter Eggies in my mailbox... that means its spring too.... :) Fanks YOU!
Consequence - 1: a conclusion derived through logic
2: something produced by a cause or necessarily following from a set of conditions
My thoughts of faith this week centers on the idea of consequences. We live in a society which seems to dismiss this concept. While shopping in a local store I heard the phrase “no consequences” repeated over, and over and ... well you get the picture. Can you even imagine a world where there would be no consequences for our actions? What would stop us from repeating mistakes? I believe a consequence is a reminder of why we should or should not do what we do. For our positive actions we receive good consequences – and when we mess up, well, we have to deal with the fallout too. Why do we expect someone else to clean up our messes for us?
When we make poor choices in our lives (as all of us have) we live with the consequences.
A good metaphor for this would be as follows...Our poor choices can be thought of as wounds. Some of these wounds may be fresh and still open. Some are older and have healed without a visible sign, and still others have been healed but have left scars. Some of these scars are on the surface and are clearly visible while others on the inside are not so easily seen. But they are there, nevertheless. They are consequences of our actions. We can't go back and undo them as much as we might wish to. We can try to cleverly disguise them or we can use them as reminders of what NOT to do in the future.
We need a pat on the back sometimes ; and occasionally some of us need a boot on the seat of the pants.
“Do not resent it when God chastens and corrects you, for his punishment is proof of his love.” Proverbs 3:11, 12
Sin would have few takers if the consequences occurred immediately.
“Don’t be misled; remember that you can’t ignore God and get away with it: a man will always reap just the kind of crop he sows!” Galatians 6:7
It is better to pay the price of obedience than the penalty of disobedience.
“He who scorns instruction will pay for it, but he who respects a command is rewarded.” Proverbs 13:13
Site of Interest:
If you live in Canada and would like to receive a truly wonderful magazine in the mail, filled with great information, tips, contests and coupons, then you need to scoot over to Homebasics and subscribe. If you don’t live in Canada, you too can visit the magazine site online, and benefit from all the terrific, helpful information. This month alone, there are contests from Dove, Sunsilk, Lipton, Hellman’s, & Knorr. To subscribe (Canadians only) or just read, just click here.

Wrap Up:
I pray you have a restful Sunday, before the machinery of the work-week is once again upon us. Be sure to pop in tomorrow for another fabulous freebie – something to go with my newest Citrus Spring Kit. I’ll also be reminding you to visit Jan Mary’s blog for her celebration of St. Patrick’s Day – fresh from Ireland!