Tuesday, July 03, 2007

(includes extra white bow)

You really must see the lettering to appreciate it - high-quality stitching! And yes, the sentence is completed with "light" on the second sentence, thanks to the beady eyeballs of my friend Gina...

My days are just too busy for me to leave you an in-depth... spending time with family over the weekend. It was an exciting time for all. I will be making random entries over the upcoming days - in the meantime - my neighbors to the south - have a BLESSED July 4th to you all!


  1. fantabulous as always! hope you had a wonderful Canada Day!

  2. Thanks much, Barb - for the wonderful freebie and for also popping in and letting us know you're still about. :-)

  3. Good Evening Barb:)
    Thank you so much for your surprise visit.You will have to come back when you can stay longer.LOL
    Thank you also for sharing your fantastic kit with me.:) I LOVE it!
    Soo sweet of you to do that.:)
    I will see you when you come back.:)


  4. AnonymousJuly 03, 2007

    Great kit, thank you my neighbor to the north! :-)

  5. AnonymousJuly 04, 2007

    Very nice! Thanks for sharing! --jsj

  6. AWESOME!!!!!!!
    TY so very much!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Cool kit and thank you so very much for sharing!! i am soo glad you are having a WONDERFUL family!!! looking forward to some pix tho' (wink, hehe)
    oh and thanks so verrryyy much for visiting me blog too! Always LOVE our time together!! Have a GREAT day! :D

  8. AnonymousJuly 04, 2007

    Wow, great kit. Thanks so much. I hope you had a happy Canada Day!

  9. Hi Barb!
    I hope you had a lovely Canada Day! We're supposed to go see the fireworks tonight but we'll see what happens since my hubby's car broke down so he stole mine and has to work late tonight. My friend was planning on attending but I haven't heard back from her yet. Oh well. Lovely little mini kit you made BTW. I'm glad you like my kit too, I saw it used in a LO today where they recolored it to green and yellow with bugs- it was cool. I'll chat with you soon about our project now that I have some breathing room again.
    Hugs to you and the mister!

  10. Thanks, Barb, for your continued generosity. It's always interesting to read your blogs. You inspire me to keep mine updated, too! http://mmdcreations.blogspot.com/
    Thanks, Melanie

  11. I KNOW I KNOW I am sooo behind your blog :( I am trying to catch up now. Been sooo busy with baseball and now that is over Fairs, celebrations, festivals all keep poping up. LOL I thought I would have a chance to breath between these events but they are sneaking too fast. SO I either have to cut back on blogging/scrapping/computer or Sleep... and I would LOVE to cut back on the sleep part but While I am scrapping I start nodding off and figure I would do much better in a warm cozy bed LOL :) I just figure its because its warm out and we try and stick everything in the warm months.. once winter comes back around we will want to be next to our computers wrapped in our warm blankies with the warm socks and sipping hot cocoa.. so here we are. LOL :) scrunching it all in, in the spare moments of the summer:) HUGS to you and Thank you for all your freebies and all you do!!! You are truly a blessing to us all:) HUGS!!!!

  12. Hi. Thanks for your comments on my blog - I have posted again. God bless.

  13. AnonymousJuly 06, 2007

    this is too cool, love the words, tfs this beautiful mini, gmaj

  14. Good Morning Barb:)
    Just stopping by while I have a second to say hi:)Hope you are having a wonderful visit with your family.:)
    I have been trying to catch up on things around the house that I have let go in order to blog.LOL Now it is payback..cause I am soo far behind.Oh well..tomorrow is another day.LOL

  15. Thank you for the wonderful 4th of July kit.

  16. You do some gorgeous work. My grandmother will like some of the scrap kits as I am using them with the old scanned photos I am finding around her house.


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