Wednesday, October 12, 2005


I finally learned to 'sync' with the computer. I had to upload over 1100 photos to a nifty little toy called a Zen by Creative. I set an entire morning aside for the challenge and pushed on ahead, resolving not to leave my chair till the job was done. It turned out to be not so hard, after a few glitches and hidden hurdles I managed to figure it all out. Who writes these instructions, anyways? There always seems to be bits of key information you have to 'dig' for...But after its all said and done there is something very powerful and rewarding about learning a new skill. It amazes me how quickly it becomes familiar. So, I even ended up downloading and syncing The Italian Movie to the machine so our friend might enjoy it in an airport waiting for a flight. Then I ventured furthere and added some of their favorite music. Of course I would love to have one of these little things... Posted by Picasa

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