Monday, October 03, 2005


Ok, it's severe. Yesterday Miles offered to go out and get a video for me. I opted instead to watch the video "Photoshop Down and Dirty Tricks 2" When I said this, MIles gave me a sly little grin and a playful elbow in the ribs. I can remember when I used to watch him on the computer and it was all greek to me. Now, its a good thing we both have our own computers or it might cause some marital issues....well, never that, but it would challenge us.

Today my friend came over. She arrived the same moment the courier showed up with the parcel that contained her new Zen! We sorted through her 800+ photographs. I've got them all scanned and adjusted, now we need to resize them before uploading them into her nifty little machine. She's pretty excited about it. Posted by Picasa

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