Friday, August 24, 2018

Sum Sum Summertime

Ah these crazy hazy summertime days. Happy crazy, good crazy peppered with visits and visiting. Crazy with a whole two weeks of precious moments with my grandbabies and family and even grand dawgs. Crazy with my 3 year old granddaughter giving me a peck on the cheek after not seeing her for oh so long and her meowing through our visit (she was a CAT and I enjoyed her feline take on the world through her eyes). I got to hold my brand new grandson for the first time ever. I got time with my daughers and daughter in law too, my heart is full. These sweet memories printing out in my mind as little insta-prints going into a jar where I can take them out one by one in the future and examine them. Lovely time with my Sister who loves me so fiercely and unconditionally that I feel her hug surrounding me always. Meeting new family I never knew existed before - how crazy is this? Its like being given a teeny bit of my family history back. So amazing.

The hazy - all the fires here in British Columbia. It seems not to matter what the weatherman calls the day to be, its all gray and ash. My prayers go out to the people on the frontline of the fires and those who are silently in the back volunteering.

I hope you are having a beautiful summer and I thank you for taking a few moments out to stop in and say hi!

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