Saturday, June 05, 2010

Tatting and Baking

My husband came home RAVING about a dish one of the students brought to the last luncheon held at the Learning Centre.  The luncheons are always a huge success and a wonderful opportunity to try new dishes because the students come from many different ethnic backgrounds.  In this case it was a Canadian gal who baked up a batch of Jamaican Patties, funnily enough.  At any rate, when my Mr. kept on about these (I was unable to attend) I decided to take an attempt at them myself.  Now, he DID bring the recipe home for me, however it went somewhere into the depths of my suitcase purse which is like a hole going into the bottom of the earth… So, I went to and found THIS recipe and I was pleased how they turned out!  My Mr. gave them a 4 out of 5 star rating! 


The dough has curry in it, giving a nice warm colour!

Ground beef and bread crumb mixture.

Put a tablespoon on dough cut from these guys.
Brush with egg.

Bake in a moderate oven (I reduced mine to 350 f)


And I’ve also been busy thinking up new ideas with tatting.  Taking inspiration from Krystledawn, (Check out Krystle’s Etsy Shop for the most LOVELY items!!! )

I decided to take this plain rhinestone necklace I picked up at a yard sale a few weeks ago when my Mother in Law was visiting, and to embellish it with tatting and added a charm onto it. 

black tatted necklace (2)
Plain Black Rhinestone necklace

black tatted necklace (4)
Adding tatting around the stones – tricky!

black tatted necklace (3)

I then created a matching pair of earrings.
The “balls” came from a completely separate piece of costume jewellery.
The tatting really does add a “punch” to the rhinestones!

Ok, and I will even confess, I was so excited to wear this set that I put them on to wear  when my Mr. and I were going  to Penticton last night… only I wound up saving it for today.  I was hoping he would think it was nice I wore it during the time we were together.  As he reasoned with me, it was not so special wearing it to my yearly mammogram (yes daughters I listened to you!) and of course my Mr. is right haha.  I had not even thought about that.  Anyways, I will wear it out on a date with him today – a REAL date involving food and everything LOL!

And I’ve been experimenting with tatting small flowers (the reason I started tatting in the first place, for my sister Nina who makes beautiful cards – I wanted to make them for her cards) and so before popping some in an envelope to mail for her I photographed one and then created some pretty elements for YOU to use for your projects!  They measure about 3 inches (though the original flowers were about 1 inch in size)  These may be used in any way you wish, only I ask you credit me by linking to my blog and if you could let me know how you use them I’d love that too!  I desaturated one flower and kept it in psd format with the pearl separate so you can recolor the flower and then pop the pearl on top again. Click the preview to download.  Please DO NOT share the download link directly – please direct your friends to come here to get the link.  Thanks!




  1. Wow, your black necklace sparkles like diamonds with those crystals. So pretty!

    And I am over the moon with excitement that you are offering tatted flowers as a free scrapbook download! Thank you, thank you!

  2. I love they baked goodies! They look delish!
    Oh, the necklace looks divine! I love rhinestones and with the tatting it looks so fun! Very nice and I love the little charm you put with it!
    ~TattingChic ♥

  3. Good morning Barb:)
    I bet those were delicious! They look fun to make too.:)You never know when you try a new recipe ..if it is gonna be good or not.A four out of five is not bad.:)
    I LOVE your necklace.How pretty!!You are doing wonderful with your tatting.It looks like a lot of work but the results are fantastic.:)
    Your tatted flowers will look wonderful on Nina's pretty cards!! She will be sooo excited to get them.:)
    Thank you so much for sharing them with us too.:)
    Have a wonderful day!! I too would love to see them on YOU.:)

    Love and hugs,

  4. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 9 post on Jun. 06, 2010. Thanks again.

  5. Love the tatting and the food looks great too :)

  6. i LOVE your necklace and thank you so much for sharing these tatted flowers too!! And also wanted to thank you for your visit to me blog! And to answer you, the toughest thing to make is time for making things! lol
    we have been working on enclosing the carport and making it a screened in place to sit. it will be WONDERFUL to be able to enjoy sitting outside without being pestered by flies. lol
    Have an AWESOME day! :D

  7. wow ..awesome job...girl you are so talented...missing you



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