Wednesday, August 29, 2007

if you right click on the download link, and open it in a new tab or browser
you won't be taken away from today's blog entry!

I've been experiementing with swirls. I see them everywhere and I love them, but somehow when I put the pen in my hand my mind draws a blank. I made myself 'sit still!' for an hour until I came away with something of use! Hope you enjoy. Don't forget you can easily change the color of the swirls. In case you're new to Photoshop its quite easy to make a color change. The simplest and quickest way is to go to the menu bar and choose Image - Adjustments - and then Variations. Just play around there until you get the color you desire!

'nudder award (BLUSH!)

Awwwww! My friend Kim selected me for this sweet award. I'm overwhelmed folks. This from Kim, who I enjoy to visit as often as I can for a good belly-laugh daily as well as her amazing talent (she is totally over-generous with freebies too, folks!) You better scoot over and see what's up with her today and snap up her goodies - and shout hello to her too, while you're there. You can visit Kim by clicking here and I've added a permanent link on my sidebar as well. HI KIM!

For my choice for this award I would like to lift up Fantacy. I'm bowled over by you, girl. Seems whereever I go to leave a comment on anyone's blog, I'm bound to see you've been there first, leaving a whole lot of encouragement and praise. You lift the corners of everyone elses mouths in a smile - so I'm doing this for you today. Fantacy has a giving nature too, and you can often find some nice 'stuff' to download at her blog too. You can find her by clicking here.

Most smiles are started by another smile

"A glad heart makes a cheerful countenance"

Proverbs 15:13

Life is mostly froth and bubble,

Only two things stand like stone

Kindness in another's trouble,

Courage in your own.

by Adam Lindsay Gordon

Ahhh ... Foccacia

Yesterday was Miles first day back at school, so I spoke his "Love Language" by baking him happy. It was pleasantly cool outside, so I made a HUGE pot of homemade beef noodle and vegetable soup - almost completely from our garden veggies. And of course, I made bread to go along - Foccacia with and without olives. I love to top it with fresh rosemary. Yes, my sister Nina, I'm thinking of you as we eat it. Nina made me almost weep when she informed me she has a huge bush that gets mowed over all the time... wish I could send you a piece.

apple time in the Okanagan!

Today in History:

1475 - The Truce of Picquigny was signed, under which Edward IV of England agreed to withdraw his invading army from France in return for gold and a yearly pension.

1828 - For his self-regulating wagon brake, Robert Turner of Ward, Massachusetts received a patent.

1833 - In England, the "Factory Act", legislation to settle child labor laws, was passed in England.

1842 - The Treaty of Nanking was signed between the British and Chinese, ending the first Opium War. The treaty confirmed the ceding of Hong Kong island to Britain.

1882 - Australia defeated England in cricket for the first time, prompting an obituary notice in the Sporting Times declaring the "death" of English cricket. More recently, in the final game of the 1999 Cricket World Cup, Australia beat Pakistan by eight wickets.

1885 - Gottfried Daimler received a patent for the first motorcycle.

1886 - The chef of Li Hung-Chang, China's ambassador to the United States, came up with a new dish in New York City. It called chop suey.

1946 - On Decca Records, Ella Fitzgerald and The Delta Rhythm Boys recorded "It’s a Pity to Say Goodnight". The song would be one of Lady Ella’s most popular.

1964 - The Roy Orbison single, "Oh, Pretty Woman", was released. On September 26, 1964, it hit number one for a 3 week run, becoming Orbison's biggest hit ever. "Oh, Pretty Woman" was his second #1 hit, the other was "Running Scared" on June 5, 1961.

1966 - The Beatles, one of the most popular Rock and Roll bands of all time, made their last scheduled public performance before the group disbanded in 1970. Performing in front of 24,000 screaming fans at Candlestick Park (called today 3Com Park) in San Francisco, the concert began at 8 pm and lasted about 33 minutes.

1973 - United States President Nixon was ordered by Judge John Sirica to turn over the Watergate tapes. Nixon refused and appealed the order.

Barb's Handy Tip # 302

Who's your Match?

Ever wondered if you look like a celebrity - (or vice versa?) With this site you can upload your own photo and they will try to match you! Then you can send the match to your email. A great way to waste some of your day away. Let me know who you resemble?


Monday, August 27, 2007

if you right click on the download link, and open it in a new tab or browser window

you won't be taken away from today's journal entry!

I created some fall-themed elements for you, from some photos I took while we were away at the coast. While walking with our nieces we found these 'treasures' of nuts and leaves. I hope you enjoy them. I had created the first single ones, but got carried away making the set with the swirls as well using some filters etc. I still have some different type of nuts in waiting to be done, which I will share with you soon. These single acorns may make some great brushes for your layouts.

Sweet little bird in russet coat
The livery of the closing year
I love thy lonely plaintive note
And tiny whispering song to hear
While on the style or garden seat
I sit to watch the falling leaves
The songs thy little joys repeat
My loneliness relieves.

By John Clare

Our Niece with Treasures!

It's kind of a nutty time, isn't it... summer is winding down to a quick end, and fall not quite here yet. I imagine it's more 'real' to my neighbors in the U.S.A as you've already got kids back at school – our schools don't go back in for a bit yet – though there is lots of preperation before that actually happens. Some apples are ready to be picked, hanging blushing red and ripe on the sagging tree branches. If I were a tree I'd be so relieved to have all that extra weight gone! I'm looking forward to trying all sorts of recipes using apples.

I've managed to can yet more peaches, and Miles is indicating he wouldn't be upset if I decided to do say a dozen more or so jars. I did the first lot in slices, but this second time I did them in halves – much more attractive! I always add ginger in too, for a bit of kick.

We spent a lovely day celebrating our daughter's birthday with her – in the city... She lives in Kelowna, a place which, like so many communities everywhere, is suffering great growing pains. There's always a wait at the bridge which crosses over the lake into town, and there's no way to get around that. We are generally used to a short wait, but during the summer tourist season the wait can and does grow into a one hour or longer affair. Such was the case for us. A little hint to pass along – if you're headed there, make sure you go potty beforehand... I had an agonizing wait. The bridge is being replaced by a new one, but that won't be ready for a year yet.

We went out for lunch and some shopping at the mall. Miles sank into a big easychair (the malls pretty smart to provide these for weary husbands – they surely profit from this!) and waited while we stuck our snorters into the Lush Store. Oh, its a veritable feast for the nasal canals! Intending to merely buy one item for Melanie, she turned it around and we both wound up with three items – something to do with a buy one get one, buy more get some more kinda thing... I ended up with two fizzy bath bombs, as follows:

SUGAR RUSH Can't seem to wake up in the morning? You need a Sugar Rush! As bright as the morning sun and as crisp as your favorite breakfast cereal, Sugar Rush bath bomb will motivate you like jolt of a double espresso. Feel energized with its stimulating cola-inspired fragrance with spicy cassia and cinnamon leaf. Orange oil helps revive while a hint of lavender adds balance. Go ahead, take a bath then take on the day!

BLACKBERRY This was Melanie's choice for me, and when I cut it in half (a whole one is just overkill for me) I found a little comic paper which ready BOOM BOOM! Despite its dark exterior the Blackberry bath bomb is the perfect antidote to winter days and nights. A berry blast with bergamot and frankincense will uplift your spirits and keep you motivated to maintain the resolutions of a new year.

The other item I 'had to have' was a yummy bath melt called You've Been Mangoed. Truly, it is so fresh smelling it makes your mouth water and pucker!– and the description is: If you're lookin for a refreshing pick up rather than a peaceful wind down from your bath - get Mangoed. The citrus explosion of lemon, lime and lemongrass will awaken energy reserves and keep you charged.

What's YOUR favorite Lush product? A gift basket from Lush would be my dream prezzie – I always take away a catalogue and drool over it, thinking “if I had a few hundred fall from the sky...”

Yesterday was our first day back at church this entire summer. The message was so good, and timely. Pastor Ed 'told it like it is' – about Faith. As he spoke my thoughts were brought to a personal revelation that to me, that though Faith is an not considered a verb, to me, it's an action word, its the action of Trust. See, when we Trust, then we move forward in Faith to actually do something. Faith is not passive. Trust is solid. It does not move, and it does not cause us to change (other than in our thinking). Faith, on the other hand, can move mountains. It's believing in what we trust to move ahead – even if it's strange or uncomfortable for us. To me, Faith is like the 'gift' of trust, for if I trust (that God is in control) I may have the gift of Faith, to walk in. Walking in Faith is never walking alone. Walking in Faith is knowing that no matter where the journey takes us, we can be confident it's where God wanted us to go. We can just enjoy the ride! So Trust in God, my friends, and have Faith He's with you, all the way.

1 Corinthians 13:2

If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge,

and if I have a faith that can move mountains,

but have not love, I am nothing.

Matthew 17:20

He replied, "Because you have so little faith.

I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed,

you can say to this mountain, '

Move from here to there' and it will move.

Nothing will be impossible for you."

Mark 10:52

"Go," said Jesus, "your faith has healed you."

Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road.

Ok, that was all my 'heavy stuff' and now I'll get on to some lighter subjects. I have a couple of reader layouts queued up – one is waiting permission to publish here. Actually the one I did recieve the go ahead on is one from GrumpyPup (ok you MUST share the tale of how you chose your username with us ...) I invited GrumpyPup to share a blog site with us, should she have one, and she doesn't ... but her dog Lucy does – and so since this layout is about Lucy, it's fitting! You can visit Lucy's blog by clicking here and thanks so much getting your talented owner to create and share your layout with us!

Film strip © Miles Derksen.

I used the VanDerLee Camouflage Filter for all Camo effects.

Net © GrumpyPup

Journaling reads: Lucy must think that our backyard is being invaded by terrorist (a.k.a. squirrels.) She goes outside everyday racing from tree to tree, looking upwards in hopes of seeing a terrorist. When she sees one, she sits, barking at it while wagging her tail. Occasionally she will see one on the ground searching for food. As she moves slowly, stalking it, she must be thinking, "Oh boy! I know I can catch this terrorist now." Getting closer and closer, she suddenly blasts off like a rocket causing the terrorist to flee to the closest tree.

We were informed that the annual 'star party' which takes place at a local mountain each summer, passed us by... darn. It's quite something, attracting astronomers from all over the world to our area. Well, can't change that, but I found something which is almost as delightful. If you have and use Google Earth, it now has a new feature which allows you to explore the night sky! It's pretty impressive – I've tried it out myself and I can see how this will be a huge asset to educators and up and coming astronomers too. Its as simple as a mouse click on the icon for the sky, and Google Earth swings you up for a view of all the constellations etc. To find out more about Google Sky just click here.

For all you teachers who are returning to school, or already at school – I've got a cute site especially for you. As the weather changes to fall, then into winter you certainly deal with your fair share of colds and runny noses. Who knew they could be useful? Piqued your interest? To find out what I'm talking about (and you get a bonus musical instrument through this too) just click here.

Sorry - no time for Today in History as I'm tutoring this morning. I will try to post again soon. Have a great day folks!

Barb's Handy Tip #301
Where'd You Snap That Photo?

This site is almost mesmerizing, really. Every minute as someone updates their Flickr Photo Gallery, the photo may make it into this feature, which shows you the photo and where it was uploaded from. Kind of a 'living screensaver' of sorts. A bit scary meybe. Good scary. Hint: when you hover over the small preview a large view opens.

FlickrVision (Beta)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Layout Credits:
Papers and Elements: Chili Chocolate by Catharina Oelting at Scrapladies
Font: Rilo

This will be a very brief blog entry today - but had to wish our beautiful daughter here! We love you and are so very proud of you and can't wait to spend the day with you - have marked your time off on the calendar. Hugs and Kisses from both of us!

Amber Flower Download

I just hadda give something pretty away to celebrate - so I hunted up this pretty, something which belonged to my Gramma at one time! I've saved two different versions for you - the first one has no effects added, so those of you who are more advanced can enhance it any way you like! I would love to see how you use this! How bout sending me your layouts and I will feature them here? Just email me at lalalime_at_hotmail_dot_com? (doing it this way to avoid spamming)

Today in History:

Melanie was born, 24 years ago - nothing else seems as relevant or special today! LOL!


Want a NEW CAR?

Really Mel, if we could afford it we would buy you the Real Thing, but for now you will have to make do with one of these amazing little fold up cars. So small they fit in your palm - you should not have any problems parking one of these ... on your desk!


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

if you right-click on the download link, and open it in a new tab or window
you wont' be taken away from today's entry!

Home SWEET Home...

Dorothy really summed it up in the Wizard of Oz, when she proclaimed "There's NO PLACE like home!" Though we had a completely wonderful time at the coast with our folks, it was so good to arrive back. Part of home was with me during our time away - when we shopped or hunted at the yard sales my thoughts were always on how each item would fit in or enhance our home. More about the 'sales' later... so much to tell.

woo hoo!

Firstly, I've been awarded Rocking Girl Blogger by no less than TWO friends! Melanie voted me before we went to the coast for a week, and then Valinda voted me again, not knowing. Thanks to both of you - I'm Rocked! In turn, I'd like to vote the following fab five:

Gina - you Rock because you're so real. You're the sister of my heart. You don't 'pretend' to be someone you're not, and you've shared your journey with us - whether painful or pleasant. You've been an inspiration to me more than you can ever know. In fact, it seems my friend could use a little encouragement right now (& prayer too!)

Becky - You and I are years apart in age - but who's counting or even noticing - you and I 'clicked' from day one, and any differences we have only complement a very special freindship. YOUR blog is often my daily spiritual breakfast.

Cicero - your love for flora and fauna and food... haha, not necessarily in that order... well, you teach me so much. You and I live life much the same - a little away from the hustle and bustle of the world, but able to connect and engage and enjoy it when we find ourselves away. I always look forward to seeing what flower or insect or recipe you will feature next. I just know that when we meet face to face, it won't be a surprize at all - I feel like we're old friends already.

JanMary - I once told you that your blog is like reading a Mauve Binchy novel - your adventures in Northern Ireland and surrounding areas, with your beautiful children and friends make me long for something I can't even put a finger on. I live precariously through your photos and journaling some days... Thanks for sharing and always letting me know when you update your blog as I'm bad at even checking my RSS feed! LOL!

Amy - you never lose confidence in me that I will get our little project done SOMEDAY... lol. And I WILL... One day sparks will fly and we will whip it up in a couple of hours and wonder why we did not do that sooner. Your blog Rocks because besides sharing your life with us and many photos of sweet Emma, you also GIVE so much. Thanks for compiling your freebie lists - I know without your generosity (along with several others) my blog would not receive much of the traffic it does.

So, I am so touched at being selected as your Rockin' Blogger - but I can't take all the praise myself. My blog is only an extension of my faith - and I'm grateful my Lord has enabled me to be able to find some way to entertain and enrich your life. The word that crosses my mind is the word 'worthy' ... which caused me, naturally, to look up the word itself. You found me 'worthy' enough to choose my blog as one of value to your own blog readers.


1. Having worth or merit or value; being honourable or admirable
2. Worthy of being chosen especially as a spouse
3. Having qualities or abilities that merit recognition in some way

And, by now, you also know I'd of course look that up in the bible - this is often the way I do my bible study, is by seeking life's answers and experiences there. The word worthy is mentioned 48 times - and almost always as God being THE one worthy of ALL of our praise. So, when I'm deemed worthy of YOUR awards, I have to give praise to the ONE who enables me to build my blog daily.

Psalm 145:3

Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise;

his greatness no one can fathom.

I always rely on HIM to provide me with my blog content - truly I suck at writing - but if I pray and ask to be filled with stuff for you - I'm always rewarded!

Proverbs 8:6

Listen, for I have worthy things to say;

I open my lips to speak what is right.

And if I can't rightly, fully describe where my blog flows from, perhaps watching the following video can capture it for you. It's a music video by Jason Morant - and it really sums up how I feel - humbled in Him, who provides me with words and creations for you daily. Really.

do you see a face here too?

I can see this blog could get away on me FAST today - I did not even have an element made when I started this a.m. (had to think HARD!) and its gettin' on in the day, and its SUNNY outside, so I'm going to try winding it up pretty fast. I will just hunt out a few handy hints for you and today's history and a great site to keep your appetites whetted for the next one - which won't be for a few more days.

With summer winding to an end, and the kids bored out of their little skulls I've got a few ideas for you to get them thru till you can give them over to their teachers. Here they are:

Take a 'penny walk'... Take a walk through your neighborhood - taking a coin along. Each time you come to a corner, flip the coin to see whether to go left (heads) or right (tails).

Become nature detectives.

Take a digital camera along on your walks. Keep an eye out for any unusual items. Take pics, later look up the items on the internet together.

Trail Tote:

Lizette Castano at the Children's Nature Institute came up with this neat idea:

Pack a canvas bag with the following items -

Egg Carton: Paint the bottom of each compartment a different color, then challenge kids to find natural souvenirs in a matching hue.

Magnifying Glass: Encourage your family to take a closer look at things and discover treasures hidden in plain view, such as the silvery veins on a leaf or tiny mites on a decaying log.

Magnets: Run a strong magnet across the soil to see if iron bits are lurking about (they'll stick to the magnet). For an even greater wow factor, bring a paper plate, top it with soil, then run a magnet underneath it to see the iron bits dance.

Water-filled spray bottle: See how a gentle spritz can change the look of things, such as spiderwebs and color shifting rocks.

Homemade soil slides: Cut a 1/2 inch square in a notecard cover and cover the hole with a piece of clear tape. Press the sticky side against the soil, then use a magnifying glass to discover the individual components.

And to keep yourselves amused (tho I would have enjoyed the previous activities as any kid) - why not send a DQ VIRTUAL cake to someone - all the fun with none of the calories LOL! Just click here to send your cake!

ah, home!

Our beautiful Okanagan fruit and mountains!

Today in History:

1831 - Nat Turner, a former slave, led a violent insurrection in Virginia.

1841 - Venetian blinds were patented by John Hampton of New Orleans, Louisiana.

1878 - The American Bar Association was formed by a group of lawyers in Saratoga Springs, New York.

1888 - The adding machine was patented by William Burroughs of St. Louis, Missouri. The invention bore the Burrough’s office machine company name for years.

1911 - Leonardo da Vinci's most famous painting "Mona Lisa" was stolen from the Louvre Museum in Paris by Italian waiter Vicenzo Perruggia. The painting was recovered two years later. Painted at the beginning of the 16th century, Mona Lisa is believed to be the portrait of Lisa di Noldo Gherardini, wife of Florentine nobleman Francesco del Giocondo. Today the Mona Lisa is behind bullet-proof glass in the Louvre Museum.

1912 - The first boy to reach the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest Boy Scouts of America rank, did so today. His name was Arthur R. Eldred, a resident of Oceanside, New York.

1931 - Babe Ruth of the New York Yankees hit his 600th home run.

1950 - The United Nations moved to a new permanent location at buildings in New York City , on land donated by the Rockefeller family.

1959 - President Dwight Eisenhower signed a proclamation admitting Hawaii as the 50th state of the United States. Two months earlier the Hawaiian electorate had approved a referendum in favor of statehood. The name "Hawaii" is believed to derive from Hawaiki, the former name of Raiatea, an island in French Polynesia.

1961 - The United States and El Salvador signed the first Food for Peace agreement.

1971 - Laura Baugh, just 16-years old, became the youngest winner of the United States Women’s Amateur Golf tournament.

1976 - It was announced by RCA Victor Records that sales of Elvis Presley records passed the 400 million mark.

1990 - The first pictures from Venus by the space probe Magellan showed features similar to volcanoes and valleys on Earth.

1997 - A plastic artificial leg was fitted to a pink flamingo in Lincoln Park Zoo, Illinois. The flamingo, know only as B9720, was believed to be the world's first with an artificial leg.

what can I say?

Get some Color!

I love this site - it causes me to look in for colors in a whole new way, and it's filled with terrific resources! (you can view and download tons of wonderful palettes!) MAKE SURE you explore this entire site - there's a lot to it!!!

COLOURlovers™ is a resource that monitors and influences color trends. COLOURlovers gives the people who use color - whether for ad campaigns, product design, or even in architectural specification - a place to check out a world of color, compare color palettes, submit news and comments, and read color related articles and interviews.

The COLOURlovers™ community is regularly updated with information and examples of the way colors are used in the real world -- along with news articles on color trends and interviews with top creative professionals. Here everyone who is interested in the practical applications of color can find an index of color trends as they are happening. Together, they create a color trend index for the entire world provided by users of color worldwide. It's a tool designers and artists of all kinds use to work with colors in new ways and quickly find out what's hot and what's not. This site allows anyone to find their inspiration for color by searching, sorting and filtering through keywords to a color scheme that interests them... or create and share your own!


Saturday, August 11, 2007

If you right-click on the download link,
and open it in another tab or window,
You won't be taken away from today's blog entry!

Today's element was inspired to me by a Drive In movie sign we pass every time we go across the U.S. border. I used to go to the actual Drive In as a kid, with my family, but it's fallen into disrepair over the years. I wanted to be sure to take a photo of this unique sign before it succumbs to the elements. Now, it's an element for you!

I can't comprehend the fact that summer vacation is coming to an end. I was brought up short when looking at the calendar yesterday - I guess I've been in denial that the days march by without my permission. Usually we've been 5 weeks gone, camping in our VW, but this year we've just stayed put. Don't get me wrong, the Okanagan Valley is THE place to be - as the ads say "the best place on earth"... but it just threw me off time-wise.


We had two busy weeks of company, first with our daughter and then four days with my sister Nina. We don't live close to each other, so we don't get loads of time together - so when we do we pack a LOT in. She was on a mission to gather fruit and and veg at the same time (No, she's not an 'earth mother' or anything like that. We managed to make four types of jams - pineapple/peach, damson plum, chokecherry and cherry. Besides these, we dried a plethora of stuff - peppers, apples, peaches, plums, cherries and nectarines.

We did all the 'touristy' tours about our fine little town - well most things, we did save some things for 'next time'. Fanks for the bestest visit together Sis! You're not so hard to be around! ;) I'm already counting the days until our next visit!

Miles baked too, one of his own delectable creations, this time a coconut ball & pecan cheesecake... mmmm

So here's some trivia and fun things I've hunted up to share with you-all over the past week.

I found these sweet small cube containers which I thought would be perfect to store freezer jam in. Being there's only two of us, these would be ideal! Priced at $6.50 for ten these would be a perfect item to have. They are meant to be the right size for single serving baby-foods - but so what! To view, just click
here - oh, and if you actually have small children, you will love this entire site!

At another site from a Parents magazine, I found this terrific idea, which will appeal to the scrapper in all of us... its a site where you can have photos of your loved ones put into neat items such as cuff-links for your guy, even items for your pet... Just click here

Ever wanted to try on a new hairdo - or makeup, but did not want to have to purchase a computer program? Now you can do it at the Sunsilk site, just upload a picture of yourself and let the fun begin! Just click here to start.

You EAT - or else!

I've been thinking on the word 'rescue' lately, both in terms of the dictionary meaning and in spiritual terms for my life. The dictionary defines rescue as follows:

  • to free from confinement, danger, or evil

  • to take (as a prisoner) forcibly from custody

  • to recover (as a prize) by force

  • to recover (as a prize) by force

So these are the 'official' definitions of the word rescue, but my thoughts were along the path that I've been rescued many, many times in my life. I'm not talking about someone physically taking me from danger, although I am sure that must have occurred as a child (who does not have some things to be rescued from, as we are too young to identify danger?) I was thinking more along the lines of being rescued in other ways. Like when you say something stupid (regretting it instantly too...) and someone 'rescues' you because they see what you need. Or, you get in over your head, financially, and someone rescues you by giving you money (like my Sis did during her visit, when I insisted to pay for the groceries only to arrive at the till and realize I left my wallet at home... really!) Or, you're painting your nails and drop some polish on your fave dress (yes, you never should have painted your nails in your best outfit) and someone does a spot clean with the remover. But its even bigger than this at times...

Do you notice that when someone 'rescues' you, it mostly involves some type of personal sacrifice? That when someone steps up to the plate for you, they shoulder the blame, take the flak? Sometimes, we don't even know we are in any sort of danger, but our 'rescuer' sees what we don't, and they step in to save us from sure pain or sorrow.

And I was thinking how God has rescued me so many times. And mostly, I could not see His hand in it until much later. He has saved me from situations ... and at the time I was completely unaware. In fact, I'm sure that some of the things I prayed for, He denied me, because they would not have been right for me, and when I was disappointed, I should have been grateful He rescued me from some unknown.

Do you know, the bible mentions the word 'rescue' some 122 times? In fact, the entire bible and faith is based on the premise of being rescued, from the world, from evil, from sin, from shame. And after the rescue comes a delivery. Remember, no matter what your situation, our Lord is waiting to rescue you.. . there's no situation He can't help you overcome, if you'll simply ask. I've seen it in my own likfe so many times. Following are a few scriptures and such which impress me and I'd like to share with you.

2 Samuel 22:18

He rescued me from my powerful enemy,

from my foes, who were too strong for me.

2 Samuel 22:20

He brought me out into a spacious place;

he rescued me because he delighted in me.

Nehemiah 9:27

So you handed them over to their enemies, who oppressed them.

But when they were oppressed they cried out to you.

From heaven you heard them,

and in your great compassion

you gave them deliverers,

who rescued them from the hand of their enemies.

Psalm 81:7

In your distress you called and I rescued you,

I answered you out of a thundercloud;

I tested you at the waters of Meribah.


Jeremiah 1:8

Do not be afraid of them,

for I am with you and will rescue you,"

declares the LORD.

Do you know someone YOU can rescue today?

Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as you ever can.

by John Wesley

Today in History:

1492 - Spanish-born Rodrigo de Borja was proclaimed pope, upon which he changed his name to Alexander VI. His historical record appeared to have been mixed: While historians have charged Alexander VI with corruption, including the buying out of church officials to obtain the papacy, he did adopt a policy of tolerance and respect towards Jews.

1860 - The nation's first successful silver mill began operation near Virginia City, Nevada.

1874 - Harry S. Parmelee of New Haven, Connecticut got a patent for the sprinkler head.

1877 - U.S. astronomer Asaph Hall discovered Deimos, a satellite of Mars.

1896 - The pull-chain electric-light socket was patented by Harvey Hubbell of Bridgeport, Connecticut.

1906 - The first sound-on-film motion picture was patented on this date by Eugene Augustin Lauste of Paris, France. The first all-talking movie would not be available for another twelve years.

1909 - The first United States ship to use the "SOS" radio distress call was the liner "Arapahoe". Finding itself in trouble off the coast of North Carolina, the ship sent out an SOS signal which would be received by a ship nearby. SOS does not stand for anything, it was merely adopted as an international distress signal because it is easily transmitted and interpreted.

1919 - Scottish-born American industrialist Andrew Carnegie died at 83. His business grew into one of the largest iron and steel works in the United States from which he made huge bequests, including public libraries in the U.S. and Britain.

1924 - In Washington, DC, the first newsreel pictures of United States presidential candidates were taken.

1934 - The first federal prisoners arrived at the island prison Alcatraz in San Francisco Bay.

1951 - New York City's WCBS-TV broadcast the first color doublheader baseball game. The featured teams were the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Boston Braves, with a Dodgers win, 8-1.

1965 - The Beatles' second movie, Help!, opened in New York to hundreds of waiting teenage fans.

1965 - Karen Yvett Muir, age 12, became the youngest person to break a world record when she swam the 100-yard backstroke in 8.7 seconds at Blackpool, England.

1965 - A minor incident between Marquette Frye, a 21-year-old African American, and two White policemen set off six days of riots in the Los Angeles's South Central neighborhood of Watts. The rioting, during which 34 people died, was caused by a growing racial tension and poor socio-economic conditions among African Americans.

1968 - It was the start of National Apple Week in England. The Beatles launched their new record label, Apple.

Barb's Handy Tip #298

'Do' Your Desktop!

With a zillion really nice desktops out there, it has to be pretty special to interest me... and there are several at the following website that do. I can hardly decide which, in fact, and they are of the highest quality. And they are FREE. And, for my sis-in-law, Judy, theres even some very nice ones for her Vista. Enjoy!


Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Barb's Fun Flowers Element

if you right click and open the download link
in a new browser window
you won't be taken away from today's blog entry!

Just an element for you today - I'm taking some time away to spend with my dear sister, Nina, who's visiting this week. We're busy - well, visiting, obviously... but also with canning and drying a ton of fresh fruits and veggies. We want to squeeze in every possible moment we can, so I'll leave off here, and will fill you in on it all when she and I have to part.

I pray you are all enjoying your summer too!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

if you right-click on the download link, and open the link in another
tab or window, you won't be taken away from today's blog entry!

Oh, I'm so full of oddities... today's element was inspired by a glass doorknob. Really. My friend Gina recognized that immediately - but she has a passion for them! She truly LOVES them... if you have one your not using, pleeeeeeeeeease send her one. She would give it a loving home. She has some wonderful and creative ideas for them. Now, I did not add any extra bevel and embossing to the button, I like to give you that option if you choose. I'd also suggest you try a bit of a drop shadow too. Gina's got a nice freebie link for you too, daily - only one a blog entry and it has to be something she really likes. Click here to go to her blog!

mystery? or not!

I better tell you all too, what the pictures were from my last blog entry. Nobody guessed correctly - but then I did not expect you to, as they were sort of abstract. They were photos of an air mattress. You know the $15 ones you can get at the dollar store? They have a silver bottom and clear top, and baffles in between? Ya, that kind. I did use some filters etc. on the photos - but the mattress was intriguing and I could not resist!

We are having a great visit with our daughter, think she's finally unwinding from work. Dez just loves Sushi, and Miles was listening to some good articles on NPR articles the other day - he thought you may enjoy to learn more about Sushi, and what we think Sushi is! (yes, we've Americanized it - you may be surprised what it's really supposed to be!) Just click here to listen and learn!

layout by blog reader Kim B.

template: Gift Template 2 by
Kim B.
Vintage Watch Element: Barb Derksen

Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful layout with us - and for the great template. Kim has been creating some rockin' templates (FREE!) ... you simply must scoot over and pick yours up today! Just click here to get to Kims blog. I look forward to seeing Templates 5, 6, 7 etc!

Question for blog reader Sybil who left a comment on the last entry - what store do you buy your sweetened condensed milk in at $1 a can - you GOTTA cough up Girl! Do tell!

I'm still drying things around here. So far I've done apricots and cherries and I've got some blueberries, tomatoes, plums and peaches happening out there. During the day when the sun is very hot, I put the trays out in the direct sun, but when night falls, I stack them into the electric part and plug it in. The tomatoes came from the tomatoe fairy, had to, as they were on our doorstep when we came in from a swim the other day! I sliced them up and sprinkled them liberally with my own dried basil, sea salt and freshly ground pepper. mmmmmm... Hey, at this point I will dry ANYTHING! Its fun to watch it all wither up. (and I think boy... that is what happens to our skin if we sat out all day long!) I don't dry everything till its as hard an chewy as shoe leather - I like to leave the center nice and chewy - then I layer my goodies between waxed or parchment paper in plastic containers. Come winter it will be like bringing a little bit of summer out of the freezer!

My brother just sent me an email telling me that some folks are using Listerine Mouthwash as a mosquito repellent, and getting good results. Have you heard of this? Is it effective? Please let me know!

I've got some great news! If you're an ArtRage user (if you're not you should be) ... they just released version 2.5. This new version is $25 for new buyers, but if you bought the last version you can upgrade for free. The new version has some very neat features - yes, I've been playing with them! In particular I'm loving the new STENCILS feature, its just like when you were back in art-class as a kid! You save the stencils as png files and I can see some powerful uses for this. You also have the ability to save colors into sets as well, which you can save. There's a few other neat things I haven't played around with yet. And if you are newbie and have never heard of ArtRage at all - you MUST go and check it out and at least download the free version and unleash the artist in you! Just click here!

I'm feeling moved to leave a word of encouragement here today - for someone. The following scripture and words have been laid on my heart for you!

Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.

I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Psalm. 139:14

Self-love but serves the virtuous mind to wake,
As the small pebble stirs the peaceful lake;
The centre moved, a circle straight succeeds,
Another still and still another spreads;
Friend, parent, neighbour first it will embrace;
His country next; and next all human race.

Alexander Pope

My blog-reader JanMary, who has a blog I don't miss (she emails me when she updates as I requested) well, she 'tagged' me. Its a short tag so I'll take it. I don't 'tag' well. Just so ya know. If you tag me its a hit or miss - she just caught me at a good time. Ok, so I'm supposed to say 8 things you may not know about me. Here goes.

1. I've been stung at least three times this summer. I'm attracting all bugs with stingers. Perhaps its because Miles had a pet black widow spider here for a while (he was filming it for a children's school project) He fed it several big wasps. The spider always won, by the way. One time there was a wasp as big, or bigger than the spider, and she had no problems with it at all! She actually had us glued to the terrarium like we were watching a nature show as she had built her webs from the top to the bottom and she sewed the wasp up good with her web, then she bit it till it died, then she 'winched' it up to the top of the jar to eat! We were in AWE! But I'm off track. Right, wasps/bees. Stinger things. Ok, so my latest sting? Last night we took our daughter out for a sunset stroll. As we were walking on a nicely mowed grassy strip, I must have brushed up a wasp or bee with the hem of my baggy pajama bottoms. It had no way to escape and so it flew up, up, up. Right. I got a good zing on my backside, which had Miles and Dez laughing at me for quite a while. I don't know what smarted more, my backside or my feelings....

2. I love potato chip sandwiches. Plain chips, as high as I can stack them. Bread buttered. Slight bit of ketchup. I think our mom used to give them to us when there was no lettuce to provide a nice crunch in a sandwich.

3. I have a 'happy song'. Whenever I'm really really happy, I hum a little tune. It's just a made up one, and its only a few bars, which I repeat, but you can be guaranteed I'm utterly content when you hear me singing...

4. I dye my eyebrows. Don't worry, I'm super careful never to get any in or around my eyes. But our eyebrows fade in color same as our hair does, and if you simply use a small paintbrush (the kind you use for real painting, a small fine one) and brush over your brows, then use a thick, wet facecloth to wipe it clean before rinsing the rest of your head. You would be amazed what a difference it makes - and they match your hair color. When you think about it some people get their brows tattooed on, or professionally dyed - why not do it yourself?

5. I love toe-rings. More than finger rings, I think.

6. I love candles and incense and smelly bath salts.

7. I can make pizza, from scratch, dough and all, on a campfire. Two months camping on a budget can cause me to try to make anything on a campfire.

8. I like line-dried clothes. I find it relaxing to hang laundry outside. I love the crunch and crispness of clothes and sheets that are dried in the fresh air.

alpacapoolde or poodlepac?

Time to give you'all an Alpaca Update - as I've been feeding you photos over the many months the adventures of our friends Roger and Marie as they raise several of these amazing creatures. Rather than try to reword Marie's words, I'm going to just cut and paste from her email. Thanks so much, Marie, for sharing your escapades with us!

"We finally got the alpacas clipped yesterday. Only took just over an hour to clip the fur on the 4 adults and trim their toenails. He decided the their teeth were ok till next year. As it is so late in the year for clipping, he gave them a cut that makes the look like big poodles, left the fur on their heads, necks, and legs and trimmed their body. Looks like we now have a new animal, maybe called an alpacadoodle, poodlepac. They all look quite funny with their furry heads and trimmed backs.

The alpacas weren't too happy with the trimming but all survived ok. Kyla and Snowflake were the easiest, they both just stood there and let him trim what he wanted. If fact, Fudge came over and started nursing on Kyla while she was being clipped. Frosty was the hardest to do, had to be held down. Emmy Lou just complained loudly the whole time but stood there quite quietly while it was being done. They seem to feel ok with the trimming and are coming around Roger again as he held them while the trimming was being done.

Glad we got it done this week as the weather forecast is predicting hotter weather by the weekend."

Ok, I know that while I'm enjoying the summer and all that comes with it, some of you have to work. Hopefully I can provide you with a little bit of good information and humor thru my blog to help make your day lighter once in a while. I recently came across this ever so funny video which you might enjoy. It's very well done!

And if you enjoyed that one, you might enjoy the following one, which reminds me of myself around things... I am SO CLUMSY!

funny clumsy video

Today in History:

1100 - King William II of England, son of William the Conqueror, was killed by an arrow while hunting in the New Forest.

1492 - Christopher Columbus set sail from Palos, Spain, on a voyage that took him to the present-day Americas.

1589 - Henry III of France was assassinated at St. Cloud by Jacques Clement.

1769 - The city of Los Angeles was named today by Gaspar de Portola, a Spanish army captain, and Juan Crespi, a Franciscan priest. The two were heading north from San Diego and liked the area and decided to call it Nuestra Senora la Reina de Los Angeles de Porciuncula, which translates to, Our Lady the Queen of the Angels of Porciuncula. Porciuncula is a chapel in Italy.

1776 - Members of the Continental Congress began attaching their signatures to the Declaration of Independence.

1791 - The first father and son joint patent was awarded to Samuel Briggs and his son, Samuel Briggs, Jr., for their nail making machine.

1802 - Napoleon Bonaparte of France was declared ``Consul for life,'' giving him the power to name his successor.

1823 - Founded today was "The New York Mirror and Ladies Literary Gazette". Later the weekly newspaper would become a daily release called "New York Mirror".

1824 - In New York City, Fifth Avenue opened. The home to many fashionable stores, Fifth Avenue would become one of the most famous streets in the world.

1835 - United States inventor Elisha Gray born. Founder of the Western Electric Company, he filed a patent on a telephone device only hours after Alexander Graham Bell.

1858 - In the streets of Boston, Massachusetts, and New York City, New York, the first mailboxes were installed. It was in 1848 that the idea of mailboxes started in Belgium.

1876 - Wild Bill (James Butler) Hickok was shot and killed by Jack McCall, a from Texas, in Saloon #10 at Deadwood, Dakota Territory. With his back to the door, Hickok was playing poker when he was shot. McCall shot Wild Bill in the back, and was hanged for it although he never revealed his motive for the shooting. The poker hand Hickok was holding when he died included a pair of black aces and a pair of black eights. This combination would come to be known as the dead man’s hand because of this incident.

1887 - Rowell Hodge, patented barbed wire.

1914 - Germany declared war on France.

1923 - Calvin Coolidge was sworn in as the 30th president of the United States, following the death of Warren G. Harding.

1926 - At the Warner Theatre in New York City, the first demonstration of the Vitaphone system, which combined picture and sound for films, was held. The demonstration film starred John Barrymore and Mary Astor starred.

1934 - Adolf Hitler declared himself Fuehrer on the death of President Hindenberg.

1938 - Tested for the first time today was the yellow baseball in a game between the Brooklyn Dodgers and the St. Louis Cardinals in New York City. The players had no preference for the yellow over the usual white ball.

1939 - Albert Einstein, concerned that German scientists were working on powerful bombs using uranium, wrote to President Roosevelt urging him to start an atomic project.

1949 - The National Basketball Association was formed.

1970 - The British army used rubber bullets for the first time to quell a riot in Northern Ireland.

1984 - Charles Schulz’ award-winning comic strip "Peanuts" was picked up by Portsmouth, Ohio's "Daily Times", making it the first comic strip to appear in 2,000 newspapers.

1998 - Puppeteer Shari Lewis, the children's entertainer who charmed youngsters for decades with furry sidekicks Lamb Chop, Charlie Horse, and Hush Puppy, died of cancer; she was 65. Lewis, diagnosed with uterine cancer in June, was undergoing chemotherapy treatments when she developed pneumonia and died at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, spokeswoman Maggie Begley said. The Emmy Award-winning ventriloquist began cancer treatments 6 weeks earlier and cut short production on her latest PBS children's series, "The Charlie Horse Music Pizza." Lewis and Lamb Chop premiered on television's "The Captain Kangaroo Show" in the mid 1950s, and that single appearance led to her own TV program, "The Shari Lewis Show,'" which ran Saturday mornings on NBC. Lewis won 12 Emmys, including five for her last PBS series, "Lamb Chop's Play-Along." She also wrote more than 60 children's books.

Barb's Handy Tip # 297
Paint Someone Happy!

Very cool. Just surfing with my daughter yesterday and stumbled across this neat site. You can paint a masterpiece to share with someone, even hang in a gallery. The impressive thing is, when you've painted it, you can play it back as it was painted. In case you can't vision this, I will send you to the card I made and sent to my honey. I would love to see your own creations too - how bout sending me a link to my email at I may even complile a list of links just from reader's art? Just click here to see the card I made for Miles! I will also leave the home link to the site below:

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